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The Art of Creating Health

The job of an MD is to ask (and answer) the questions, "What diagnosis does this person have?" and "What is the appropriate treatment?" These are important questions and have guided medical care for a long time.

8 Tips for a More Nutritious BBQ!

Do you love BBQs but feel like they are a hard place to be when trying to make healthy choices? You are not alone. Most BBQs are full of processed meats, fried chips, sugary desserts, and high-fat side salads. So you may be wondering how you can still enjoy this popular event without compromising your health goals...

Health Begins in the Gut

Health Begins in the Gut: What is the Gut Microbiome? The human gut microbiome contains around 100 trillion microbes. There are only about 10 trillion human cells in the body. That means that approximately 90% of the cells in your body are actually non-human organisms living in your gut.

Working With a Functional Medicine Doctor

Functional medicine is not really a specialty. It’s an updated way of organizing medical information and practicing medicine. It enables those clinicians that are trained in its methods to understand each individual patient as a complex whole and find the underlying causes of disease and dysfunction.

The Five “R”s of Gut Restoration

What happens when your gut doesn’t function properly? Problems with your gut can lead to more than just stomach aches, gas, and bloating. Your gastrointestinal system is a highly complex system involving trillions of living organisms alongside your own human cells.

Heal Your Mind and Body Through Breathing

What if there was a type of medicine that could instantly reduce stress and anxiety? Even better, imagine if there were an endless supply of this medicine, and you could get it for free at a moment's notice wherever you were. Imagine if every side effect of this medicine were a positive one.

Empowering Your Health Choices: MaxWell Clinic vs. Insurance-Based Care

In today's world, healthcare decisions should be driven by your needs and well-being, not dictated by insurance companies. However, many individuals often find themselves trapped in a system that limits their choices and diminishes the doctor-patient relationship to transactional office visits, filled with insurance codes and medication-only treatments. At MaxWell Clinic, we believe you deserve better than this. Let's explore how our unique approach can radically improve your health and empower you to take control of your well-being.
Exercise As Medicine with Ashley Woods, MD

Exercise and Physical Activity as Medicine

Many people think of exercise as a means to an end. That “goal” may be to lose weight, keep a new year's resolution, or just become generally healthier. But it’s actually so much more than that.