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Cold & Flu Season

Nobody likes getting sick or feeling under the weather. Today’s viral and bacterial infections are increasingly complex and threatening. Live healthier and take a PROACTIVE approach to warding off colds and flu.

Cold and Flu Etiquette

If you are sick with a cold flu-like illness, it is important to think about not putting others at risk. TRUST me when I say that no matter how much people enjoy being around you, they absolutely do not want your sickly germs.

Stay Well During the “Sick Season”

Tis the season for holidays, family gatherings, celebrations, colder weather, and also increased sick “icks”. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), flu activity can happen year-round. What we call the flu “season” can run between October through May with peak incidents from December through February.

Colds and Flu- What Are They?

We hear it all the time - I have a “cold” or I don’t want to get the “flu.” What are these conditions and how can you recognize them in yourself or your family? Colds and Flu are caused by viruses that infect your airways.