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Boosting Cognitive Function: Proven Strategies You Can Implement at Home

Boosting Cognitive Function: Proven Strategies You Can Implement at Home

In today's fast-paced world, maintaining optimal cognitive function is more crucial than ever. From managing daily tasks to excelling in our professional lives, our brain health directly impacts our overall well-being. While many factors influence cognitive function, there are several evidence-based strategies rooted in functional medicine that you can easily incorporate into your daily routine to boost your brain health.
Early Signs of Cognitive Decline: When to Seek Help

Early Signs of Cognitive Decline: When to Seek Help

Contrary to popular belief, memory decline is not a normal part of aging. While occasional forgetfulness, like misplacing keys or forgetting a name, can happen to anyone, persistent cognitive decline is a serious concern that requires attention. At MaxWell Clinic, we offer comprehensive treatments and testing to help you or your loved ones manage and potentially reverse cognitive decline. Early detection and intervention are crucial for optimal outcomes.
Unlocking Your Brain’s Potential: Advanced Tips for Optimal Cognitive Health

Unlocking Your Brain’s Potential: Advanced Tips for Optimal Cognitive Health

At MaxWell Clinic, we understand that maintaining brain health is paramount to overall well-being. Our brain is the epicenter of our emotions, thoughts, and bodily functions, making its health critical for a fulfilling life. Let's delve into some innovative and fresh strategies to keep your brain in peak condition.
Solutions For Holiday Stress with Mark Lickey, MD & David Haase, MD

Solutions For Holiday Stress

What do you see? What are you doing in this scene? What emotions do you feel? If you pictured yourself hustling to social events, ushering the family to get-togethers, and checking off a bevy of gifts in a shopping extravaganza, the resulting emotions might’ve been stress and anxiety.
Luann Lavin, APRN, FNP - MaxWell Clinic

Biohacking Your Way Through the Holidays: Food, Frenzy, and Fatigue

The holiday season is just around the corner and with it comes a whirlwind of joy and anticipation. But it can also bring a host of challenges to your health including food temptations, hectic schedules, and inevitable fatigue as the season’s demands crowd out the holiday cheer.
100 Years to Live: What the Blue Zones Teach Us About Health & Longevity

100 Years to Live: What the Blue Zones Teach Us About Health & Longevity

Have you seen the Netflix series "Live to 100: Secrets of the Blue Zones"? Okinawan centenarians crouch and lift themselves off the floor like limber teenagers. Sardinian seniors make the daily climb up and down hundreds of mountainous stairs to church. Groups of mixed generations gather to eat, laugh, care for each other, and play games.
Dr Woods Dr Hooper webinar

Roadblocks to Healing: How Past Traumas Affect Your Physiology

Trauma is a deeply disturbing experience that overwhelms our ability to respond and cope with a situation. When people think of trauma, they often associate it with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), which is one of the most common types of trauma. However, trauma comes in various forms, and its impact goes beyond psychological effects. In this blog post, we aim to introduce the concept of trauma, both Big T and Little T, and shed light on how it affects the body in numerous ways, ultimately influencing one's life. It is crucial to address and heal from trauma not only from a psychological standpoint but also from a physical, psychospiritual, and social perspective.
Firstbeat Life: Understanding Your Patterns of Stress and Recovery

Firstbeat Life: Understanding Your Patterns of Stress and Recovery

Summer is finally here! The slower pace means less stress…more time to recover. Life is like that, isn’t it? There’s always a delicate stress-recovery balance. Our bodies are like that, too. Although stress is a normal part of life, chronic stress has major, adverse effects on your health.
Heart Rate Variability: What It Tells Us About Stress & Recovery with David M. Ferris, Jr., MD, MPH

Heart Rate Variability: What It Tells Us About Stress & Recovery

Do you want to learn about your stress patterns? Stress is a normal part of life. But when it becomes chronic, it can have serious health consequences. In this group visit, I’ll show you how Firstbeat HRV technology can help you better understand these patterns of stress and recovery, so you can take simple actions to improve the quality of your life.
Supplementation for Your Health: The Skinny on Supplements with David Haase, MD

Supplementation for Your Health: The Skinny on Supplements

I know you want to be healthy and live a long life and supplements are a tool we use to help you do this. Sadly, the truth is that not all supplements are created equal and It can be hard to find out which ones are worth your time or money. That's why I have researched and investigated supplement makers, toured factories, and studied independent analyses of their finished products for years. I want to provide only the best quality supplements to enable you to reach your Maximum Wellness.