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Solutions For Holiday Stress with Mark Lickey, MD & David Haase, MD

Solutions For Holiday Stress

Are you ready to take charge of your health? Schedule your free 20-minute discovery call with our New Patient Coordinator to see how you can become a patient at MaxWell Clinic and start your healing journey today.

What do you see?
What are you doing in this scene?
What emotions do you feel?

If you pictured yourself hustling to social events, ushering the family to get-togethers, and checking off a bevy of gifts in a shopping extravaganza, the resulting emotions might’ve been stress and anxiety.

You may have even felt your heart rate speed up just a bit during this little exercise.

The holiday season should be a time of celebration, connection, and joy. But the reality is that we usually find ourselves caught up in the hustle and bustle, leaving little room for relaxation and self-care.

It’s easy to get lost in the chaos, but thankfully, there are ways to stay grounded and not lose years of your life during the holiday season.

In fact, you can emerge on the other side with just as much energy as you started with!

Watch Dr. Lickey and Dr. Haase in this webinar, filled with valuable insights and actionable solutions to help you reclaim the joy of the season:

  • Find creative ways to manage the holidays, including when to take breaks, how to say no, and how to know yourself and your limits.
  • Discover healthy habits you can incorporate this holiday season to help you manage stress and truly care for yourself.
  • Learn how to socialize to fit your own unique personality – one size does not fit all!

You don’t have to neglect your own needs during the holiday season. You can be involved in the festivities and still take care of yourself!

Navigating Stress During the Holidays: A Guide to Wellness

The holiday season, with its festive spirit and gatherings, is a time of joy for many. However, it can also bring added stress and challenges. In a recent discussion at Maxwell Clinic, Dr. Mark Lickey and Dr. David Haase delved into the topic of stress during the holidays, offering insights, coping strategies, and the importance of self-awareness.

Understanding Stress

The conversation began with an exploration of stress and its impact on overall well-being. Dr. Lickey emphasized the significance of recognizing stress not only as a mental and emotional challenge but also as a physiological load on the body. Stress, in various forms, contributes to what is termed allostatic load—a constant strain on our system.

The Biological Cascade of Stress

Dr. Haase highlighted the interconnectedness of stress and its effects on the body, mentioning the role of adrenal glands. Chronic stress can lead to adrenal fatigue, impacting the body’s ability to manage stress effectively. The discussion touched upon the importance of acknowledging different forms of stress, including physical, emotional, and environmental factors.

Learning from Challenging Situations

Both doctors stressed the potential for personal growth and learning in the face of challenging situations. Dr. Lickey shared his perspective on adopting an observer state during stress, recognizing that there is often an opportunity to gain wisdom from adversity. This shift in mindset, viewing stress as a potential learning experience, can bring a sense of empowerment and resilience.

Grieving and Acknowledging Loss

The conversation expanded to the theme of grief and loss during the holiday season. Dr. Haase emphasized the importance of honoring and expressing grief, as unaddressed grief can contribute to a heightened allostatic load. Acknowledging loss, whether through the absence of a loved one or the experience of a traumatic event, is a crucial step in managing stress during this time.

Managing Expectations and Boundaries

Navigating family dynamics, expectations, and social obligations during the holidays can be challenging. Dr. Lickey highlighted the significance of knowing oneself and setting boundaries. Recognizing whether one is an extrovert or introvert can guide decisions on social engagements, ensuring a balance between connection and self-care.

Constructive Responses to Stress

The doctors emphasized the importance of responding constructively to stress, using it as a catalyst for positive change. Dr. Haase shared a case where a patient’s severe anxiety during the holidays was traced back to a traumatic experience with Christmas trees. This highlighted the potential benefits of therapeutic interventions, such as ketamine, to alleviate depressive loops triggered by specific holiday-related stimuli.

Building Holistic Health

A holistic approach to health was underscored throughout the discussion. Dr. Lickey emphasized the need to address not only mental and emotional aspects but also factors like sleep, nutrition, and overall biological well-being. The metaphor of a stress “bucket” was used to illustrate how various stressors, when unmanaged, can overflow and contribute to health issues.

Conclusion: The Gift of Presence

As the conversation concluded, both doctors expressed the idea that stress, when approached with awareness, can offer valuable insights and opportunities for growth. The holiday season, with its inherent stressors, can be viewed as a gift—a chance to learn, adapt, and prioritize well-being.

In conclusion, the holiday season is a time to embrace the gift of presence, not just in the material sense but in being present with oneself and others. By understanding stress, acknowledging loss, and responding constructively, individuals can navigate the holidays with resilience and well-being.

Remember, the key to a healthier holiday season lies in self-awareness, constructive responses, and the cultivation of a holistic approach to well-being.

Are you ready to take charge of your health? Schedule your free 20-minute discovery call with our New Patient Coordinator to see how you can become a patient at MaxWell Clinic and start your healing journey today.

here we are in the holiday season uh coming rapidly upon us actually we’re in the middle of it towards the end but uh
wanted to say hi from Maxwell clinic and welcome my friend and colleague Dr David
hosi who’s agreed to join me on this lovely winter morning um I guess first
day of winter right oh it is I think it is I just just realized that um so we
just wanted to talk about stress because uh the holidays tend to carry with them
a lot of extra stress there’s a lot going on U I don’t know about you but
I’ve got a lot going on yeah yeah every everybody does you know it’s it’s mixed with a lot of emotions it is and and we
recognize in Maxell Clinic that stress and inflammation are like the two
biggies it is yeah the two biggies when we’re going to really help somebody move
from a place of unwellness to a place of more max Wellness how do how do stress
is at the top of the list and so so many things start coming out now yes uh and
we just know a lot more than we used to about the downstream effects of stress it’s just so many things about the the
kind of biological Cascade waterfall that happen and it’s just it’s not good
for us to be under chronic stress I mean we we have to have the ability to deal with stress and that’s why we have
certain parts of our what we call our autonomic nervous system our flight or fight response but that’s not supposed
to be on all the time and and the holiday season can tend to turn that on
a little bit too much if we’re not careful yeah um so we want to talk a little bit today um in a way this is
this is part two of of a series because uh last month uh Lan Lavin who is our
one of our nurse practitioners here at Maxwell Clinic talked a bit about about biohacking your way through the holidays
we’re going to more Focus uh more just on on stress and how to deal with the stress of the
holiday but uh so Mark where does stress come from uh it can come from a lot of
different places you know it can come from work it can come from family it can come from just situations that we don’t
expect um I mean it’s a lot of different places you can name I’m sure a few more
I I but I would I would would maybe respectfully take a different view on that okay that all stress happens
between your ears yes that is true it’s it’s not necessarily the situation that
you find yourself in but how you react to your situation or act towards your
situation yeah yeah and I got it kind of offended with the first time somebody’s told that to me you know your stress is
all happening between your ears like you know you don’t know my life you don’t know my life you jerk
so and but but I was as I started to reflect on I was going like oh wow um
that’s actually a really empowering thought that we that we are literally
creating our stress response yeah and and that if we if we Embrace that idea
that it’s not everything out there that is the problem but but really what’s how
I respond to it just as you said how do I respond to it is is is the problem and
like is also the solution solution right and so it’s and I think that just that’s one thing I always loved it like B do do
you feel that at home like if you’re as far as stress could you just wait for when you think of all the stress going
on can you just for a moment imagine that that’s all happening inside of you and you’re the one your brain is the one
that’s creating it it’s challenging thought isn’t it right and so but also it’s an incredibly
empowering thought because now you have huge capacity uh by changing your mind
changing your brain changing your thoughts changing your beliefs you know this is huge opportunity yeah and you
know I think that one of the things that uh a lot of people have challenges with
including myself is how do I create space for what I need or the the things
that I can do to have a less stressful
holiday season and there are some things you know there there are things that are out of our control and there there are
things that are in our control during this time um and I think one of the things that you know because we’re being
bombarded with so many things and invitations to this and that like okay well what what do I need what makes
sense for me during this time knowing yourself knowing your limits because sometimes we can definitely overextend
ourselves and and so just taking some time and planning planning ahead and say
okay how do I want this holiday season to go how’ that look for you yeah for me
um I think that that’s a big thing for me I I can tend to say yes to too many things um like just last night I had
something that came up that was a possibility to go to a concert and you
know I was feeling pretty rund down yesterday and it’s I had to say no um
even though that’s something I enjoy but it didn’t make sense for last night yeah and uh Mark’s quite a
musician and so this is a this is an amazing time of the year for him I mean
uh the music flows through his veins and so uh this you know I bet it right now
and because so much the church music is amazing right now right right so I me I
I very much enjoy that and for me that is a way for me to decrease my stress um
you know I’m I’m both involved in I’m involved in my church with with music and and that has been a real de-stressor
for me because that’s how I can get rid of some of my stress because the only thing I can think about when I’m
involved in music is that I can’t think about the Myriad of things that are
going on in the rest of my life in the holiday season and the busyness of all this and so I think that’s good you know
not just you know for me that that’s what works but maybe for you it’s to doing something totally different like
you know I think creativity is super important and that we all are innately creative but it’s like where does your
creativity come out and that can be a big de-stressor during this times like
maybe you like paint or you like to do crafts crafts are great this time of year and you know maybe making presence
for people that is a a distressor for you that’s great you’re describing what
some would call a flow state right Flow State of kind of getting into this space of like wow I’m paying so much attention
to this that I have actually forgot thinking about myself and my current
circumstances you know we we talk a lot about we do quantitative eegs and brain mapping and things here and and you can
actually see in the brain that there are different networks there’s your attention Network and your default Network and your default network is
really holding that sense of self like who am I what am I how am I and and
that’s what I think gets conflicted in stress States right where something isn’t fitting for me like wasting how I
understand myself to be isn’t fitting with how the world is right now and and
what’s coming up around me and I don’t feel safe I don’t feel nurtured I don’t feel supported all of those those are
the default network searching the world to make sure that we’re okay and when we
turn so that yeah we want to deal directly with that and we do that with things like neuro feedback but we also
want to deal with it by what you just said is giving our attention turning on
our attention Network to something that is brings us joy getting into a flow
State and so what is that for you what is what is that thing that you lose time
on because you’re literally when by turning that intense attention on you’re giving this other part of your brain
that is kind of the the cognitive home of stress a break and then when you when
you stop doing that activity then oh that cognitive home of stress can kind of come back online and but it it can
it’s had a break it’s had some time off and so you can sort through the
challenges of family coming in and the challenges of of having okay navigating
everybody’s expectations and navigating your own internal dialogue all that
becomes easier when you’ve given it a Break by getting into a flow state with maybe
exercise um you arts and crafts you said music I mean you know that’s something
that we both enjoy doing and it’s kind of a creative Outlet um and so that’s
you know just another example and this is a time to cook uh you know family time and coming together around food and
that’s that’s another place where where that kind of can come out and you can focus all your energy but you know it’s
also can be a time as well I tell you how cooking kind of bit me in bit my stress butt
sure so my mom my sweet mom 88 years old and she found the recipe to my favorite
cookies and sent me some from South Dakota I’m if you’re listening I love you those are amazing
cookies but but they weren’t cookies that were actually the best for my
immune system and so but man when you get little packets of love from your mom
you’re going okay I’m in but but the rest of that day was very mentally
emotionally stressful for me because I don’t do well with dairy and and um and
um but and I think it’s always there’s this compounding effect in a holiday because people are often bringing in a
lot of extra sugar eating things that often turn on your immune side of your
stress system and then that makes the mental emotional side even more challenged so I had to give myself a
little love I had to say all right I got to embibe a little bit of
Mama’s goodness and I’m a little bit irritable now and a little bit edgy and
um and unfortunately that the people around me had to I had to inform them of that and so and then that got better but
but understanding yourself giving yourself some permission for giving yourself a little bit and and
recognizing that this is a dance of life things are going to come and go anyway
it’s it’s there’s biologic sides to these things as well and then that comes back to giving yourself permission to
live I mean we we we want we want everybody to live their best life
possible right and that’s going to be an EB and flow yeah and you know we’re not as you
said it’s like giving yourself some Grace um you know it we’re not going to do everything perfectly and and you are
going to eat some things probably that you wouldn’t normally eat during this during this time of year and that’s
that’s okay but I think for me it’s like I can’t overdo it if I overdo it then
I’m not going to feel good at all and that does not put put me in a good place and you know one of the things that
stress does whether the stress is coming from what we eat or the emotional stress is that it really affects our immune
system this is the time of year where there’s a lot of stuff going on as far as different viruses that are that are
hitting us and and I’m sure you’ve got friends and family who are all dealing with that or maybe you are um and it’s
like okay how do I take care of myself so that my immune system doesn’t go down
so that I’m GNA catch all this stuff because that kind of makes the holidays
a little more stressful if you’re sick during the holidays um and you know another thing
that that you’ve brought up is is family stuff because that can definitely be stressful and and
expectations um you know I think we all kind of have expectations of how things are going to go during the holidays I
had an expectation uh during this holiday season that that didn’t turn out the way
I thought um one of the things that I learn and this is this is a props to my
therapist is that if you give yourself 72 hours after you have this
stressor that everything looks different you know the emotions calm down your
flight or fight systems calm down and and you’re able to have a lot better perspective um and actually because of
this I I took advantage of my resources which is I had access to my therapist
and I actually had a therapy session last week because I needed to just work through this this family situation and I
came out feeling a lot better A lot more calm but by that by the time I saw him I
already had 72 hours and I was already starting to feel better so that was just a a one of those wisdom things that I’ve
been passed down to that’s been passed down to me that that’s been helpful in my life like things that don’t go the
way you expect and that it’s super stressful and it brings up a lot of emotions like give it 72 hours things
will look a lot different oh yeah that that’s great what that brings up for me is the power of
awareness because one of the great first steps as an antidote to stress is
awareness of instead of being caught up in the I was thought thought of a time I
was surfing uh off of the coast of California and I got caught in um they
call the the washing machine or the spin cycle and I got I got thrown down and
and I had no control whatsoever where my body was going to go I had there was no
I did not know if I was emerging out of that wave and uh being frosted around
and around and around and around and and that’s a horrible feeling to have feel
like you’re getting pulled in a wear or pulled in a place that you can’t go and stress can feel that way you can get
into a Vortex and and it can really have that physical sensation almost like
being inside of that wave and the first thing that they teach you far as getting
out of a wave like that is just become aware become aware uh don’t fight the
wave but become aware and and it’s not to do anything but become aware and I
think that’s such a useful that has been very useful in my own life to go when
I’m in a stressful circumstance I have a a family conflict I have uh a
disappointment of you know somebody not showing up like they thought they were show up a disappointment in myself not
showing up as I wanted to show up um the first thing is become aware and just sit
like you said give yourself 72 hours and and go like okay I’m stressed and be the
Observer of yourself because you you know there is there is that there is
that P that there is that uh person that’s having the stress and then interestingly enough there’s also a
voice or an observer that’s inside of you that is watching you have the stress
that’s aware that you are stressed and it’s great to go to that space of being
The Observer and and becoming aware of everything that’s going on for a moment
even as you’re in the middle of that deeply stressful and challenging
situation and uh that can be such a gift then then stress can be your teacher you
know we we talk a lot about how your symptoms and your labs and everything
that’s maybe a challenge is really your teacher if you allow it to be and but if
you’re not aware then you’re just going to continue to be in that spin cycle and
not find a natural way out of that and um and go catch your next wave and surf
life a little more enjoyably again yeah I mean I’ve definitely found
that and this has taken me a while to get to this place but I guess that’s the the gift of age is is that when we find
ourselves in these challenging situations uh and and I think that they tend to be exponential
uh happening at a rapid rate I think during the holidays is that there is
always something to learn on the other side of a challenging situation and and
I think what I what I’ve found is that kind of going to that Observer state is like okay here I am in in an emotionally
or whatever kind of stressful situation okay I know from my past
experiences that I’m might actually learn something and gain some wisdom out of what’s going on right now and it that
really helps give me perspective like okay even though we we tend to want to
think of things in black and white good and bad and it’s like okay I may be thinking of this as a bad situation but
yet there’s always this good on the other side and so it it changes my perspective as far as the current
situation because like okay this is a learning opportunity for me which is
cool and and it’s it’s not always super comfortable but it makes it in a way
more comfortable being comfortable in the uncomfortable um so that’s that’s
something that that I’ve learned over time and it does tend to come up more during the holidays something else that
comes up during the holidays for a lot of people is is grief and loss um either there’s something that is
an anniversary of a of grief or loss or there’s somebody that’s no longer with you during the holidays and that’s
that’s really tough for people and I think that’s part of the reason why there tends to be more depression during the holidays for a lot of people but one
of the things that I have found with with both myself and my patients is we need to honor that loss and grieve that
loss um i’ I’ve found that that grief that is not expressed and actually
allowing yourself to go through that grief causes a lot of stress on the body
because we we internalize it and then you know there’s there’s this this book called the body keeps the score which
I’m sure a lot of you have have heard of and it’s like our body hangs on to that stress and then it can come out in all
sorts of physical ways um and that that can be really devastating to our bodies um but but
honor that that grief that loss you know it’s okay to cry during the holidays you
need that time and space to go do that so and really a grief is grief is the
process of the emotion of loss and and and when we lose something um and
experience that sadness that often becomes the raw material for deeper
compassion for more profound capacity to love um you know the people that you
know and you’re probably one of of them who has experienced incredible boss and
heartache um if you look back that has tendered your spirit but has probably
made you you know a better human and and that’s it’s a hard thing that we go
through you know the this forging of a soul that goes on through the course of our life is not something that is uh
easy U but wow is it can it be beautiful I think that you know I go back to this
default Network you know that grief kind of lives in that default Network this
sense of who we are and when we lose something we kind of have to change our
our neurologic representation of that we have to change how we are wired to shift
a and develop a new definition of our self and changing our mind is actually a
physical activity it’s a physical activity we have to grow new synapses we have to make new connections we pull
back others and so the healthier the tissue of the brain is the more people
can adapt to grief I often wonder about this that in because we’ve see some
really vibrant healthy bodies come through the clinic that are very old and
I’ve always been amazed how well they adapt grief so even even if their
relationship was profound and their loss from the outside is terrible if they bi
biologically healthy they’re able to adapt better if they’re biologically
unhealthy they have a much harder time dealing with grief so when grief is lingering it’s
important to think of the body mind it is important to think of ourselves as a
true holistic being that everything matters towards our ex our expression
and our experience of life and um so if you if you also if you find I think
what’s challenging about the holidays is not only just those the what we experience ourselves but we see our
family experiencing yeah a lot of people are going to go home and see family members that are stressed out depressed
anxious are losing their memory wow the number of people that call into our Clinic after the holidays about their
family members who are losing their memory spikes incredibly uh because
people people haven’t been around each other for a while show up and now now this stress of okay now what am I going
to do mom is really starting to slip here uh what what are we going to do
about this um or or I don’t want to be in that same situation I see my parents
going through what am I going to do about this and stress can cause us to act so in that in that way as well we
can be with the stress and then it can also cause us to see out different solutions right yeah I think that’s a
good point about um when we’ve got something that’s pushing on us like how
do we how do we respond to that do we respond constructively and say Hey
listen maybe there is something that we can do about Mom’s memory um you know
unfortunately here at Maxwell Clinic we have a lot to offer for those kind of things um and you know but but yeah
being constructive with the stress that does come along is important um and you
know during this time it’s it’s good to know yourself and and to respond
accordingly you know like you’re an extrovert and so it’s like so an
extrovert what do they do they get their their refill from being with people so
like for you it’s important that you don’t isolate and you know it’s very
natural for you to be with people but an introvert like they need their time to
be alone at times during the holidays I think for for introverts this time of year is probably more difficult because
it’s harder probably to be alone you don’t want to isolate but sometimes you’re being pulled and everything’s all
about social activities and stuff and and maybe if you’re if you know that you’re an introvert and you need your
alone time that’s like okay I need to I need to have a little break to to get
myself the recharge that I need and not go constantly and being you know parties all the time and stuff because that
that’ll wear you down and when our bodies get worn down there’s all sorts of things that can go wrong um and you
know I found that you know talking about chronic stress uh I’ve gotten I’ve had
an interest um especially this year in Long Co and what I’ve noticed is there
is this recurring theme with long Co of people who are under massive amounts of
stress maybe not dealing with it very well for long periods of time before
they got Co and then once once they have covid they’re much more likely to end up
with long-term effects of covid and um so you know we we burn our candles at
both ends um it’s hard on what on our adrenal gland or adrenal glands um are
they they are kind of like a gland that helps support us during stress but they
can only do so much when we’re kind of pounding at them all the time and we’re
massively stressed out all the time they were out and actually that’s something that was found in a study uh earlier
this year that patients with long covid their adrenal glands are just wiped out yeah and you
know the when you say when we say stress isn’t it interesting I wonder how many
definitions of stress are in people’s minds right now as we say that because
the experience thereof is is and we we’ve I’ve noticed we’ve shifted we’ve
used stress many different ways because stress is is just in many ways the load
upon our system how much load the the load that is against our functioning
right sometimes people we call it allostatic load which literally means um
the the the always present um
adverse load on us and so it’s not just the mental emotional stuff but like you said the when you have a long time maybe
sleep deprivation uh you have maybe a poor nutritional status maybe you have
chronic infections toxin buildup all of those are part of your allostatic load it’s
like your bucket fill up and and and then Along Comes Co and
you’ve had a pretty full bucket already Y and then that covid costs a bucket to
run over and then covid kind of gets all the blame oh oh it’s all the covid but
it was all this stuff leading up to it if you want because if you really want to get to the want to get people well
you have to go back to the bucket yeah exactly back to the bucket let’s let’s let’s dump the
bucket you know it’s and it creates biological trash and and when we have
too much biological trash and our bodies just don’t have the ability to clean that up then then we’re in trouble yeah
um and we just want to live in a state where we’re we’re able to empty that
trash uh and and live a full life live a whole life um and and being being
mindful of the different parts of our life that can kind of get out of balance
yeah I don’t know if there’s a whole lot else we need to say how are we doing on time we’re about right on time yeah um
the I want just come back to asserting what we said from the
beginning that your you have tremendous potential for living a vibrant life and
stress the the sensations of stress are really important for us to um
honor right you have to honor the these Sensations be be aware ask your body
what’s it teaching you what’s going on here ask yourself well how could I be better
nourished what load Could I Let Go of at this time what what help could I reach
out for I mean we both love our therapist yes okay you know and and I
think that that having somebody conf itial that you can speak to to work
through those things that are eroding you in your in your mind space I think
that’s an incredible uh tool to use um if you’re stuck you know um there’s many
ways to get unstuck aied right and U ketamine actually I
bring that up because you know the we had a um a patient of mind we were
talking about preparing for this talk and it brought up for me um how
triggering the holidays can be for a lot of people and um one of the patients that most grieved me in my early career
was a dear woman who went into horrible panic and anxiety around every holiday
season as soon as the holiday season started she was just like a Cat on a Hot
Tin Roof and distressed and anxious and and um had to be psychiatrically
hospitalized a couple of times and then as soon as New Year’s would hit boom she
was back to her old self again wow and and it was a very very distressing thing
she came to me after that had gone on many times and we talked about it and um
I actually get down to the fact that she recognized that Christmas trees uh the this this thing that gives us a a meme
right of a memory of of triggering uh she had a very traumatic experience that has happened as a young girl around a
Christmas tree so Christmas lights and Christmas trees and things like that would throw her into a really severe
place and we were able to get there by asking the question okay what does this
mean to you being aware of that and oh do I wish I had ketamine available for
her at that time because the ability for her to be able to get out of that
depressive loop I think could have been um could have been helped a lot um therapy then she was able to start down
that therapeutic path but and um um you know it’s uh we never
know what people are carrying that is very true we never know and nobody knows
what you’re carrying either okay unless you talk about it or at least you’re
unless you’re open to what’s going on inside yourself and explore exploring
that exploring the things that are hidden so if you’re having stress
um maybe consider inviting that feeling in as a gift in consider inviting that
in as oh my body is trying to tell me something that something my load is too
high here I I I need to unload something or I need to draw in a new resources of
biological resour ources of nutrition of sleep of of maybe I need to kick
somebody out of my my circle yeah maybe I need a detox a relationship right you
know um maybe I need to maybe you need to build some new healthier
relationships so and and I think this is a opportunity for people to become aware
and to listen to their own B’s wisdom as they are on this journey of Life yeah
you know and I think that’s that’s a good kind of way to wrap up is to think of the holidays have many gifts and I
think there’s obvious gifts um including the presents that we give each other but
you know the gifts of just the holiday season and and being you know having friends and family around and and people
like like I’ve got a couple of friends that I get to go see out in California which is where I grew up that I haven’t
seen in a long time which I’m that’s a gift to me but also that the stress is a
gift because in our aware Wess we can learn things and and actually grow as a
result and that that’s a gift um we don’t always think of it that way but
stepping back giving yourself some perspective that’s that’s a true gift
and we get we get more of that opportunity during this stressful time
yeah awesome well Dr licky mark thank you for your presence today thank you
for your presence as well exactly and I think I I uh give the gift of presence
uh this holiday season to your friends and family probably the most important present that it’s ever given uh
certainly the one I like to receive the most yeah so all right well thanks for joining us uh and happy holidays Merry
Christmas bye

This blog provides general information and discussions about health and related subjects. The information and other content provided in this blog, website or in any linked materials are not intended and should not be considered, or used as a substitute for, medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. This blog does not constitute the practice of any medical, nursing or other professional health care advice, diagnosis or treatment. We cannot diagnose conditions, provide second opinions or make specific treatment recommendations through this blog or website.

If you or any other person has a medical concern, you should consult with your health care provider or seek other professional medical treatment immediately. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something that you have read on this blog, website or in any linked materials. If you are experiencing a medical emergency, please call 911 or call for emergency medical help on the nearest telephone immediately.

H. Mark Lickey, MD

Dr. Lickey believes that healing the whole person is what leads to true health.