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The Power of Holistic Healing: Exploring Integrative Functional Medicine

The Power of Holistic Healing: Exploring Integrative Functional Medicine

Are you ready to take charge of your health and potentially improve your memory? Schedule your free 20-minute discovery call with our New Patient Coordinator to see how you can become a patient at MaxWell Clinic and start your healing journey today.

Are you tired of feeling like just another number in the healthcare system? If so, you’re not alone. In today’s fast-paced world, finding personalized care that truly addresses your unique health needs can feel like a daunting task. But fear not! Dr. David Haase, founder of MaxWell Clinic, is here to revolutionize the way you approach your health journey.

Watch the video and learn what makes Dr. Haase’s approach so special:

  • Personalized Medicine: Dr. Haase understands that health isn’t one-size-fits-all. He works closely with each patient to understand their individual goals and needs, creating a personalized plan for optimal health outcomes.
  • Root Cause Analysis: Instead of just treating symptoms, Dr. Haase digs deep to uncover the underlying causes of illness. By addressing these root issues, he can provide more effective and sustainable treatment options.
  • Cutting-Edge Therapies: Dr. Haase integrates conventional medical techniques with cutting-edge regenerative therapies to promote cellular regeneration and overall well-being.
  • Preventive Care: Why wait for health problems to arise? Dr. Haase emphasizes the importance of proactive prevention, helping patients identify and address potential risks before they become serious issues.
  • Nutritional Guidance: You are what you eat, and Dr. Haase knows it. He provides expert nutritional guidance to help patients fuel their bodies with the right foods for optimal health and vitality.

At MaxWell Clinic, it’s not just about treating symptoms – it’s about empowering you to take control of your health journey. With Dr. Haase and his team by your side, you can rest assured knowing you have a trusted partner dedicated to helping you achieve your healthiest, happiest self. Say goodbye to cookie-cutter healthcare and hello to personalized medicine at its finest!


In today’s ever-evolving landscape of healthcare, the concept of personalized medicine has emerged as a beacon of hope for those seeking optimal health outcomes. Dr. David Haase, founder of MaxWell Clinic, embodies this philosophy through his integrative and functional approach to patient care. In a recent discussion, Dr. Haase shed light on the core principles that guide his practice, emphasizing the importance of understanding each individual’s unique health goals and needs.

Understanding Personalized Medicine

At the heart of Dr. Haase’s approach lies the recognition that health is not a one-size-fits-all endeavor. Rather, it is a deeply personal journey shaped by individual desires, goals, and physiological nuances. As such, Dr. Haase advocates for a collaborative partnership between clinician and patient, rooted in open communication and mutual respect.

Uncovering Root Causes

Central to this partnership is the concept of functional medicine, which focuses on addressing the root causes of illness rather than merely treating symptoms. Dr. Haase emphasizes the importance of comprehensive testing and analysis to uncover underlying imbalances and dysfunctions within the body. By identifying these root causes, Dr. Haase can tailor treatment plans to target specific areas of concern, leading to more effective and sustainable outcomes.

Regenerative Therapies

One of the key tenets of Dr. Haase’s approach is the integration of conventional medical therapies with cutting-edge regenerative techniques. While medications and surgeries have their place in modern medicine, Dr. Haase recognizes the potential of regenerative therapies to promote tissue repair and enhance overall health. Through therapies such as therapeutic plasma exchange, Dr. Haase aims to create an optimal environment for cellular regeneration, allowing the body to heal and thrive.

Proactive Steps for Optimal Health

But Dr. Haase’s approach extends beyond mere symptom management. He emphasizes the importance of preventive medicine, urging patients to take proactive steps to safeguard their health and well-being. By utilizing advanced screening techniques and early detection methods, Dr. Haase seeks to identify potential health risks before they escalate, offering patients the opportunity to intervene and mitigate future complications.

Nutritional Medicine

Nutritional medicine also plays a central role in Dr. Haase’s practice, underscoring the profound impact of diet on overall health. Recognizing the adage “you are what you eat,” Dr. Haase encourages patients to adopt a diet rich in nutrient-dense foods while minimizing exposure to toxins and inflammatory substances. By nourishing the body with clean, wholesome foods, patients can optimize their internal environment and support long-term health and vitality.

Advancing Healthcare Through Education

In addition to personalized treatment plans, Dr. Haase emphasizes the importance of ongoing education and collaboration among healthcare professionals. Through clinical research and knowledge sharing, Dr. Haase and his team strive to advance the field of integrative medicine, pushing the boundaries of what is possible in healthcare.

Empowering Patients

As patients embark on their health journey with MaxWell Clinic, they are empowered to take an active role in their own well-being. Dr. Haase reminds patients that they hold immense power within themselves to heal and thrive. By cultivating clarity of purpose and a commitment to self-care, patients can unlock their full potential and achieve their healthiest, happiest selves.


Dr. David Haase’s integrative and functional approach to healthcare represents a paradigm shift in modern medicine. By prioritizing personalized care, root cause analysis, and proactive prevention, Dr. Haase empowers patients to take control of their health and rewrite their health narrative. As patients embark on this journey of self-discovery and healing, they can rest assured knowing they have a trusted partner in Dr. Haase and the team at MaxWell Clinic.


Are you ready to take charge of your health? Schedule your free 20-minute discovery call with our New Patient Coordinator to see how you can become a patient at MaxWell Clinic and start your healing journey today.

hey everybody Welcome uh this is gonna be a fun little talk to have here um first of all I’m Dr
David Haase at Maxville clinic and um tonight we’re going to talk about what
is integrative functional medicine and I may even retitle this like what is Maxwell medicine right and
well we’ll kind of go through and and and I want to give you an opportunity to
think through your own health and your own way of understanding your health uh
how you uniquely uh can create more of it and you know what are the particular
challenges that you have um I I’d love to I want to invite any questions at all
um because um you know this is this is a we have to keep anonymity because we
want to make sure that everybody is uh we’re keeping everybody privacy Rec recognized but I love questions and I
love the interaction that happens and um and this is a super important super
important question because it’s not just for this idea of okay I mean it gets it
actually annoys me that there are so many brands of medicine that are out there there’s so many like labels for
this and for that because some times it clouds the very needs that the patient
has which is to thrive and each person as they are engaging in their you know
mystery of how they live their best life how they create Health the most for
themselves you know uh they’re trying to find you are trying to find your answer
I am trying to find my answer and we and so we have to learn from other people
and and um and that’s what labels and Brands and things like that are good for but I
thought it would be really useful as we go into this question about you because I think the real question is what is
good medicine for you right and um and that may or may not be integrated
functional medicine um so this whole let me tell you where this started for me um
you may see behind me I have a whole bunch of fun little things up on the uh on my wall
on the very top is Vanderbilt University so where he went to medical school and
um and there I was asked a really important question that really changed the trajectory of my life and it was
asked to me by Dr Dean German uh who is the dean of student life at that time at
Vanderbilt University and uh Dr Debbie German was just amazing as a teacher as
a leader in thought of healthcare matter of fact she was then asked to start her own Medical School uh in Orlando Florida
and has really uh led the way and created an entirely uh really
revolutionary way of medical education so an incredible soul and at one of the
first days of medical school we have this thing called the white coat ceremony where they hand out our first
white coat as this initiation from not being inside of the world of medicine
and Physicians to entering into that world we were given a white coat and and
it was a very auspicious day right and but during the ceremony she asked a
really important question and and she went in front and she wrote on the board
in big letters what is the good
doctor I mean I’d ask you right now like what if if if I were going to ask you
that question how would you answer the question what is the good doctor you feel free to put comments in the in the
Q&A if you’d like and um and a whole bunch of different words started to spew
out of the the crowd he was like okay intelligent and caring compassionate and
hardworking and honest and um and bold
and knowledgeable and and and oh my God the board just fill up
with these words that you after you look at them for a while you’re going like okay I am
hosted I mean I mean there’s only one Clark Kent and you know and and uh
there’s only one Superman so how do you how do you do all these things how is One the good doctor and she ended that
little phrase and saying well that’s a question for you what is what is it for
you to be the good doctor right and and that it really stuck with me and it was
like and it started you know I wrote a book called curiosity heals the human um
the subtitle is the using um solving unsolvable problems with better
questions and advanced technology so this idea of how do we have a better question has always been way more useful
I think than necessarily how do we have a better answer because if we have a really good question it’s going to lead
us to so much more than just one good answer it’s going to lead us to a host of good answers and probably a bunch
more good questions that are lead us closer and closer to truth so this Quest
For What is the good doctor started to shift for me into well what is good
medicine right what is good medicine and and and that big Epiphany happened while
I was at Mayo or where I went oh wait a second you know I’m I’m so glad I’m here at Mayo Clinic and and I’m getting to be
trained by the world’s best physicians and I’m learning how to diagnose and treat disease because that’s what my
medical license gives me the privilege to do that is that is the practice of medicine is to diagnose and treat and
it’s a very important and challenging thing to do and I take great respect in
that and and yet there’s more because it’s not just diagnosing and treating disease but it’s also asking the
questions how do we create health and and and once we start asking
that and recognizing that wow our body is designed to heal our body has this
amazing capacity to regenerate um and you know we can be assaulted by bacteria and we can respond
without destroying the body we can uh when we break a bone we know how to knit
it back together you know when we’re challenged with various adversities our
body gets stronger and more capable as a result of it it’s really amazing and and
that fascination with why um you know how does Health work and
so it started me on a quest well how do I find mentors I mean that’s really all
the way back to hypocrates the you know the H Hippocratic Oath has a large part of it saying that I will respect those
who teach me because the medicine is both an art and science and so we seek
out teachers in both of those sides of medicine and um so I first came along um
a group of doctors that called them he holistic you know there’s a holistic Medical Association of America and there
were a beautiful group of people that were it kind of came back from kind of the hippie crew that said hey you know
man you know it’s all it’s all good let’s do some herbs put on a PST you
know it was a fun group of people to hang around actually and but they
weren’t really interested in the science right it was more hey this is what my grandmother taught me and this is what
we should do and it was had some pattern recognition and that was really
important but I’m I love science I love asking good questions and digging deeper
and so I found my way to this early group of humans that were creating the
institute for functional medicine and functional medicine was a a new way of
thinking it was basically applied systems medicine and so to answer the
question what is integrated functional medicine I need to help you understand how these things came to
be because uh the functional medicine was founded by a biochemist a PhD
biochemist and you can know a lot about an organization by understanding its founder and so as a PhD biochemist he
was very interested in all these metabolic pathways and okay if you put
in these molecules into the body and interacts with these genes then you get these effects and there’s biological
individuality in every person and and often times that biological individuality is what we need to
understand in order to help a person go from a state of dysfunction to high function and
uh functional medicine started to recognize that wow um if you’ve been to our Clinic then you’ve seen the
wallpaper on the front in the lobby which is a a map of metabolism or
actually it’s just a very small part of metabolism but I made sure to include the kreb cycle because I’m particularly
nerdy about that little part and um but in metabolism it’s this big map so this
is connected to that this is connected to that it’s all connected that’s a very important
fundamental understanding of functional medicine that it’s all connected all of biochemistry is connected uh all of your
physical structure is connected to each other you know if you have a bum knee that’s going to put extra stress on one
part of your hip which put stress on your back which may give you a headache you know it’s a you the leg bonees
connected to the hip bone that kind of thing and it’s also we’re all connected
when it comes to our relationships you know uh we exist not alone but we exist
in the context of our world so functional medicine is very interested in how are you connected with your world
and um and what exactly kind of function do you need in order for you to thrive
you know not everybody needs the same Health right some of us you know are are
really need a health of the mind so we can you know ask different questions and solve bigger puzzles some of us need a
health of the body more some need a health of the the spirit I mean there’s for each aspect for each calling for
each one of us in our particular station in life we may need a different kind of health and and that but all those forms
are still connected functional medicine is was always very centered on the
individual it’s a very individualized medicine rather than saying oh you know
lumping all people with diabetes into one big junk and lump saying oh you are
diabetics that’s now your identity instead functional medicine oh you are a person that has diabetes and and and
that personhood you know and the life history and your genetics and all your exposures that brought you to this point
is what caused you to now make uh you apply the definition of
diabetes and because once you think of disease really as the end state of a
process of dysfunction then you go like oo there’s
a process here there’s a process uh disease just didn’t fall out of the sky
and hit me on the head right I mean this is kind of Common Sense actually once
and and my patients never argue when we discuss these things because yeah there’s there’s there’s obviously
reasons why I got where I am some of them may be discoverable some of them may be not some of them I may be able to
do something about some I can’t they’re in the past um but as long as there’s a
process of how disease and dysfunction is created we can be curious and now and
that’s the other part of functional medicine is very focused on finding and addressing the underlying causes of
dysfunction that then lead to disease disintegration
degeneration disability and death so function is first it and um functional
medicine is also biased towards uh natural therapies the nutritional
biochemist that started the institute for functional medicine was was a nutritional biochemist and so food
played a very big role in this whole realm and then supplements are
essentially concentrated foods and so um if a food can be helpful it’s possible
that a concentrated food you know could be helpful in an individual and if you’re really thinking
coming from a baseline of biochemistry um you know you can’t really look at a person and say oh you
know you’re um you have your CoQ10 is low or your your subar eight to malate
ratio is is abnormal or you know you can’t make molecular diagnoses with the
naked eye so functional medicine began to really embrace the science of
measurement how do we un measure metabolism how do we measure hormones how do we measure how do we test not
guess and and how can we apply that thinking to make better understanding
the person the individual so um so functional medicine
really felt like home for me I was like wow this is great we have all this knowledge about underlying cause we can
do testing to look for these causes and we can do something about them we can
add in things that are good we can um apply strategies to remove toxins
infections allergens injuries that are bad and and that really is kind of the
sum total of functional medicine patient centered individualized root cause um systems
medicine approach to improving function at the at the level of the molecule and
the cell and the organ and the whole person that’s functional medicine
now we kind of continue on and I then learned it like wow we we found a lot of
answers right we found a lot of answers about what could be done and I became uh very interested in behavior and so this
pulled me back towards um that what now holistic medicine had converted into
integrative medicine and uh the field of Health coaching and I went oh wow um so
that got me back into that organization and I think up here somewhere yep over here this is my board certification uh
it’s a it’s is a US medical specialty of Integrative Medicine and I’m board
certified in the first class of that and and we went well that’s really good well
what is integrative medicine so integrative is really you think of it in
in the conventional medical world um having not really you know and they’re
looking to say hey there must be more here we need to integrate other therapies into drugs and surgery we need
to integrate behavioral change we need to integrate lifestyle change we need to
integrate yoga maybe integrate acupuncture integrate mindful meditation
and and we need to recognize this is a whole person that we’re dealing with and
H come bring in a mindset of a whole person interacting with a whole person
now you can see a lot of similarities between these two descriptions can’t you
um uh but Integrative Medicine made better inroads into the conventional
medical world and there’s many uh Departments of Integrative Medicine across the United States there are more
functional medicine uh uh facilities in larger medical institutions now as well
and so um there’s a but if you put these together you’re really looking at okay
let’s let’s focus up Upstream as we can or an
individual let’s try to find the underlying causes of dysfunction for
this person that are leading to their generation disease let’s approach them as a whole person um let’s use any tool
that is going to be maximally safe and effective for that particular person I
have a real bias I like to say first do least harm now you’ve heard it maybe
said first Do no harm but that means you don’t do anything because if we’re honest you know even breathing has risk
of harm uh so I like to say I like to be honest and first do least harm is what
we should do so whenever we’re going to pick what kind of a therapy or what kind
of a change we need to do for a person we should exhaust all of the therapies
that has a lower potential for harm before we move on to therapies that have
a higher potential for harm I mean it really makes sense right but we don’t
tend to think that way um and so if we take this integrative functional
approach we start to have an opportunity to be person
centered um cause focused being curious applying you know
Advanced testing um first doing least harm uh recognizing that every person
has a different desire for their health has a different goal for their health
and has a different way different needs in order to create that Health that they
desire so um both but in integrated functional medicine relationship is a
very important part it starts with a conversation it starts not with you know
um just checking a few boxes and being labeled as something but it really
starts with being understood and then it is a clinician
patient partnership it is an opportunity to um walk together through these
challenges and health is not created overnight you’re kind of looking for the magic
pill you know um hey there are some wonderful therapies there’s some great things that can be helpful but Health
has to be created over time it it is it is walking together and um I always
trying to train our clinicians I love teaching and we do a lot of collaboration amongst all of the
clinicians that are here um about what is the next best step what is the most
the thing that’s most likely or the group of things that are most likely
together to create the most positive benefit for this individual and uh with the least
likelihood of harm with the wisest uh use of that individual’s
resources because it’s undeniable you know in order to get something you have
to give something you have to give time Focus energy effort money uh
relationships there’s all kinds of resources that we have that we’re going to need to harness if we’re going to
create something new in this life so that clinician patient partnership is an
incredibly important aspect of this so I
hope you’re you’re getting a a a an understanding of how this idea of what
is good medicine we at Maxwell Clinic are answering uh in this major um maxal
care component of our practice uh with an integrative functional approach to
your care now this really interesting though that that doesn’t mean that’s all that’s there I mean we prescribe
medications when are necessary I mean I’m really thankful for every tool Under
the Sun that exists um I think um medication surgery whatever happens to
be the best solution for that individual is what we should be doing in that
particular case and there are other components one is really um uh a preventive medicine so
oftentimes preventive medicine is more uh testing the individual for early
disease like colon cancer screening you know looking for coronary calcium scoring um we have blood tests that are
help to for the early detection of cancer we have eegs that look at brain
function and neurocognitive testing that can see is brain performance
slipping even before the individual knows that’s going on if we can find
early dysfunction wow do we have an opportunity to change the trajectory of
that person’s health so that if we think that is really kind of a preventive and
if we’re getting a little more serious about that it’s a proactive approach how do we really screen for not just disease
but how do we screen for dysfunction where you may you not have optimal nutrient status where you may you have
increased evidence of inflammation where might you have a insufficient amount of
hormones present where might you have the a an excess burden of infectious uh
com compounds or disbiosis uh in the geot trct so we can be proactive to say
hey I don’t want to wait till disease is there I want to find and address the
causes of my dysfunction proactively and that too is part of our
approach on an individualized basis according to what a patient needs and
according to what a patient desires so um there’s other components
that we do here um we’re really a world leader in regenerative medicine so
regenerative medicine is how do you help uh tissue repair and you’ve probably
heard me talk about therapeutic plasma exchange and this is a technique that
cleans the blood removes the Clutter that’s in the blood and allows the
body’s signals of Health to make your own stem cells apparently behave Young
hunger and improve the capacity for repair in the ambar trial looking at
therapeutic plasmic change as a treatment of Alzheimer’s disease we actually saw a dramatic slowing in the
progression of individuals with Advanced Alzheimer’s disease and an improvement in individuals with early Alzheimer’s
disease this is really exciting and we’re doing a lot of research and treating patients that have cognitive
decline uh we’re very proud of the results and we’re going to be talking more about them I going to put one more
plug in here for uh clinical research uh if you please go to our website at
Maxwell and take a look at you know there’s an area there for research please look and see if there’s
any studies that apply to you um is then you are also part of the solution you know we’re we’re wanting very much to um
both find the the finer points of what works best in the world and then at the same time um you know teach other
clinicians and change Health Care overall so let’s go back to what is good
medicine again and and and think about um performance medicine so sometimes
when we’re thinking about function we’re also thinking about how do we perform at our highest level and
and that has a great way to think about that would be the work we do with neuro feedback we’re because we’re trying to
um we actually can do a a map of the electricity of the brain and then train
an individual to have more efficient brain waves that brain wave pattern has
the capacity then to improve mood attention um memory the ability to um
study you know uh address learning disorders uh address challenges on the
Spectrum individuals with autism or Aspergers disorder um and that is all by
approaching the brain from a functional perspective um there’s also a deep
aspect of nutritional medicine in what we do we’re very because you have about
30 tons of food that come through your mouth uh through your whole gullet
during your lifetime and that 30 tons of food becomes the total of who you are
it’s very important to always focus on eating good clean food um whe it’s low
in toxins it’s high in nutrient value and that is Again part of this
integrative functional approach and um a lot of people ask you
know well what are the um what we do in the research arm in our in our Deep dive
program we’re really going to the next level of these things uh your engagement
with this proactive medicine approach this integrative and functional approach
is going to be as individualized as you are uh some individuals are committed at a level and
are going to put enough put the level of resources towards something to build
around them all of the team that’s necessary that has the years and years
of expertise the comp comp Lex tools that are there um and and the time
that’s necessary to go into all of these things and so all of our ability to get
to the bottom of the bottom of the bottom is dependent upon these characteristics your what’s your team
what’s their expertise what is their experience uh how much time do you have to do that how many resources do you
have to go towards that um and and so it
it is beautiful medicine but it’s always a conversation it’s always a
conversation about all right together let’s decide where do you want to go with this
some of our patients want to investigate everything at one time and and and I
kind of joke about that I mean we have Maxwell Clinic is very different from other functional medicine clinics that
you may see if you see functional medicine online
their philosophy may be much the same but they don’t have uh the years and
years of uh accumulated information among the clinicians but even more than
that the the resources here to do testing we are able to use Laboratories
from over 50 Labs from across the world um we have many different therapies IV
therapies neuro feedback regenerative muscular skeletal medicine for for joint
problems and joint pain and um it’s uh
because sometimes functional medicine can be done online with like a tele medicine visit um and that can make do
incredible good for some people um but uh having a in-person experience and
having all of our team present in one space to help an individual um can be
really beneficial for many so um I think
it’s important to as we think of this integrative and functional medicine approach to step back a moment now that
I’ve talked about these things what what do you want your health
for have you asked yourself that I’d love you know again if there’s anything
coming up for any of you please put questions in the chat um ideas but I want you to ponder this what do you want
your health for are you uh are you a grandmother
that wants to impart your wisdom into your grandchildren are you a uh business
person that needs to have a sharp mind in order to stay ahead of the
competition that’s coming up behind you super fast um are you an individual that
is just suffering from pain at a level that it’s removing you from being available to your family and to
contribute in your world as you want to do at the end of the day we get to go
around one time right death is going to get us all and um how the quality of our
life the literally the quality of our days um is what we’re here to help
improve and the more clear that you are about what you want your what you want
your health for the better off you’re going to be able to find the
resources that are necessary for that there’s many clinicians there’s many different ways of approaching Healthcare
but is if you’re really clear upon what you want you are going to have the
internal energy the discipline the drive to find a partner clinician to find a
partner clinic so that you can you overcome your particular challenges you
have immense power inside I get to see it all the time uh our each of us has
the ability to heal and it’s up to us to you know maybe exercise some humility
maybe get over some denial maybe exercise some curiosity maybe say yeah I am worth it
I’m going to invest in my own well-being because if I don’t have my health I I
really don’t have anything there’s an old saying that the the man who has his health has a
Thousand Dreams the person who does not have his health has only one
dream H so oh a good question here okay have I worked with mild cognitive impairment oh yes matter of fact it is a
really it’s a big emphasis of our entire practice um is it something that can be
slowed or reversed well let me tell you this so have a patient who actually had the diagnosis of dementia uh 91y old in
a nursing home and last month we got to discharge him back to Assisted Living he
was doing so well that was through a um a combination of our systems medicine
approach and therapeutic plasma exchange uh and a family who is really committed to helping that individual eat well and
um engag in physical activity um and even at 91 here’s an indiv idual who got
a substantial amount of his hearing back a substantial amount of his sight back um his muscle mass uh and is just a
delight of a human being uh to all that know him uh and to see his sense of
humor coming back and his good mood um and that’s been an that was an
incredible experience but let’s talk about what mild cognitive impairment is a little bit okay so um mild cognitive
impairment is a is the is when you’re
not yet in the dementia category where you’re lost so much function you can’t
care for yourself in some meaningful ways that’s really what dementia is um
and you’re not normal okay you’re not at your at your normal
best mild cognitive impairment first starts usually as a subjective cognitive
impairment it’s like yourself going like I can’t remember the name of that person
easily I can’t um in I don’t know who I can’t do my checkbook as easily as I
used to oh where are my keys I’m losing my keys all the time now I never used to lose my keys um not being able to find
the words that you want to say at a given time all of that can be a subjective cognitive impairment that
nobody in the outside can know yet now with our cognitive testing we may be able to help see that yep definitely
you’re lower than we would expect uh given your state and and that is the best time to start engaging matter of
fact it’d be better to do proactive testing and see what are all the factors
that could set you up for cognitive decline even if it’s mild cognitive
decline but we always start where we are now subjective M cognitive impairment
now starts to become uh objective M cognitive impairment or um a a more
advanced form of that where other people are noticing that you’re having memory challenges
you’re having um focus issues you’re having individual problems with finding
the right word or putting together complex information but you’re still able to care for yourself you’re still
driving you’re still working it’s just hard this is hard and more and more
people are having to cover for you and you’re having to cover for yourself you’re having more anxiety and
depression around this and being a huge loss of quality of life happens in this
zone of mild cognitive impairment I want to really encourage you seek evaluation we actually do uh we have a very special
program which is our our our brain health evaluation program our Cog me our
cognitive Health evaluation program uh come in get a bunch of bunch of tests
done and have a a a a single visit with a clinician that shows you all your
results and talks to you about this is where you are this is what you can look at here are your options of what you can
then do from there um either for further evaluation or uh what what next steps
may you want to take I think that’s a we built that program especially for people
who want to know more about their cognitive function and then what their options are to go on from there
um and then mild cognitive impairment once it crosses a threshold
of of impairing your ability to function independently We Now call that
dementia and it can have many different forms uh but that’s the general pattern
always best to address a problem earlier than later um and uh yeah that’s good
okay another question uh hey doctor how do you feel about plasma fesus versus donating plasma at a free donation
center great question wonderful
well this has been looked at and so plasmapheresis uh when you’re having our
hope procedure which is habitat optimize plasma exchange you are having
approximately uh four three and a half to four liters of plasma removed from
you it’s you’re really cleaning out the body of plasma and then that plasma is
getting replaced with a clean pharmaceutical plasma replacement fluid called
albumin and uh and so the main way we believe plasma
exchange works is by changing cellular signaling now what you can understand
cellular signaling kind of like I’m talking to you right now or imagine you
and I were sitting in an auditorium maybe a high school basketball Auditorium right and you know and man
the opposing teams are going nuts the fans are going crazy everybody’s L loud the band is playing there is a lot of
signal going on right a lot of signal and I want to turn to you and maybe
you’re a row away and I want to you know tell you something I’m gonna have to yell I’m gonna have to really yell it’s
gonna be hard for you to hear me because there’s so much noise going on my signal
doesn’t get through very well take it instead imagine emptying out that entire
Auditorium and as quiet as a mouse you could be sitting on the other bleachers
on the other side and I could speak in a normal voice and that that signal would
travel just crystal clear because there was no noise present that’s kind of
what’s happening in your blood when when we’re going through life there are lots
and lots of signals of telling the cells to either grow to shrink to act like a
zombie those are called ccent cells so we actually have ccent signaling molecules we have oxidized molecules we
have autoimmune uh antibodies we have um
uh mRNA signaling patterns so all of that is just a lot of noise
and when we do plasma exchange we are decreasing the level of that noise
tremendously it turns out that the stem cells that live in all of your tissue
everywhere in your SK in your skin in your heart your brain your nerves all
those stem cells if it they’re in a clean environment they behave younger
and we’ve now been able to show this through some very Advanced testing called transcriptomics and um it’s undeniable
that plasma exchange dramatically changes the behavior of the cells by
cleaning out the junk taking out the Clutter removing the noise so the signal
can be heard now I went through all of that to explain that so if you go and donate plasma which is a wonderful thing
to do and I encourage people to do it there may be some benefit but you can
kind of think of it in that Auditorium setting setting that instead of clearing out the auditorium of everybody you
decrease the crowd by maybe one sth you take out 17th of the crowd and that’s
how much the noise goes down it does it’s not really enough it it turns out
it’s not enough noise going down to change how the people are able to have
healthy signals as they’re having a discussion and it doesn’t appear that
just just donating plasma gives that opportunity of signal or of noise
reduction that is necessary to do the types of trigger the types of
regeneration that we see uh with a plasma exchange even if you did you know
you know uh if you had 17th of the amount of plasma removed in a plasma
donation if you did that seven times it would just be going to seven different games and having the you know like 17th
of the crowd be quiet as opposed to having the entire uh the entire
Auditorium uh quieted that I hope that helps understand so I really want to encourage people to donate plasma it’s a
very good thing uh for your fellow man uh the albumin that we use as the
replacement fluid has actually been processed from plasma it’s been highly
cleaned and um and any type of infections or toxins or any other
proteins have been removed as a very pure product and um and that’s actually how
we are able to get our albumin to do our plasma exchange which is very important
I think it’s going to be real very important part of what happens in uh
longevity Health Care moving forward so I hope that anwers your question a little bit more so now we got to plasma
Exchange through this integrative functional mindset right we got to plasmic exchange by saying what are the
underlying causes of health and what are the underlying causes of disease how can
I systematically remove the the negative causes and add in the positive causes
and honestly it has given me such joy to see that if we just clean up our plasma the
body knows how to create health so how are some ways you can clean up your plasma right
now well eating clean food eating recognizing what foods work with your
body and don’t work with your body that’s will make decreased inflammatory signaling in your body uh doing some
intermittent fasting intermittent fasting um often causes something called apoptosis do occur and that’s where some
of these zombie cells uh instead of just sitting there and festering and and of letting loose of a lot of molecules that
irritate all of their cellular neighbors they instead decide okay it’s time for me to go and and um die on their own
kind of like like a leaf falling from the tree and and that’s good it’s those should just either Thrive or die that’s
a good thing good choice as a cell don’t live in the middle as a zombie and um so
yeah that would be a way so everything that we’re doing is coming out of this
person centered um multiple causation
Upstream centered approach to how to practice good medicine so um I don’t we
haven’t had any more questions on that I hope hope this has been helpful to understand this is really what we think
of as Maxwell medicine and um and each of us are going to continue growing as
clinicians you know the the the clinicians that have drawn to work here
amazing individuals that each have some of their own unique uh capacities
they’re all growing we we hope not to be the same clinicians next year that we
are this year um if if your clinician isn’t growing um you’re probably missing
out on what’s happening in the world because there’s so many new opportunities to accelerate healing um
so you know if you’re looking to grow uh make sure you’re partnering with somebody else that wants to grow as well
oh um and U great um so thank you for the well wishes and the comments uh I I
love this time and I hope that it’s encouraging to you uh to uh recognize
that you are the one that creates your health and that you have a huge capacity
for healing inside of you if you’re feeling discouraged just consider what happen if
you get a little cut on your hand and how many millions and millions of cells
get created from your your stem cells that live inside your tissue new blood
vessels new collagen is laid down new even nerves that are cut will will
mend themselves and put their ends back together or grow or extend out through
that injury um it’s really amazing and um be curious about how you can create
more health for yourself so anyway I wish you well hope this is of of use to you um much love Dr David Haase signing

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Dr. David Haase

Dr. Haase is the Founder and CEO of MaxWell Clinic- a Collaborative-Care, Functional Medicine Clinic. He is committed to finding and addressing the underlying causes of illness in his patients.