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100 Years to Live: What the Blue Zones Teach Us About Health & Longevity

100 Years to Live: What the Blue Zones Teach Us About Health & Longevity

Have you seen the Netflix series "Live to 100: Secrets of the Blue Zones"? Okinawan centenarians crouch and lift themselves off the floor like limber teenagers. Sardinian seniors make the daily climb up and down hundreds of mountainous stairs to church. Groups of mixed generations gather to eat, laugh, care for each other, and play games.
Community, Connection, and Health with Cliff Syner, PA-C

Community, Connection, and Health

There is no doubt that we struggle and typically burn out when trying to change and better our health on our own. During this webinar, I’ll show you why community is THE driving force to create health on a sustainable level.

Mind Body Strategies

According to The Florida Medical Clinic: “The mind-body connection is the link between a person’s thoughts, attitudes, behaviors, and their physical health”