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Firstbeat Life: Understanding Your Patterns of Stress and Recovery

Firstbeat Life: Understanding Your Patterns of Stress and Recovery

Summer is finally here! The slower pace means less stress…more time to recover. Life is like that, isn’t it? There’s always a delicate stress-recovery balance. Our bodies are like that, too. Although stress is a normal part of life, chronic stress has major, adverse effects on your health.
Heart Rate Variability: What It Tells Us About Stress & Recovery with David M. Ferris, Jr., MD, MPH

Heart Rate Variability: What It Tells Us About Stress & Recovery

Do you want to learn about your stress patterns? Stress is a normal part of life. But when it becomes chronic, it can have serious health consequences. In this group visit, I’ll show you how Firstbeat HRV technology can help you better understand these patterns of stress and recovery, so you can take simple actions to improve the quality of your life.
David Ferriss MD Homocysteine

Homocysteine: What Is It and Why Is It Important?

You know your weight and your blood pressure. You probably even know your blood sugar and cholesterol levels. But there’s one other number that’s just as important that you probably don’t know.
Neurofeedback: Helping Those with ADD/ADHD, Anxiety, and Depression David Ferriss, M.D.

Neurofeedback: Helping Those with ADD/ADHD, Anxiety, and Depression

Did you know that you have as many brain cells as there are stars in the Milky Way galaxy? And that all of these cells form a vast network of connections? It’s really amazing to think about. But what’s even more amazing is that your brain has the ability to form new connections. In essence, this means that your brain can re-learn how it works.

Health Begins in the Gut

Health Begins in the Gut: What is the Gut Microbiome? The human gut microbiome contains around 100 trillion microbes. There are only about 10 trillion human cells in the body. That means that approximately 90% of the cells in your body are actually non-human organisms living in your gut.
Food As Medicine with David M. Ferriss, MD

Food as Medicine

Did you know that diet is the leading cause of chronic disease and disability? If you eat a standard American diet, you could be seriously harming your body. For many people, this is not new information, but knowing what a healthy diet is can still be difficult.