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Boost Your Immune System for Stress-Free Travels: Tips from MaxWell Clinic

Boost Your Immune System for Stress-Free Travels: Tips from MaxWell Clinic

Exploring new places can be incredibly exciting, but it also brings unique health challenges. Factors like crowded airports, new environments, stress, and alterations in your diet and sleep schedule can impact your immune system. Ensuring your body is ready to tackle these challenges is essential for a smooth and healthy trip. Here are some expert tips from MaxWell Clinic to help enhance your immunity before you travel.

What is Autoimmunity (really)?

Your immune system is smart. It learns from each challenge it encounters...Until it doesn’t…Autoimmunity occurs when your immune system gets confused and starts reacting to healthy tissue in your body.

Eat for Longevity!

People are living longer today than ever before. Yet, the elderly may not be living as healthy a lifestyle as in previous generations. Proper nutrition can help protect cellular health, reduce inflammation and improve the immune system. Diet is a major player in determining how well you age.

Cold & Flu Season

Nobody likes getting sick or feeling under the weather. Today’s viral and bacterial infections are increasingly complex and threatening. Live healthier and take a PROACTIVE approach to warding off colds and flu.

Why Anti-Supplement Blogging Makes Great Click-Bait

Sensationalized articles about the dangers of supplements are a growing trend on the internet. Find out why nutritional supplements receive so much negative press compared to their more intrusive pharmaceutical alternatives, and learn about how we are thriving despite this.

Cold + Flu Season: Immune Support for Boosting Immune System

The immune system is difficult to understand until you recognize that it’s your department of defense. It has amazing capabilities for protection and defense but also has the potential for utter destruction. Because your immune system is your department of defense, when an invader is identified, a response