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Habits of Health Highlight: Get Moving

As we are moving through 2018, we are encouraging you to pick a new monthly focus that will support you in your health journey. For May, we have chosen to highlight movement and exercise.

Letting Go – Decluttering Your Space and Your Mind

Hey Everyone. Welcome to April. If you have been following along with our Habits of Health series, then you know that each month we are encouraging you to take another step in the direction towards health. So far we have talked about getting clear and defining what does the word “health” mean to you. Now we are going to start thinking about the specific habits that would help support what you are wanting to create.

What Does “Health” Mean to YOU?

We are starting our Habits of Health series off with clarity. Our next Habit of Health (HOH) for 2018 is for you to get clear on what “health” means to you.

Habits of Health

Here at MaxWell Clinic we talk about “What creates health?” It is such an inspiring question. In order to know what to do to create something, you need to know what you are wanting.

Cold + Flu Season: Immune Support for Boosting Immune System

The immune system is difficult to understand until you recognize that it’s your department of defense. It has amazing capabilities for protection and defense but also has the potential for utter destruction. Because your immune system is your department of defense, when an invader is identified, a response

Your healing journey can start today

Ready to join MaxWell Care? It’s as easy as 1, 2, 3! We’re committed to getting to the root cause of your health problems and supporting you every step of the way.