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H.O.P.E.™: Habitat Optimizing Plasma Exchange

Hope for Alzheimer’s, Dementia, Memory Loss, Autoimmune Disease, and more

Backed by Science
Cutting-Edge Technology
Out-patient Procedure

At MaxWell Clinic, we are proud to pioneer a transformative approach to Therapeutic Plasma Exchange (TPE) — we call it H.O.P.E.™ : Habitat Optimizing Plasma Exchange

With aging, the bloodstream accumulates “rusty” proteins and “sticky” molecules that can detrimentally impact both brain and body functions. Given that the blood serves as the vital nourishing river for your cells, its health significantly influences cellular well-being.

This innovative process is not just an advancement in medical treatment; it’s a new horizon in personalized healthcare, offering new hope for longevity and conditions such as Alzheimer’s, cognitive decline, and autoimmune diseases. 

What is H.O.P.E.™?

H.O.P.E.™ stands for Habitat Optimizing Plasma Exchange, our patented process that enhances the traditional Therapeutic Plasma Exchange (TPE) by integrating targeted augmentation strategies tailored to the individual. Our philosophy is simple yet profound: every cell in our body resides in a habitat — the plasma. By optimizing this habitat, we create the best conditions for health, akin to preparing the most fertile soil for seeds to flourish. In this analogy, the ‘soil’ is the plasma that nurtures your cells, and the ‘seeds’ are your stem cells, ready to activate and repair whenever the body needs.


Why H.O.P.E.™?

Just as healthy soil is essential for seed growth, a healthy plasma environment is critical for the well-being of your cells. H.O.P.E.™ aims to enhance this foundation, promoting overall health and longevity.

Tailored to You

Every individual’s health journey is unique. H.O.P.E. recognizes and addresses this by offering a personalized approach to plasma exchange. Through a meticulous assessment of your health status, genetic predispositions, and specific goals, we craft a personalized H.O.P.E. plan. This plan may include the addition of proteins, growth factors, biologic compounds, or other supplements to the replacement plasma, precisely aimed at supporting your cells in their repair and regeneration tasks.

Supports Natural Repair

Research, supported by both animal and human studies, shows that optimizing the cellular environment rejuvenates stem cells. This means that as we tailor this environment, your body can experience a remarkable rejuvenation similar to rediscovering youthful vigor. Stem cells, revitalized in this way, become more effective at repairing and regenerating tissues. This process has the potential to lead to a significant improvement in overall well-being and vitality, as your cells regain their youthful resilience.

When we clean the blood, the body and brain work better.

How does Therapeutic Plasma Exchange work?

The body is designed to heal. Through Therapeutic Plasma Exchange, we remove certain harmful substances circulating in your plasma to nourish your cellular habitat and support your regenerative factors. Every component removed or added alters the cellular communication, signaling either health or disease and degeneration. H.O.P.E. is about extracting harmful elements and infusing tailored goodness that is uniquely designed for you.

Here's how we do it:


Using an IV needle, we draw blood from a vein in your arm and introduce it into our state-of-the-art apheresis machine.


Within the apheresis machine, your aged, polluted plasma undergoes separation from your blood cells. Blood cells are preserved, while your original plasma is discarded.


The new solution of freshly-cleaned blood is infused back into your body, supporting your body and brain’s ability to fight degeneration. Your treatment plan may also include the addition of proteins, growth factors, biologic compounds, or other supplements to the replacement plasma, precisely aimed at supporting your cells in their repair and regeneration tasks.

Some of our patients have reported the following improvements after completing H.O.P.E.™: Habitat Optimizing Plasma Exchange:

Improved Energy
Improved Mood
Improved Sleep
Less Pain
Decreased fatigue
Better recovery from exercise
Improved speech capability
Improved mental clarity
Improved problem-solving skills

*Therapeutic Plasma Exchange may be one element of a treatment plan. Repeated plasma exchanges may be necessary. Individual results may vary, testimonials are not claimed to represent typical results.

For 10 years I was told by conventional doctors that there was nothing they could do about my progressive weakness and nerve pain. I was losing my independence, and I felt hopeless.

Then Dr. Haase introduced me to Therapeutic Plasma Exchange, and the results have been nothing short of life-changing. After only a few treatments, my pain decreased significantly, and I’m happy to report that I am no longer on any medication for pain at all! My balance has improved, I’m actually growing new muscle and I have increased mental clarity…I feel like I got my life back.

Charles S.

I found out I had the Alzheimer's gene a few years ago. I was frustrated that I wasn't performing well at work, and I often flew off the handle at things that didn't bother me before. Because I have a family history of Alzheimer's, I knew these were early signs of the disease, and if I didn't do something, I would eventually pass away in the manner my mother and my brother did. I was depressed and anxious and felt like I was losing control. I was concerned about my future, but more importantly about the impact I would have on my family and business. It's not just about me; it's about the big picture.

At MaxWell Clinic, I was shown how to improve my diet and what supplements could help, but I also wanted to do everything I possibly could, so I also started Therapeutic Plasma Exchange. This combination of treatments has given me balance again. My whole persona has changed. Now I'm more relaxed, and my mental clarity has improved. I can do things from memory that I couldn't do before. I feel 20 years younger, and I'm actually enjoying life again!

Gary S.

I'm a very strong person, but I have to admit when we found out my husband had the Alzheimer's gene, I felt anxiety. We run a business together, and I often noticed him sitting at his desk, resting his forehead in his hands, saying, "I just can't think." He was visibly frustrated. He had also started to grow increasingly irate at some of our staff and began having anger outbursts. I felt scared for him and me and everyone else involved. We were afraid of how the disease would progress, and we knew we had to do something.

After a series of Therapeutic Plasma Exchange treatments, my husband is a changed person! He's calmer and doesn't go off on tirades anymore. He has more energy and is more forgiving to all those around him. I feel such relief and am so grateful! Before I felt confused about what was wrong with him and wondered why he was like he was, Now I feel relaxed and we're looking forward to the future! We feel like we've got a second chance at life!

Cheryl S. - wife of RPE patient

Conditions that may be improved with H.O.P.E.™ Therapeutic Plasma Exchange:

  • Alzheimers
  • Dementia
  • Memory Loss
  • Cognitive Decline
  • Autoimmune Disease
  • Hyperviscosity Syndrome
  • Hyperviscosity Syndrome (from Long-COVID-19)
  • Guillain-Barré Syndrome
  • Myasthenia Gravis
  • Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy
  • Hyperviscosity (thick blood) in Hypergammaglobulinemia
  • Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (TTP)
  • Wilson’s Disease
  • Rheumatologic Disease

See our recent article for a more expansive list with references
Therapeutic Plasma Exchange has the potential to improve a wide variety of conditions including those listed above.

This is not an exhaustive list. Any condition with an autoimmune, degenerative, or neurologic component has the potential to improve with Therapeutic Plasma Exchange.

Your health is your most valuable asset.

With H.O.P.E.™ we’re not just treating symptoms; we’re fundamentally enhancing the body’s ability to heal and thrive. This process offers renewed hope for individuals seeking to improve their quality of life, combat aging, and address challenging health conditions.

H.O.P.E. for Autoimmune Disease

We believe your autoimmune disease shouldn’t control you. Therapeutic Plasma Exchange is an FDA approved treatment for many autoimmune diseases.

H.O.P.E. for Cognitive Decline

We understand how scary memory loss can be. A large study showed Therapeutic Plasma Exchange reduced the rate of decline of moderate dementia by over 60% in 14 months.

H.O.P.E. for Vibrant Longevity

We know you’re driven to be the best you can be. We use FDA approved medical devices during this procedure to help you fight your body and brain limitations.

This innovative therapy has the potential to slow down the rate of brain and body degeneration.
At MaxWell Clinic, we're committed to advancing healthcare through innovation, personalized care, and the relentless pursuit of excellence. H.O.P.E.™ is more than a treatment; it's a commitment to your health, your longevity, and your well-being.
Regenerative Plasma Exchange MaxWell Clinic

Contact MaxWell Clinic to schedule your initial H.O.P.E.™ consultation.

We'll conduct a thorough medical intake, tailor a personalized plan for you, address all your inquiries, and guide you through the steps to begin your journey toward optimized health.

Have your first H.O.P.E.™ treatment.

Your treatment plan is tailored to you and each procedure can last anywhere from 2- 4 hours. Your individual health journey is unique. H.O.P.E.™ recognizes and addresses this by offering a very personalized approach to plasma exchange.

Nourish your body and brain.

Support your body and brain’s natural repair. By creating an optimal habitat for your stem cells, H.O.P.E.™ facilitates natural and efficient cell repair and regeneration.

Download our free H.O.P.E.™ Brochure.

Complete the form and receive in-depth information about this innovative therapy.

HOPE Habit Optimizing Plasma Exchange

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Have questions about our Plasma Exchange Program?

Call us at 615-370-0091 or send us a message and get your questions answered.

Blog: Therapeutic Plasma Exchange

Elevate Your Health with Habitat Optimizing Plasma Exchange (HOPE) in Nashville, TN

Hello everyone, I’m Dr. David Haase, and I’m excited to take you on an enlightening journey into the world of Habitat Optimizing Plasma Exchange (HOPE). Today, I have the pleasure of sitting with my dear friend George, who is currently undergoing his 29th plasma exchange. George’s proactive approach to health has led him to experience the incredible benefits of plasma exchange, not just for optimizing his health and performance, but also for addressing substantial health issues.

Top Docs Vodcast with David Haase, MD on Therapeutic Plasma Exchange

Dr. Haase talks with Bill Klaproth about the benefits of Therapeutic Plasma Exchange. This Innovative therapy has the potential to slow down the rate of brain and body degeneration. It’s an established medical procedure that is usually used to treat severe autoimmune disease. It is now is finding some really interesting and useful applications to promote longevity, as well as treating and reversing neurocognitive disease, which would be
things like dementia.

Videos on Therapeutic Plasma Exchange

Frequently Asked Questions

Who can benefit from Therapeutic Plasma Exchange?

As more data emerges and clinical trials are performed, it is becoming clear that neurodegeneration and diseases associated with aging such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and frailty have the potential for improvement with Therapeutic Plasma Exchange. Animal studies have shown that removing old plasma and replacing it with fresh albumin creates a cleaner and healthier environment that encourages stem cells to behave as if they were younger. This is essentially the process that occurs in the Therapeutic Plasma Exchange as it is delivered at MaxWell Clinic.

How often will I need it?

The exact frequency of repeated therapy needed to achieve optimal results for each condition is unknown and decided on a patient to patient basis. We expect those who are otherwise healthy and are undergoing regenerative therapies to optimize their long-term health to receive a plasma exchange procedure once every 2 – 6 months based on their response to the initial Therapeutic Plasma Exchange treatment.

Individuals suffering from Alzheimer’s in large multi-national, multi-center, randomized placebo-controlled trials where benefit was shown, followed a protocol of 4-6 plasma exchange procedures done weekly followed by once a month plasma exchange to slow, stop, and even reverse the process of neurodegeneration. We use this standard as a starting point and customize according to individual patient response. We also use this protocol as a foundation for approaching patients with other neurodegenerative and age-associated conditions in the hopes of slowing down symptom progression and reversing degenerative processes.

Individuals who are highly biologically burdened with auto-antibodies, toxins, mis-folded proteins, signals of senescence, and cellular debris are expected to need a higher frequency of repeated procedures. In the case of acutely ill patients with Guilian-Barre this frequency may be daily. However, in the outpatient setting, individuals with chronic degenerative disease need far fewer such procedures.

How can you tell if it's working?

We track your progress by assessing how you feel and function as well as recommend blood tests and procedures that help quantify how “biologically old” you are. Some reported benefits thus far include improved exercise tolerance, improved cognitive function as well as improved microvascular perfusion. If you proceed with Therapeutic Plasma Exchange, we will collect various lab values and data to research and track these observed symptomatic benefits.

Will supportive therapies be prescribed?

Additional supportive therapies may be recommended and ordered to optimize your Therapeutic Plasma Exchange experience according to your individual needs.

Looking for Dr. Haase's TED Talk, "Regenerating H.O.P.E. for Dementia"?

Could it be that dementia has had no meaningful treatment advances in the last 15 years because we are asking the wrong questions? Systems Medicine pioneer David Haase, MD integrates science, philosophy, data, and inspiring experiences from his innovative medical practice to reveal new possibilities for creating health, optimizing human performance, and reversing dementia. View his TED Talk here.

How much does Therapeutic Plasma Exchange cost?

Therapeutic Plasma Exchange is not inexpensive, with its specialized equipment, costly materials, specialty staff, and time commitment. However, to make this innovative, out-patient therapy more accessible to more people, we provide it at less than half of what the charge would be in a hospital. If you would like detailed cost information, please call MaxWell Clinic at (615) 370-0091.