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How Functional Medicine Can Help You Finally Get Better

As someone with health concerns, you’re likely frustrated with our healthcare system. Your appointments last just 10 minutes, even when your symptoms have worsened. You might be told your problems are age-related or are “all in your head.” You’re referred to yet another specialist for every new symptom.

Is it Functional Medicine or Functional Marketing?

Over the last 20 years, I have practiced and studied alongside a brilliant, caring, and visionary group of clinicians and scientists assembled at the Institute for Functional Medicine. This organization birthed the term “Functional Medicine” over 30 years ago to describe a heuristic of applied systems-biology medicine and root-cause-analysis in clinical care. It is a beautiful way to practice. 

Heal Your Mind and Body Through Breathing

What if there was a type of medicine that could instantly reduce stress and anxiety? Even better, imagine if there were an endless supply of this medicine, and you could get it for free at a moment's notice wherever you were. Imagine if every side effect of this medicine were a positive one.