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Personalized Systems Medicine: How to Extend Your Years of Good Health

We’ve witnessed huge strides in medicine over the last century, from the discovery of antibiotics to the potential for 3-D printed organs. Many once deadly infectious diseases have been eradicated, and life expectancy is higher than ever. But we’re not necessarily healthier.
functional medicine doctor maxwell clinic

Your First 3 Months of MaxWell Care: What To Expect

When you live with a chronic illness, there is a sense of estrangement. Every step is a struggle. Everyone else seems to go about their lives effortlessly, while you have a keen awareness that your body isn’t working the way it should.

Living Well to 120: A Fireside Chat with David Haase, MD

Your genes do not have to control your destiny. On the contrary, YOU actually have a massive influence on the number and quality of your days. Watch the video below for a heart-to-heart discussion with Dr. Haase on vibrant health and longevity.

How Functional Medicine Can Help You Finally Get Better

As someone with health concerns, you’re likely frustrated with our healthcare system. Your appointments last just 10 minutes, even when your symptoms have worsened. You might be told your problems are age-related or are “all in your head.” You’re referred to yet another specialist for every new symptom.

How Neurofeedback Can Improve Your Brain and Your Quality of Life

Are you struggling with anxiety, depression, headaches, lack of focus, or chronic pain? If you answered yes, you might be surprised to learn that one therapy has the potential to address all of these issues. It’s called neurofeedback – a gentle, non-invasive brain therapy designed to optimize your neurological potential so you can meet life head-on.

Is it Functional Medicine or Functional Marketing?

Over the last 20 years, I have practiced and studied alongside a brilliant, caring, and visionary group of clinicians and scientists assembled at the Institute for Functional Medicine. This organization birthed the term “Functional Medicine” over 30 years ago to describe a heuristic of applied systems-biology medicine and root-cause-analysis in clinical care. It is a beautiful way to practice. 

How to Change Your Brain for the Better!

Neurofeedback is the process of training the brain to be more electrically efficient so that it can function at a higher level. Donald Hebb, PhD stated, "Neurons that fire together wire together."

Accessible Antidotes for Stress

Have you ever felt the need to de-stress? If you are human, the answer is likely yes. Stress diminishes our quality of life and it’s effects over time make it a real killer. Effective neutralization of stress is a fundamental need we all have, and there are many different ways to accomplish this.

The Art of Creating Health

The job of an MD is to ask (and answer) the questions, "What diagnosis does this person have?" and "What is the appropriate treatment?" These are important questions and have guided medical care for a long time.