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Discover the Benefits of NAD IV Therapy in Nashville

Discover the Benefits of NAD IV Therapy in Nashville

NAD IV therapy is gaining popularity in Nashville and beyond, thanks to its remarkable benefits for overall health and wellness. At MaxWell Clinic, we offer this innovative treatment to help you rejuvenate your body at a cellular level. But what exactly is NAD IV therapy, and why should you consider it?
Fasting: How Consuming Less Can Add More To Your Health Cliff Syner, PA-C

Fasting: How Consuming Less Can Add More To Your Health

Are you interested in fasting but aren’t sure where to start? Fasting can help reduce inflammation levels in your body and lower blood sugar and cholesterol levels. In fact, fasting is an excellent option for helping you reach a new level of health. The problem is there is a lot of misinformation out there, and approaching fasting without a clinician guiding you along the way can be dangerous.
Autoimmune Disease: Why Your Conventional Medicine Approach is Not Helping You with Mary Scalf, PA-C

Autoimmune Disease: Why Your Conventional Medicine Approach is Not Helping You

If you suffer from an autoimmune disease, have the limitations of conventional medicine become frustrating for you? With a background in Rheumatology, I’ve seen firsthand that conventional medicine often prescribed powerful immune-suppressing medication to autoimmune patients rather than searching for the root causes.
Regenerative Medicine Nashville | MaxWell Clinic

Unlocking the Potential of Regenerative Medicine: Prolotherapy, Platelet-Rich Plasma & More

You don't have to be a star athlete to get the most advanced regenerative treatment to help resolve your pain and return to an active life. So whether you're an athlete at the elite, college or high school level, lead an active life, or are a weekend warrior, regenerative medicine can help you overcome pain, heal damaged tissue and help you return to the activities you enjoy.
IV Therapy Nashville | MaxWell Clinic

Top 8 Reasons to Consider IV Therapy For Optimal Health

We all want to be healthy. You try to eat right, exercise regularly, and take high-quality vitamins and supplements. But what if something still doesn’t feel…or function…right? If this sounds familiar, it’s worth considering this question — Are your cells getting enough of the right nutrients?

7 Foods that Fight Inflammation

There is a pretty big chance that you have heard about inflammation and with good reason! It is being studied for its connections to many different chronic diseases. There is a big part you can play in preventing inflammation in your body.

What is Autoimmunity (really)?

Your immune system is smart. It learns from each challenge it encounters...Until it doesn’t…Autoimmunity occurs when your immune system gets confused and starts reacting to healthy tissue in your body.
Food As Medicine with David M. Ferriss, MD

Food as Medicine

Did you know that diet is the leading cause of chronic disease and disability? If you eat a standard American diet, you could be seriously harming your body. For many people, this is not new information, but knowing what a healthy diet is can still be difficult.

During Shorter Days, Stock Up on your Vitamin D!

Winter solstice (December 21st) is right around the corner, which means our days are getting shorter and shorter. While winter gives plants a time to conserve their energy for new growth in the spring, the lack of sunlight can affect your body’s health.