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Shine a Light on Your Brain Health: Discover Near-Infrared Therapy for Anxiety, Depression, and More

Shine a Light on Your Brain Health: Discover Near-Infrared Therapy for Anxiety, Depression, and More

Are you ready to take charge of your health and potentially improve your memory? Schedule your free 20-minute discovery call with our New Patient Coordinator to see how you can become a patient at MaxWell Clinic and start your healing journey today.

Feeling trapped in a haze of anxiety, depression, forgetfulness or brain fog? It’s time to break free and shine a light on your mental well-being.

Near-infrared light therapy, also called photobiomodulation, is a promising treatment option in combination with other therapies for enhanced brain health.

Watch the video and learn how near-infrared therapy is a gentle, non-invasive therapy that has been shown to be effective in many different medical conditions — especially those related to your brain, like:

  • Alzheimer’s
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • ADHD
  • Traumatic brain injury
  • Parkinson’s
  • PTSD
  • Autism
  • Long-haul COVID-related brain fog
  • Disordered sleep
  • General brain health

But how does it work? Near-infrared light therapyexposes the head to near-infrared light which penetrates the scalp and the skull, reaching the brain where it exerts its effects.  These effects include: 

  • Boosting energy production in cells
  • Reducing inflammation
  • Protecting and promoting the growth of brain cells
  • Increasing blood flow to the brain

Watch Dr. Ferriss and Jeremy for this webinar as they share how to help your brain repair itself with near-infrared light therapy:

  • Learn about the research behind near-infrared light therapy
  • Find out if this therapy can help you and your specific condition
  • Learn how MaxWell Clinic is incorporating near-infrared light therapy into its approach to addressing a variety of brain-related conditions

Harness the gentle power of Near-Infrared Light Therapy and give your brain the added boost it needs to heal!

In today’s rapidly evolving landscape of healthcare, innovative therapies are constantly emerging to address various medical conditions. One such advancement gaining traction is near infrared light therapy, also known as photobiomodulation (PBM). In a recent webinar hosted by Dr. David Ferriss, a physician at MaxWell Clinic, and Jeremy Paluch, a clinical colleague and nurse practitioner, the focus was on illuminating the potential of near infrared light therapy in enhancing brain health.

What is Near Infrared Light Therapy?

Near infrared light therapy involves the application of near infrared or red light to the head with the aim of stimulating mitochondrial activity in brain cells. This therapy capitalizes on the ability of specific wavelengths of light to penetrate the skin and skull, reaching the brain where it can exert beneficial effects on neurons and other brain cells.

The Mechanism Behind Photobiomodulation

Research has identified three primary effects of photobiomodulation:

  1. Reducing Inflammation: Near infrared light therapy has been shown to reduce inflammation in brain cells, potentially alleviating symptoms associated with neurodegenerative conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease.
  2. Increasing Circulation: By promoting the release of nitric oxide in the brain, near infrared light therapy enhances circulation, facilitating the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to brain cells.
  3. Activating Mitochondria: Mitochondria are the powerhouses of cells, responsible for generating energy. Photobiomodulation activates mitochondria, increasing cellular energy production and supporting overall cellular function.

Applications Across Neurological Conditions

Extensive research has explored the application of near infrared light therapy across various neurological conditions:

  1. Alzheimer’s Disease: Studies have shown promising results in the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease, with photobiomodulation demonstrating improvements in cognitive functioning and reductions in amyloid beta proteins associated with the disease.
  2. Long-Haul COVID: Individuals experiencing cognitive symptoms associated with long-haul COVID have also benefited from near infrared light therapy, showing improvements in cognitive function and executive skills.
  3. Parkinson’s Disease: Photobiomodulation has demonstrated potential in improving gait abnormalities and fine motor skills in individuals with Parkinson’s disease, with some evidence suggesting a delay in neurodegeneration.
  4. Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD): Preliminary studies have indicated positive outcomes in individuals with ASD, including improvements in social awareness, communication, and behavioral measures.
  5. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD): Research suggests that near infrared light therapy may help alleviate symptoms of PTSD, including reductions in anxiety and improvements in executive function.
  6. Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI): Photobiomodulation has shown promise in reducing inflammation, stimulating neurogenesis, and improving neurological function in individuals with TBI.
  7. Depression and Anxiety: While more research is needed, early studies suggest that near infrared light therapy may offer benefits for individuals with depression and anxiety, potentially by increasing mitochondrial energy production and enhancing regional blood flow.

Harnessing the Potential of Near Infrared Therapy

At MaxWell Clinic, near infrared therapy is viewed as a complementary approach to existing treatment modalities. Patients are offered the opportunity to incorporate photobiomodulation into their treatment plans, either through in-clinic sessions or by utilizing home-use devices.

The Neuronic Neuradiant 1070 Helmet is one such device utilized at MaxWell Clinic. This helmet features 256 LED lights emitting near infrared light, providing a non-invasive and convenient method for delivering therapy. Patients can choose from preset programs tailored to their specific needs, such as promoting relaxation, improving focus, or enhancing energy levels.

While near infrared therapy shows promise, it is important to approach it as part of a comprehensive treatment plan. Lifestyle factors, including diet, exercise, and gut health, play crucial roles in overall neurological well-being. Near infrared therapy serves as a valuable adjunct, potentially enhancing the effectiveness of existing interventions.

Looking Ahead

As research in the field of photobiomodulation continues to evolve, so too will our understanding of its therapeutic potential. While the current body of evidence is promising, further studies, including large-scale clinical trials, are needed to elucidate the full scope of near infrared therapy’s benefits across neurological conditions.

In conclusion, near infrared light therapy represents a beacon of hope in the realm of neurological health. By harnessing the power of light to stimulate cellular activity in the brain, this innovative approach holds promise for improving cognitive function, alleviating symptoms, and enhancing overall well-being.

Are you ready to take charge of your health? Schedule your free 20-minute discovery call with our New Patient Coordinator to see how you can become a patient at MaxWell Clinic and start your healing journey today.

good afternoon I’m Dr David Ferriss a physician  at Maxwell clinic and I have with me Jeremy Paluch
who is a clinical colleague and one of our nurse  practitioners at Maxwell Clinic uh Welcome to our
webinar this afternoon on uh near infrared light  therapy uh the title of it is shining a light on
brain health which we’re going to try to give you  uh an idea of what that’s about what some of the
research uh involves and how we’re applying that  here in patient care at uh at Maxwell clinic so
with that um let’s uh let’s jump in uh we’ll  take uh no more than 30 minutes to uh to talk
and then we’ll open it up for any questions that  you have uh you can submit those questions uh from
your screen and we’ll answer as many of those  as we have time for uh at uh before we conclude
so what is um what we call and refer to uh tpbm  uh the little T stands for Trans cranial and the
PBM stands for photobiomodulation it’s a bit of  a mouthful till you uh say it a few times but as
the definition that you see here uh States uh  transcranial photomod modulation is a form of
light therapy that involves the application of  near infrared or red light to the head with the
intention of stimulating mitochondrial activity  in brain cells um the mechanism relies on the
ability of certain wavelengths of light in this  case uh wavelengths that are part of the near
infrared spectrum of light to penetrate the skin  and skull reaching the brain where it can exert
its effects on neurons and other brain cells um  I think a lot of people Express surprise when
they learn that you can actually apply near  infrared light to the scalp and the skull and
and and learn that it can penetrate those organs  and and go as deep as 3 to 5 cenim or about two
inches into the cerebral cortex of the brain  so uh it can be very powerful and uh it it has
a growing number of applications we’re going to  concentrate today on um applications of of near
infrared light therapy on uh on the brain so I  want to take just a minute to talk about how does
photobiomodulation work um there are a number of  effects that it has that have been learned through
a growing body of research but the three big ones  to remember are that it reduces inflamation in the
uh in the cells of the brain it increases circul  ation uh primarily here it’s uh uh near infrared
light therapy uh causes an increase in nitric  oxide uh in the brain which is a potent phaso
dilator and that increases um circulation in in  the brain and it also activates the mitochondria
of the cells you may recall that mitochondria  are the uh organel of the cells that uh provide
energy to to all cells so photobiomodulation  increases cellular energy and it does a lot
of other things as well but these are the big  three that uh have the primary effect and and
are the reasons why so many different conditions  uh respond to photobiomodulation so we’re going
to take a few minutes just to give you a sense of  some of the major areas where extensive research
has been done this is still very much a developing  body of work um there’s a lot of the the early
studies for all of the 10 areas that you see  displayed on this slide which uh neuronic U the
manufacturer of the particular um helmet that  we use and that Jeremy will uh explain to you
shortly um they’ve allowed me to uh to use this  slide um but let me I want to walk you through
just to give you some sense of the of the research  uh that is is growing by Leaps and Bounds in this
area of uh photobiomodulation therapy so starting  with Alzheimer’s Alzheimer’s is a huge and growing
problem uh in this country and in other countries  uh it extremely de debilitating and exerts a high
toll economically and uh on the quality of life  of individuals and and their care uh caregivers
uh photobiomodulation has shown a lot of promising  potential for treatment of Alzheimer’s and this is
based on quite a large number of animal and human  studies um for for a lot of the measures related
to alzheimer’s uh you need to be able to have an  animal model so that you can examine the brains um
mostly mice have been used um before and after  therapy to see what impact did it have on the
of what’s going on in in in the brain but just to  give you a flavor uh a recent systematic review of
35 different published studies showed that 83% of  the studies that were reviewed reported positive
Improvement in cognitive functioning uh after PBM  therapy uh only about half of these uh studies
were what we call randomized clinical trials  which are something of the the gold standard of
these types of interventions whether it’s a drug  or it’s uh a therapy such as photobiomodulation uh
but uh the other the other studies that have been  done H have to do with case studies or studies in
which there is not a formal comparison group  but careful measurements are made before and
after the the intervention in terms in this case  photobiomodulation um PBM which is the acronym
that that we use for photobiomodulation  appears also to reduce the levels of
amalo beta proteins in the brain one of the key  characteristics of of Alzheimer’s disease um and
stimulates uh autoag and brain cells this is the  natural process of of cell death that that occurs
in the body as cells age and need to be replaced  it reduces inflammation and it increases level of
of an important factor called brain derived  neurotropic factor or bdnf which stimulates
improved neural function that is the connection of  neurons with each other and promotes neurogenesis
the creation of new neurons in the brain so um a  lot of encouraging uh research coming out of the
Alzheimer’s uh area and I think we’ll see more  and more evidence particularly as large clinical
randomized clinical trials can be completed uh  long Co I think everyone has heard of uh with
the Advent of the covid virus uh four years ago  uh I know we at Maxwell Clinic have seen quite a
number of patients the last few years that have  developed what we call Long hul covid these are
individuals that have the infection or in some  cases they they were were vaccinated and as a
result of the vaccine they they appear to develop  some long-term symptoms and one of the the primary
symptoms is is brain fog a lot of difficulty uh  functioning cognitively struggling to focus and
concentrate and uh PBM has u in a growing body  of research using PBM to treat symptoms of Long
Haul covid uh has been very successful it’s it’s  shown beneficial results uh one study of 20 Long
Haul covid patients who received PBM uh and  compared them to 20 Long Haul covid patients
who did not receive PBM demonstrated that the  patients that received the photobiomodulation
therapy significantly improved their cognitive  function is measured by a test that we call the
mocha the Montreal cognitive assessment this is  a test that we use frequently here at Maxwell
Clinic that provides us a good overall sense of  the degree if any of of dementia particularly in
in in Alzheimer’s and then a 2023 study involving  14 patients with long haul covid symptoms uh who
were assigned randomly to a PBM treatment or a  whole body near infrared treatment where where
they were exposed to near infrared light not  just on their their head but and their whole
body demonstrated that both of these means  of of therapy were uh were effective and uh
they were able to demonstrate significant uh  Improvement in both groups in the subject’s
cognition their executive function the processing  speeds of their brains and their self-reported
level of improvement um Parkinson’s disease is  another um common neurodegenerative um disease
um of the of the brain and PBM has been shown  to be a promising treatment for it as well uh
a small randomized clinical trial demonstrated  gate Improvement uh abnormalities of gate and
balance is very common in Parkinson’s as it  uh progresses um and they demonstrated gate
Improvement after a 9 Minute uh PBM session twice  weekly for just nine weeks uh so that study was
encouraging another small randomized clinical  trial demonstrated Improvement not only in gate
but in fine motor skills and cognition after 12  weeks and uh very importantly the patients did
not show evidence of regression for up to one year  uh with continued atome um PBM therapy um there’s
also some evidence that photobiomodulation appears  to delay further neurod degeneration so in a sense
it’s it’s encouraging that photobiomodulation  may help slow down or arrest uh the progression
of Parkinson’s um we don’t have evidence uh  sufficient to say conclusively that that is
cas case but some of the studies that have  been done are encouraging that that that may
may be in fact true autism is uh is another  area where some encouraging results have been
obtained um for individuals that are somewhere  on the autism spectrum uh in one nonrandomized
clinical study of 40 participants between the  ages of five and 17 all on the autistic spect
uh these individuals received eight five  minute near infrared light treatments over
a 4-week period so two treatments a week for four  weeks and at the end of that time they they saw a
statistically significant decrease in irritability  uh lethargy ssocial withdrawal hyperactivity and
inappropriate speech um several clinical reports  of PM so these were individual case studies uh in
individuals with autistic Spectrum uh demonstrated  Improvement in a range of Behavioral measures
which uh are common to individuals on the  autistic spectrum and this included their uh
social awareness uh communication and motivation  uh and a reduction in restricted and repetitive
behaviors that can be common with individual ual  with with autism um General Wellness not to leave
out individuals who don’t have a uh a diagnosis of  some type of of neurological problem but multiple
Studies have demonstrated that uh healthy adults  can benefit from uh ongoing photobiomodulation
which is includes uh improvements in their  cognitive function they haven’t reached a state
where they uh they really have any significant  dementia they’re still highly functioning but uh
they may as they get older uh have a few memory  lapses things that are very common have what are
often referred to as senior moments and um um this  has been PBM has been shown to reduce inflammation
enhance mood improve sleep and and improve  memory in in a number of these individuals
um ADHD uh very common diagnosis that we see at  the uh the Nashville uh at the Maxwell Clinic
um number of Studies have demonstrated a reduction  in symptoms of ADHD following PBM therapy um these
symptoms include an improvement in adults capacity  to concentrate plan and control symptoms of ADHD
and um one of the things that photo modulation  um does is it seems to increase neuroplasticity
of the brain the ability of the brain to um  to be receptive and to train more more easily
to change and so we have begun using this on  a selected basis uh preceding neuro feedback
sessions which we have long used as an effective  therapy for many individual ual with ADHD uh by
preceding their neuro feedback session with a  u you know six to 10 minutes of um of photo U
biomodulation so we we don’t have enough data to  um to know whether that’s going to improve but we
think there’s good reason of why that may increase  the effectiveness of of neural feedback um pdsd uh
we see a lot of as well post-traumatic stress  disorder um a randomized clinical trial involving
photobiomodulation and PTSD in 2021 compared  a treatment group The individuals received um
photobiomodulation therapy and they were compared  to a group that received what we call a sham
therapy to the patient it looks exactly like  they are getting the photobiomodulation they
use a helmet they’re exposed to near infrared  light uh therapy for the same length of time
and the same frequency is those who are actually  getting the treatment and at the end of the uh
of the study um different measurements that were  established at Baseline are compared afterwards
to see whether there has been Improvement  and uh in this randomized clinical trial and
2021 involving the the Sham treatment group  uh significant decrease in PTSD symptoms was
observed at one week and at one month uh of  therapy uh another study with PTSD involved
11 individuals with traumatic brain injury  ages 26 to 62 they received 18 sessions or
three sessions per week for six weeks and and  in these individuals the the researchers were
able to demonstrate significant Improvement in  an executive function and verbal learning and
memor so uh again another area uh PTSD in which  uh near infrared light therapy May uh may be
helpful um traumatic brain injury uh another area  related to PTSD U lot of encouraging work here
a lot of animal Studies have been done with mice  uh with TBI and in those Cas in those studies the
researchers um um observed Improvement in  neurological function reduction in size of
brain lesions decrease neuroinflammation an  increase in brain derived neurotropic Factor
uh which stimulates the formotion of new new  neurons uh in the before and the after treatment
of these of these mice uh there are multiple  case studies of using PBM for treatment of
concussions with very positive results uh again  what PBM has demonstrated in brain injury victims
is an ability to decrease inflammation stimulate  neurogenesis that is the production of new neurons
improve mitochondrial function and to decrease  oxidative stress and then finally and quickly
uh with depression and anxiety uh two very common  mood disorders that we see lots of with depression
uh photobiomodulation appears to be a promising  treatment for depression what we don’t have yet
are large randomized clinical trials those are  very much needed and hopefully will be done uh
in the next few years but multiple studies do  provide strong evidence this time for fol phob
biom modulations increasing mitochondrial  energy production and increasing Regional
blood flow that we talked about earlier and this  certainly seems to have a very positive effect
in reducing symptoms of of depression and then  finally with anxiety uh p p uh photobiomodulation
appears here to be a promising treatment for  anxiety but again like depression we really
need some large r randomized clinical trials  uh to to be able to say that conclusively um
and to wrap up uh with respect to anxiety  there was a a non-randomized clinical trial
study involving 15 individuals with generalized  anxiety disorder ages 18 to 70 uh they received
uh photobiomodulation therapy for 20 minutes for  eight weeks each day and the researchers observed
decreased anxiety and improved sleep um using a  number of valid assessments before and after um
treatment and then finally another nonrandomized  clinical trial study involving 10 individuals with
generalized anxiety disorder these individuals  received a single 8 Minute uh photobiomodulation
treatment and just that one treatment in these  10 individuals resulted in decreased anxiety
and depression at two weeks and four weeks after  that single treatment which is pretty amazing so
hopefully as these non randomize uh as I’m sorry  as the as we have more randomized clinical trials
in all of these 10 areas of of research involving  photobiomodulation will be able to draw strong
ER and stronger conclusions uh as to the efficacy  uh of this uh this technology uh in the treatment
of these disorders so with that um I’m going to  uh get rid of these slides and uh turn it over to
Jeremy to um tell you a bit about the specific  therapy that we are using at Max Clinic uh a
little bit about that and um how it works and how  easy it is to uh to use so Jeremy so I’m acting
as uh Dr Ferris sidekick today did all the heavy  lifting kind of analyzing all those uh all that
data for us but you know just to add on a little  bit um here’s the helmet here and we’ll kind of
dive into this here in a second this is actually  pretty simple and um and it has a lot of potential
this is a pretty Natural Therapy because 1070 nmet  light that’s just you’re getting that from sun   exposure and this is able to penetrate into your  brain like he said actually give energy to your
cells and has potential to um stimulate the growth  of new neurons so I think that’s pretty cool so we
have a typically a very multifaceted Approach at  maxw care but this is really easy add-on so as
you can see here the title there neuronic neuro  radiant 107 and there is 256 LED lights on the
inside now 1070 is above the spectrum that you  can actually see so you don’t actually see that
frequency it is plugged in here into a a unit that  I’ll get to here in a second and it’s quite simple
put it on your head and then you’ll have the the  screen here which I don’t know if you can see that
very well but there is several different settings  there’s peace Focus energize and glow those are
the preset settings uh glow is a pretty common one  that’s one that we use during the day it is really
pretty broad spectrum it’s good for a majority of  the uh it’s it’s good for pretty much everything
actually um you won’t want to use it after sun  sets um because it could potentially interfere
with sleeves and I don’t know if you mentioned  that that’s really maybe the only side effect
is if you use some of these before before sleep  could keep you awake that or if if uh what they
found is if you do too much there is such a thing  as too much of a good thing and and so that’s why
most of these protocols that uh that come standard  with the the neuronic technology um uh we’re we’re
talking about a maximum of 10 minutes some of the  U some of the um modules uh are only three or four
minutes depend depending on the pulse rate and the  intensity of the U near infrared light but um yeah
it’s easy to use as Jeremy says you put on the  helmet and then uh you Head Start yeah and I am
going to go ahead and do the energize just to make  sure we can get through the rest of this webinar
and this is a short three minute one and some of  them yeah like you mentioned the glow setting is
10 minutes the piece setting is is nine um so and  it’s just that simple you leave it on your head
yep um I’ve noticed uh in in my own uh experience  with this technology that sometimes I’ll feel just
a slight warmth uh from the from the helmet  uh by the the end of the uh the session but
uh really that uh it’s just important to follow  your clinicians uh in instructions on the use of
of one or more of these these different modules  they do differ uh in the the how the intensity
and what we call the pulse rate uh as well  as the the time that they’re administered in
in uh in a particular uh uh module but uh yeah  it’s super simple to uh super simple to to use
yeah and it runs through its time and then it  stops automatically if you needed to stop in   there there is a button there you can just  press stop but this box plugs into the wall
and this uh box plugs into the helmet pretty  straightforward so uh you know ways that we’ve
been using this technology the last uh year or so  uh as I mentioned previously in conjunction with
Selective neuro feed back patients as a precursor  to their um to their neuro feedback session and
and we believe there’s a a likelihood that this  will help increase the neuroplasticity of the
brain uh during uh through the near infrared  light uh session and perhaps make it more uh
the brain more amenable to the training that it  gets with um uh with the neuro feedback uh and so
we’re we’re hopeful that perhaps over time we’ll  be able to see that those patients May progress
more quickly than they would with without that  um I know a number of our clinics with uh with
a number of patients with uh Alzheimer’s disease  or other forms of dementia uh in combination with
other therapies uh are using helmet uh having  patients use it uh the helmet on a daily basis
uh at home that’s nice thing about this it can  be used at home very safely um and uh we’re we’re
eager to see whether that seems to uh to help  to perhaps slow down the progression of some of
these new neurod degenerative um um conditions  um or whether and there’s the beep that’s the
alarm that was it Jeremy’s completed uh three  minutes using the the energize uh module um and
uh it’s really that uh that simple to use um  one thing you do have to be careful about is
not overdoing it uh it’s not recommended that  you use more than you do more than two sessions
per day Sometimes some some individuals it’s been  found are more sensitive to the effects of near
infrared light than than others and you can get  something called overstimulation uh and in which
case you simply back off the the therapy or not do  the therapy for a couple of days and then dial it
back in terms of time or intensity uh until that  individual um accommodates U to that um jerem
anything else you want to add about uh this U  this new technology no I think that’s pretty
much it I like the Simplicity of it um I like  the applications that we have for it it’s again
excellent addition to other therapies and really  nicely you can take it home and just use it um
at your leisure at home um it is important to  to realize particularly with the all of the
um neurologically related conditions that I I  gave an overview of with respect to some of the
research um that this is typically just one piece  of a of a a total program of of therapy uh at
Maxwell Clinic we always start with lifestyle if  you’ve been a patient here you know how important
diet is eating a healthy diet giving the body the  nutrients that it it needs um and how important
regular physical activity is uh those are always  important um we also know and and many of you will
be aware of the strong gut brain connection if  you don’t have a healthy gut you’re not going to
have a healthy brain and that has been well  demonstrated in a l large body of published
research over an extended period of time so um  I I don’t want anyone leaving this webinar to
think this is a Magic Bullet those typically don’t  exist in in medicine but it is a very promising
technology and that’s why uh as we’ve gained some  experience with this and continue to gain more we
wanted to devote a webinar to exposing you to  this um if you’re interested in uh in finding
out more whether this might be an appropriate um  um uh therapeutic um methodology that should be
included in your total plan of of treatment at  Maxwell Clinic then uh discuss this with your
uh with your individual clinici um with that if  you don’t have anything else Jeremy we’ll we’ll
stop and we’ll look and see if there are any  uh questions yeah the last thing I’ll say is I
couldn’t agree more with Dr Ferris like right now  I kind of think of this as a supplement kind of
like Diet with you know diet is going to be the  most important exercise and things like that   are important but we do recommend supplements at  times because they can enhance things and I think
that’s kind of how I’m looking at it right now is  data looks promising but I think of it as another
add-on to support what we’re already doing yep  exactly a really important important Point uh one
question is has any research been done for mental  health issues such as bipolar and or schizophrenia
uh a great question um I have not come across any  studies specifically related to either uh bipolar
depression or schizophrenia uh so the simple  answer is I’m not aware of any that doesn’t mean
that it doesn’t exist but it is not something that  has shown up yet in the research that I’ve I’ve
been done um have done thus thus far so um it’s  it’s possible um that it might have some benefits
but uh I’m not aware of any uh any research to  date that has looked at those two uh conditions
um there’s another question uh should I buy my own  Helmet or go to your clinic to use your helmet um
you know most of the individ individuals that  we’re seeing at at Maxwell Clinic uh if this if
we think uh this is an appropriate methodology  that might uh be of potential benefit to you
as a patient is part of your total treatment plan  then uh you know we’ll discuss that with patients
and we’re increasingly where we see opportunity  telling them about this technology and suggesting
they may want to try it um some individuals may  wish to um to to rent uh a helmet for a month
and just try it and then they and their  clinician together can decide does this   seem to be beneficial in which case they want  to do it uh longterm then they may want to um
um they may want to consider buying one and um uh  they can can be purchased um as well uh and we can
handle that for the uh to Pat the patient to make  that U simple um I will mention one thing we we
mentioned the uh these four standard uh modules  or programs that are part of the neuronic helmet
technology and that have wide versatility there’s  also a custom program option and uh that can even
be customized for a patient um based on one’s  individual electroencephalogram um tracings so in
those cases where it might be optimal to customize  it specifically for a given individual based on
their EEG findings then uh our our neuro feedback  uh Department can can do typically their 10-minute
uh um recordings uh with eyes open and eyes closed  using uh a helmet with 19 rods and then that data
can be sent to a clinical consultant at neuronic  who will customize those settings uh for someone
who wishes to purchase a helmet and and use it uh  using that that mode um there’s another question
of could this be helpful for Lyme disease uh or  if you’re stuck in fight or flight mode um I have
not seen anything specific in the research to date  regarding photobiomodulation and uh it’s use with
retal diseases with tickborne diseases such as as  lime but uh possibly in time there may be since
that does have neurological effects uh in chronic  lime then um then that’s possible but I’m not
aware of anything this time are you I’m not either  I don’t know if there is any but I mean we could
speculate and I don’t want to do that too much  speculating on this but depression anxiety brain
fog all can be pretty common in Lyme disease and  those are all applications it wouldn’t certainly
wouldn’t be the only treatment of course for Lyme  disease but as an add-on potentially that’s all
I can really say right yeah yeah so and then the  second part of that questions or if you’re stuck
in fight or flight mode uh these have to do with  you know autonomic uh nervous system uh issues
of too much sympathetic activation for someone  who’s in fight or or flight there’s certainly
uh you know a number of uh of therapies that  can be applied there uh including lifestyle
regular exercise can be really helpful a healthy  uh a healthy diet and and um uh and and also uh
uh neural feedback sometimes can be very helpful  there um I I would venture to suggest that perhaps
it could be helpful as one piece of a total  treatment plan probably not as a sole treatment
for that uh again I haven’t seen research specific  to that but this is still very much uh an evolving
uh area of research but one if you look at  the curve in terms of number of published
studies uh related to photobiomodulation and  its application to clinical problems uh it it’s
looking more and more like a logarithmic curve  where the number of published studies each year
keeps going up more and more um we got one more  question how long do you think uh you would need
to use uh photobiomodulation therapy before  you see any results days or weeks well as I
tried to point out with some of the studies that I  referenced uh different Studies have looked at um
um at treatment uh protocols that were one was  was a single treatment on one day and and they
saw some benefit I would say for most condition  conditions we’re probably looking at weeks or
longer to to see um to see benefit but uh most of  the studies across a number of conditions there
seemed to be Improvement most of the studies were  not longterm studies they involved two to four
weeks and in in most cases they saw benefit so I  don’t think it’s the sort of thing where you would
necessarily have to do this um for for months uh  or or years although with neurodegenerative um
conditions such as Alzheimer’s such as Parkinson’s  um you know if this turns out to be a therapy that
can be demonstrated to conclusively be of benefit  to these individuals and there’s good reason to
think that this will turn out to be the case as  we have larger and more randomized clinical trials
that demonstrate Improvement in these conditions  that uh these patients would probably want to use
this uh technology over U you know indefinite a  longterm therapy to try to uh prevent progression
uh of uh of those diseases so I think there’s  a lot to be encouraged about uh there um that’s
all the questions that we have so um thank you for  joining us today uh I hope this has been at least
a highlevel introduction to photobiomodulation  and some of its um um some of its benefits and
uh if this uh if you are a Maxell care patient  and um you know you’re interested or think this
might be of benefit to you uh feel free to bring  it up the next time you have a an office visit
with one of our clinicians and they’ll be happy  to discuss that with you and see whether it might
be a useful addition to your total uh treatment  plan so with that we’ll close and uh thank you for
your attention and uh look forward to seeing you  again in a future webinar in the future take care

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If you or any other person has a medical concern, you should consult with your health care provider or seek other professional medical treatment immediately. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something that you have read on this blog, website or in any linked materials. If you are experiencing a medical emergency, please call 911 or call for emergency medical help on the nearest telephone immediately.

David M. Ferriss, Jr., MD, MPH

David Ferriss, MD is a board-certified preventive medicine physician with a special interest in the role of a healthy lifestyle in the prevention and reversal of chronic disease.