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Working With a Functional Medicine Doctor

Functional medicine is not really a specialty. It’s an updated way of organizing medical information and practicing medicine. It enables those clinicians that are trained in its methods to understand each individual patient as a complex whole and find the underlying causes of disease and dysfunction.

The Five “R”s of Gut Restoration

What happens when your gut doesn’t function properly? Problems with your gut can lead to more than just stomach aches, gas, and bloating. Your gastrointestinal system is a highly complex system involving trillions of living organisms alongside your own human cells.

Heal Your Mind and Body Through Breathing

What if there was a type of medicine that could instantly reduce stress and anxiety? Even better, imagine if there were an endless supply of this medicine, and you could get it for free at a moment's notice wherever you were. Imagine if every side effect of this medicine were a positive one.

What is Autoimmunity (really)?

Your immune system is smart. It learns from each challenge it encounters...Until it doesn’t…Autoimmunity occurs when your immune system gets confused and starts reacting to healthy tissue in your body.

The Miracle of Stress

Stress is everywhere… Our inboxes, social media feeds, and televisions subject us to a constant stream of stressful material. That’s because crises and disasters get more viewership than “everything running smoothly”. Even the word “stress” itself is a cause of stress...

Warning! Not all supplements are created equal.

Supplements, when used correctly, really do make people feel better. But using supplements correctly means knowing what’s in the bottles... You cannot tell how effective a supplement is just by looking at the label.

Struggling With Chronic Fatigue and Pain Syndrome?

Are You Struggling With Chronic Fatigue and Pain Syndrome? Do you have chronic pain and fatigue? If you do, you are not alone! Chronic pain and fatigue are two common symptoms of many chronic illnesses.