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Strategies for Lowering Cholesterol with Alisson Molinares, RD

Strategies for Lowering Cholesterol

Are you ready to take charge of your health? Schedule your free 20-minute discovery call with our New Patient Coordinator to see how you can become a patient at MaxWell Clinic and start your healing journey today.

Cholesterol gets a lot of attention. It’s tested every year. You know your number, your doctor knows your number… your friends may even know your number.

But do you know how to optimize your number?

You probably know that your diet affects your cholesterol level, but it can be confusing to figure out which foods to eat and which to avoid. By learning how different foods work in your body, you can begin to lower your cholesterol and reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease.

Watch the video to learn more about cholesterol:

  • Learn 2 common misconceptions about cholesterol and how they might be harming your health.
  • Find out what 2 supplements you can take to improve your cholesterol.
  • And discover 5 things to focus on for cholesterol health and why they’re helpful.

Maintaining a healthy cholesterol level is crucial for cardiovascular health. In this guide, we will explore effective strategies for lowering cholesterol, covering dietary choices, lifestyle modifications, and supplements that can contribute to improved heart health.

Reduce Saturated Fats and Trans Fats:

Saturated fats are known to increase LDL (low-density lipoprotein) cholesterol levels, contributing to the buildup of plaque in arteries. Foods rich in saturated fats include fatty meats, butter, cheese, and tropical oils like palm and coconut oil. To address this, consider reducing the consumption of these foods without completely eliminating them from your diet. Moderation is key.

Trans fats, often found in processed and fried foods, also raise LDL cholesterol and lower HDL (high-density lipoprotein) cholesterol. Minimizing the intake of foods containing trans fats is vital for overall heart health.

Increase Healthy Fats:

Swap saturated fats with healthier alternatives such as polyunsaturated fats. These fats, found in fatty fish (salmon, herring), nuts, seeds, avocados, and olive oil, have been shown to decrease total and LDL cholesterol levels. Additionally, these healthy fats promote anti-inflammatory effects and support overall heart function.

Limit Refined Carbohydrates and Added Sugars

While refined carbohydrates and added sugars are commonly associated with blood sugar concerns, they also impact cholesterol levels. Studies suggest that replacing saturated fat with refined carbohydrates and sugars can increase triglycerides and small, dense LDL particles. Opt for complex carbohydrates, such as whole grains, and minimize the consumption of sugary foods and beverages to support heart health.

Fiber-Rich Diet

Fiber plays a crucial role in cholesterol management. It binds to cholesterol in the small intestine, preventing its absorption into the bloodstream. Fruits, vegetables, legumes, and whole grains are excellent sources of dietary fiber. Aim for 25 to 30 grams of fiber daily, prioritizing non-starchy vegetables as a significant portion of your plate. This not only supports cholesterol reduction but also aids in digestion and overall gut health.

Regular Exercise

Physical activity has numerous benefits for heart health, including the optimization of HDL cholesterol levels. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate to high-intensity exercise most days of the week. Exercise not only contributes to cholesterol management but also aids in triglyceride reduction and insulin sensitivity.

Consider Supplements

Certain supplements may complement lifestyle changes in managing cholesterol levels. Psyllium fiber supplements can be beneficial for those struggling to meet their dietary fiber needs. Bergamot-containing supplements exhibit antioxidant properties, supporting healthy lipid and glucose metabolism. Consult with a healthcare professional before incorporating any supplements into your routine.

Moderation with Eggs

Contrary to past concerns, moderate egg consumption is generally considered safe for most individuals. Eggs are a nutritious source of protein and essential nutrients. The cholesterol content in egg yolks is not a significant concern when part of a balanced diet. However, it’s essential to be mindful of overall saturated fat intake. Including eggs in your diet in moderation can be part of a heart-healthy eating plan.

Stay Hydrated

Adequate hydration supports overall health, and it may also play a role in cholesterol management. Water helps the body flush out waste, including excess cholesterol. Aim to drink plenty of water throughout the day, as dehydration may impact various bodily functions, including lipid metabolism.


In summary, adopting a heart-healthy lifestyle involves a combination of dietary choices, regular physical activity, and, when necessary, appropriate supplementation. These strategies not only address cholesterol levels but also contribute to overall well-being. Remember, individual responses to dietary changes may vary, so it’s essential to monitor cholesterol levels and consult with healthcare professionals for personalized guidance.

Implementing these strategies can contribute to better heart health and support your journey towards optimal cholesterol levels. Remember, small, consistent changes can lead to significant improvements over time.

Are you ready to take charge of your health? Schedule your free 20-minute discovery call with our New Patient Coordinator to see how you can become a patient at MaxWell Clinic and start your healing journey today.

all right here we go so hi welcome everyone thank you so much for taking the time to join me today i’m excited to
have this time with you and and hopefully that i bring some some good information to you so
my name is alison molinares i am the registered dietitian at maxwell um for those of you who have not had the
opportunity to meet just yet um and i feel like there is a few of you who i do get to work with um or i have gotten to
work with so today we are going to be discussing strategies for lowering cholesterol and
um this is a topic that i think is very important because i i discuss it very often there is not maybe a few days that
i go without without talking cholesterol and that’s because it impacts a lot of us maybe uh you yourself or a family
member but this is something that has affected a lot of us and so it’s important to to
talk about it so before i even get started um i do want to just do a little housekeeping um
before i forget if you do have any questions during the entire presentation you are muted but go ahead and put in
your questions in the q a box and i’ll try to get to it at the end um of the visit of the group visit um in case my
internet goes out just hold on the screen may go black for a few minutes um but that’s just me trying to jump on a
hot spot so don’t log off just give me a few minutes until i find a hot spot hopefully we won’t have any issues with that today
um so as i was saying we are doing strategies for lowering cholesterol and i want to ask you what is the first thing that comes to mind when you think
of cholesterol the second the word cholesterol is uttered what is the first word that comes to mind
so um i asked this because i’ve asked that a few times and it’s usually a negative connotation it’s usually a bad or high
or not good need to bring it down there’s usually a negative connotation with cholesterol and in the need to
bring it down um so i want to talk to you about not just how to lower cholesterol but a little
bit more on you know what cholesterol is and why does our body make it so cholesterol is a waxy fat substance and
there is a purpose to it your body is not making it you know um out of random and so i want to share with you a few of
those functions that cholesterol has so for those of you who do not know
cholesterol actually helps with the cell membrane integrity and fluidity it allows that cell membrane to maintain
that shape and form so cholesterol actually binds to the hydrophobic tails as you see in that image there um of the
phospholipids and it causes them to pack a little more tightly together it’s a little more rigid and less fluid
unlike animal uh from like plant cells and fungi cells we don’t have cell walls animal cells do not have cell walls and
so therefore cholesterol is actually help with helping us maintain that shape that’s one of its many functions a very
important one if i do say so um now cholesterol is actually also found in the myelin sheath or the uh
covered nerve endings and it helps to protect insulate and helps with conductivity of those uh nerve impulses
so it is very very important we want to make sure those nerve endings are nice
and protected now it is also a precursor for vitamin d and bile acid as well as
many hormones including cortisol estrogen testosterone aldosterone so
cholesterol has really really big important functions in our body all over our body i mean it’s
touching hormones um it’s important in bile acid production and
our nerve endings as well as our cell membranes and that’s all over um
now some studies have actually found that there is an association between low serum cholesterol and increased death
rate so the lower the cholesterol the higher the death rate in this studies now there’s also been some studies suggesting that a very low cholesterol
can actually be associated with worse mental health and so
huge huge role that cholesterol has and a very low cholesterol is also not ideal
we do need it there is functions for our body so i want to point you know i wanted to point these out because like i
said there is a preconceived notion that cholesterol is bad it must be decreased at all costs and get it to a very low
level and that’s not necessarily the case so what is the big deal
why do i even need to worry about cholesterol if it’s that important if there is that you know big of a function
it does so many things why do i need to lower it um like most things if there’s
too much there can be a problem and so really thinking about the optimal levels and
the low level too high of level so we want to be not happy between where your body is using what it needs but not
excess too much can can be a problem and i’m sure you’ve heard of what that problem might be elevated cholesterol is
a risk factor associated with cardiovascular disease cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in
the u.s for both women and men and that plaque buildup
in your arteries can lead to strokes and heart attacks so it’s very important that we are
monitoring our cholesterol this is why your clinicians your doctors uh are always
telling you if needed to lower that cholesterol to be mindful of it because we are trying to prevent heart disease
that is the root issue with cholesterol so it’s not just cholesterol on its own needs to come down but the why and it is
because we are trying to prevent um parentheses and it’s so um
you know it’s the leading cause and it has been for years so we want to be mindful of that now i do want to share with you the
cardiovascular disease risk factors because they are non-modifiable meaning we can’t necessarily change those but
there are some that you can change and impact so some non-modifiable risk factors would be our age you can’t we
can’t change our age our gender can’t change that either genetic factors
genetics plays a huge role when it comes to your lipid metabolism so that plays a big role and we know race and ethnicity
black indigenous and people of color are at more risk for complications of heart
disease so those non-modifiable risk factors we can’t change but if you notice on the right side there’s quite a
big long list of modifiable risk factors things that you are in control of
including blood pressure um according to the cdc nearly half of
adults in the united states have hypertension and that’s defined as a
systolic blood pressure above 130 and a diastolic at 80 or above
80 or that you are taking medication for hypertension and only one in four adults
or about 20 of people with hypertension have their condition under control so
that’s a huge modifiable risk factor and clearly it’s impacting almost half of
adults in the united states now smoking smoking is another one that we know it exposes us to chemicals that promote
free radical formation and increases that oxidative damage diabetes um
cardiovascular disease is the main cause of death among people with diabetes and if you have diabetes you can actually be
up to four more four times more likely to have a heart attack or strip so diabetes is a huge
modifiable risk factor um you can be up to four times more likely to have a heart attack or a stroke
if you have diabetes so that’s something that we really want to look into not just lowering cholesterol but really paying attention to that other
modifiable risk factor physical inactivity as well as obesity and what we’ll be talking about today is um
high blood cholesterol so cholesterol particles we probably
have heard of of a few of these um so we have the ldl or the bad
cholesterol because we know that if it builds up um that’s blocking your arteries it can increase your risk for
heart disease that’s how it has the bad cholesterol name um and then you have hdl or the good cholesterol because it
absorbs ldl from the body and carries it into your liver where it can be you know broken down and
processed getting taken out of the system um that’s why hcl has gotten that good cholesterol uh name and then you
have triglycerides which are stores of excess fat now um as a maxwell patient you’ve probably
noticed that your clinician is not just looking at your total cholesterol ldl and hdl the test
that they are doing is going to be um a little bit more in depth and is going to have a bigger
breakdown of the tour of your cholesterol particles it’s not just the these main ones right here um they don’t
just look at the total cholesterol but the particle breakdown like i said and when we start talking about that we look
at the amount of particles of that ldl that you have how much is there off that
ldl and then you’re also looking at the size of it i love the analogy of a beach ball and a
golf ball because when we look at cholesterol we like for there to be more of the large and fluffy or beach ball
style cholesterol particle versus the smaller and denser or golf ball um
size particle so we want it to be large and fluffy and not as much as this small and dense and
that’s because of the atherogenic effect that the small ldl can have so a therogen atherogenic meaning it tends to
promote the formation of the fatty plaque in the arteries it’s more likely to promote that plaque
that’s what a theriogenic or a thyrogenicity means and so we see that the theriogenicity of a graded number
greater number meaning more of the small ldl comes in that it has that apob lipoprinting so
that apolipoprotein b is in each a small ldl particle and b
mean that there are more of them so if there’s a larger amount of that small ldl it becomes more therogenic
so the apob may provoke may provoke that uh atherogenicity are more likely to
cause the small um the plaque buildup because it can be entrapped in those arterial walls so i think of it as you
know beach balls bouncing around in there they’re not as likely to get into the arterial walls whereas the smaller
denser particles are more likely to hit those arteries um a little bit harder and because of that april like the
protein b as you can see on that other image over here um they’re more likely to get entrapped in there
now ldl with a hybrid protein infiltrates arterial wall and that leads to inflammation and the growth of black
so as soon as they are infiltrating they are going to be building that plaque in there
so just to recap larger fluffy particles are going to be preferred opposed to a bunch of small
denser particles now that’s not to say that we want to ignore the large fluffy particles because if there are
too many of them that can also be a problem but we really want to focus on the type of particle that it is the
smaller uh denser ones or the larger and and fluffy ones and then we do look at the amount of both of those
so now what happens to the ldl also matters oxidation is a type of chemical
destabilization on the molecule such as ldl so it is a modification of both the lipid and the
apolipa protein b so oxidation of ldl increases its atherogenicity so meaning
it is it makes it more likely to to form black um
and so it’s not only the smaller denser particles but is the ldl also oxidized so high plasma and plaque levels of
oxidized ldr are correlated with vulnerability and rupturing of the um atheroscleroid lesions so
those lesions that are in your in your artery wall are more likely to rupture um if they come in contact with that
oxidized ldl okay so the oxidized ldl technically becomes
more reactive with the surrounding areas and the tissue and it produces more inflammation and that’s why we always talk about inflammation and we talk
about it quite often because we don’t want um oxidized bell deal and that brings me to
what are some risk factors what makes my my ldl that it’s already there more oxidizable so um a diet that is high in
trans fats so we’re talking french fries fried chicken baked goods like donuts
cookies and yes even pies i know that’s given us a protein and that’s not to say don’t have any but being mindful that um
those foods have trans fats and that’s what leads to more of that oxidized ldl smoking we mentioned that smoking
increases that oxidative damage and the free radical formation orally controlled diabetes can also make your ldl more
oxidizable and therefore more etheriogenic metabolic syndrome which often is a
precursor of diabetes can oftentimes lead to more oxidized ldl as
well as exposure to toxins through pollution and preservatives and stress
so those are all things that you also can help and work on to help
decrease the number of oxidized ldl which is like i said worse than
non-oxidized ldl because it makes it more platforming so just some risk factors that also if
you look at all of these things can also help decrease um
cardiovascular disease risk as well so they kind of go hand in hand now
how can i lower my cholesterol i know this is the question i want to i wanted to keep this very
concise and clear as to strategies that you can do to lower your cholesterol steps that you can take today because
like i said that’s a modifiable risk factor and so i want to give you some ways in which you can do this
so decreasing saturated fats this may come as no surprise for a lot of you because this is what we’ve heard over time
saturated fats are kind of a building block for your cholesterol they increase your ldl cholesterol by inhibiting the
ldl receptor activity and they enhance the production of lipoproteins that
contain the apolipoprotein b so decreasing saturated fats would be
huge um i know that i get the question often of well i see people that eat saturated
fats all the time they’re eating you know butter and beef and you know they have no issues at all with their
cholesterol so i do want to point that there are intrinsic differences in the regulation of lipid metabolism from one
person to the next um and the way that you respond to saturated fats is completely or can be completely
different than someone else now there have been static studies themselves um showing an association if any of you
have heard of some genetic testing an association between the apoe4 allele
with a graded ldl response to saturated fats meaning if you have that apo
e4 allele you’re more likely to react to these saturated fats than someone who does not so that just goes to show that
it this is why you may be eating no saturated fats yet your body responds to them very quickly where someone else
may um be eating them a lot more regularly and have no issues with your ldl cholesterol so do know that there is
a difference in our bodies and how they respond to these things now i want to share that the journal of american
college of cardiology actually found that a reduction in saturated fats had a protective
effect against strokes and i think that’s a big deal because a lot of times we think that well new
studies have been coming out that decreasing saturated fats does not necessarily impact all the cholesterol
but it does have a protective effect against the stroke which is one of the main things that we are trying to prevent so
something to to keep in mind now like i said some sources of saturated fat as you can see listed below include fatty
meats fatty cuts of meat like sausages bacon cured meat salami chorizo pancetta
cheese butter palm and coconut oil some of them are a few tropical plants including the coconut and the palm um
and those are the foods that we want to decrease like i said i don’t necessarily mean completely avoid or eliminate but
we do want to decrease maybe taking a look at well how often am i having red meats and what what type of red meats
are am i getting fast food out or is it something that i’m buying at home and i know that it’s a leaner cut um am i
cooking with with butter or coconut oil all the time so again these are some small changes that
you can make with your food plan and your nourishment plan um and it does not
necessarily have to be completely avoiding saturated fats but one of the things that you can do to help prevent
stroke lower your cholesterol would be to decrease those saturated fats
now other one would be to increase those healthy fats so a replacement of saturated fats with polyunsaturated fats
has been shown to decrease total and ldl cholesterol so healthy fats can help lower that inflammation that we know
happens with an oxidized ldl and with those small ldl particles entering the arterial walls and it can actually help
deactivate some enzymes that play a role in oxidation so those healthy fats are really gonna help with that inflammation
piece um and they’re also gonna help increase your hdl levels which we know are the ones that are
taking out that excess ldl that is roaming around um in the system so
healthy fats actually help lower um your total and ldl cholesterol by
by lowering the cholesterol production and or increasing the ldl clearance rates meaning how quickly is is going
away so those healthy fats are believed to have an antioxidant effect and it can um really help with the
inflammation so increasing healthy fats would mean fatty fish getting low mercury
healthy fatty fish like your salmon herring anchovy sardines for example nuts and seeds you have avocados olives
olive or avocado oil increasing those and making sure that you are having them regularly in your food plan to again
help lower that inflammation raise those hdl levels and help decrease that total and ldl cholesterol
step two in your quest for lowering cholesterol now
something that a lot of people don’t think about is actually refined carbohydrates in sugar now we know that they are not good for us but we think of
them more in terms of lowering blood sugars which we know it’s important we don’t want metabolic
syndrome and or diabetes and so in that sense it makes sense to decrease refined carbohydrates and sugars but actually
some studies have shown that a replacement of saturated fat by refined carbohydrates and sugars increases
triglycerides we kind of knew that but it also increases that small dense ldl particles so that’s a question i get
often how do i lower my small dense ldl particles we know reducing the saturated fats and trans fats
obviously decrease the the large ldl particles but it is the refined carbohydrates in sugar that
actually help lower that small dense ldl particles so oxidation is a process that we know
um makes things more atherogenic but glycation is also a process we should be
familiar with so um glycation is the non-enzymatic binding of glucose
to protein molecules and it can increase the theriogenic potential of ldl so just
like it says it is binding that glucose to the protein molecules and increasing
the atherogenicity so we want to decrease the refined carbohydrates and sugars um an evaluation data from about
6 000 adults participating in the nhanes survey showed a positive correlation between
added sugars and dyslipidemia or a
this meaning dysbiosis you think of an issue with
your lipids and so it’s showing that you know those added sugars
can cause a problem with your lipids and that’s the study done on tons of people so metabolic some metabolic abnormalities
that are associated with glycation of ldl would include that glycolyl is more easily oxidized as well so not only is
it glycated but now it’s more easily oxidized meaning even more etheriogenic it also diminishes the recognition of
ldl by the ldl receptors and because it’s changing that form
you’re adding now glucose to it those receptors are not you know when ldl tries to attach to it they are not
recognizing it as well it also increases the binding of ldl to the vessels of the blood vessels
which is not great um and it also generates free radicals and results in
oxidative damage to the lipid and protein components of ldl into any nearby molecules so we want to
prevent oxidation and glycation so glycation is happening when the glucose is binding to that
protein we want to make sure we decrease the amount of those refined carbohydrates and sugars therefore
reducing our glucose intake slightly and fermenting our ideal particles from also
being glycated now the next item this is one that i
preach about all the time and that would be fiber fiber binds to cholesterol in the small intestine and
prevents it from entering the bloodstream so if you are have a high fiber intake you’re binding that cholesterol and just
taking it out and that’s exactly what we want that’s how we lower our cholesterol um fruits and vegetables are also as we
know rich in antioxidants um and with natural anti-inflammatory properties that may help reduce the oxidation of
ldl so preventing oxidation we’re preventing glycation and that fiber is really
binding to it and getting rid of the cholesterol we want to aim for 25 to
30 grams of fiber per day um i think
i i think that this image would be very helpful and i discussed this image often because a lot of times we feel that we
are consuming enough fiber that we are getting to those 25 to 30 grams of fiber um
and you may be but a lot of times i’m noticing that we are maybe overestimating how much fiber we’re
consuming so if you look for example at the vegetable section if you’re having maybe a cup of broccoli or brussels
sprouts at dinner time or lunch time you’re getting maybe about five grams of fiber
if you’re someone that for example does intermittent fasting which can be great and beneficial that means that you’re
getting maybe two meals a day and that means that if lunch has one maybe two cups of vegetables and so does uh dinner
you’re maybe getting to the 20 grams of fiber but not necessarily and so i
really want you guys to look at this chart maybe take a screenshot of it and pay attention to
how many cups you’re doing if we’re trying to get to 25 and 30 grams even higher we really need to be consuming
two upwards of three cups of vegetables per day now there are other foods obviously as you see that do increase
that fiber including chia seeds i always recommend you know working up on the chia seeds and trying to use that on a
daily basis to act as a fiber supplement if you will um fruits also do have some
fiber but as you see for example a kiwi will have two grams of fiber um there are some fruits that will have more but
if you’re only consuming a fourth cup of raspberries you’re not getting the egg grams of fiber from that you would from
a cup of it legumes are great for fiber you get a cup of black beans and you’re consuming
about 50 grams of fiber so making sure that you use this maybe put it on your refrigerator and work your
way up to you know guesstimating am i really getting the 25 30 grams of fiber on a daily basis
when i talk to patients i will recommend that half of their plate is non-starchy vegetables in this category right here
on the left where you’re getting your asparagus and broccolis and brussels sprouts zucchini squashes we want two to
three cups half of your plate full of fiber and fiber not only helps with you know
binding that cholesterol fiber also helps improve digestion digestion and absorption um most of us know that if we
could consume fiber we may struggle with constipation and constipation can actually prevent you from excreting that
excess cholesterol so detoxification is very important and fiber also helps with that
it can help reduce blood pressure which we know is another risk factor modifiable risk factor for
cardiovascular disease it actually helps with reduce the risk of colon cancer and it
can help slow the release of glucose into the bloodstream so if you are struggling with diabetes or metabolic
syndrome or um you have any issues regulating blood sugars
fiber is going to be very helpful in reducing or slowing down that release of
glucose into the body so it will be a surge of sugar or glucose and you will have elevated blood sugars
so many many important aspects of fiber um and they all play a role in helping
with that cardiovascular disease so making sure we’re getting enough of that is huge now increasing exercise now a lot of us
know that exercise is important but did you know exercise is actually associated with optimal hdl levels we know that
getting at least those 30 minutes of moderate to high activity can actually boost those hdl levels and like we said
hdl helps bind that excess ldl from the body take it back to the liver so it can get processed and taken out
so exercise is going to be very important with that exercise can also help decrease triglycerides you’re burning those excess stores of fat
and it can also help with insulin resistance and blood sugar management you’re using up that glucose you’re burning off
um the excess fats and increasing hdl so make sure that you are getting at least
30 minutes of moderate to high intensity activity if tolerated of course
most days of the week now something um some of you may be
familiar with there are some supplements that can help us um with our cholesterol and help us lower
cholesterol one of them is sealing fiber so it is a fiber supplement so it hurt helps support satiety keeps you full
longer helps support your weight as well glucose metabolism as it can slow the
absorption of carbohydrates in the system and cholesterol metabolism because it helps slow the absorption of
carbohydrates and reduces the fat and cholesterol absorption so ceiling fiber is one that
i always mentioned to patients that you’re i know your clinicians are talking to you guys um about because as
you’re slowly increasing your fiber intake it’s very helpful to have something like your sealing fiber to
further help with that as well now ferguson’s and there are a few um ferguson
or bergamon containing supplements so this is just one of them um and and like i said they
have bergamot which is a citrus fruit it’s derived from the bergamot fruit which is widely used in italy actually
for heart health and it um exhibits antioxidant activity so again it’s going to help with lowering that inflammation
but it also helps with the maintenance of healthy lipid um and fat metabolism
as well as healthy blood glucose metabolism so if you notice we are really tackling
everything not just lowering cholesterol but we’re also tackling that blood glucose metabolism both of these uh
supplements um if you have not heard about them and you do have elevated cholesterol or maybe there’s someone
that you know maybe discuss them with your clinician and maybe that’s something that would benefit you
again as you start to make changes with your food plan as well
any questions i know we went through a few things so i
just want to um renee here
so this question can come up um often so eggs eggs is something that um i get
asked and um i see one of you is wondering about can you eat eggs so
yes you can now like i said anything in excess is can be a problem we don’t want to be consuming
you know six ten eggs every single day um but you definitely can consume eggs and
you gotta remember that the egg yolk is where that fat is going to be whereas the egg white is more of that protein
now that’s not to say you don’t need to have the yolk but you know doing one to two three eggs a day would be
totally fine we want to decrease some of those saturated fats and the number the amount of cholesterol that’s in that
yolk is not as big of an issue as much of the saturated fats like we talked about earlier so that’s a
very commonly asked question again i want you guys to think about
more of reducing decreasing and being mindful overall throughout the day throughout
the week of how much you’re having of those saturated fats and what you’re having of those um
carbohydrates and how much fiber you’re having we don’t necessarily have to completely eliminate things from from
your diet um there may be periods where you reduce them a little more than others but there is no need to
completely eliminate something in order to help unless of course you are doing a more specific
food plan an elimination of sorts or something like that any other questions
okay well this has been great thank you guys so much for um spending time with
me again a huge recap here but increasing that fiber increasing those
healthy fats reducing saturated fats reducing those processed sugars and carbohydrates and then getting active
those are going to be the five things that are going to help us lower um our cholesterol
so it was great spending time with you i hope you guys have a great holiday and
i will see you guys soon

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Alisson Kothera, RD

Alisson Molinares, RD is a registered dietitian who loves working one on one with her patients to help them tailor a nutritious food plan.