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The war has calmed, but the fallout remains: The Dilemma of Long COVID

Understanding the Dilemma of Long COVID: Symptoms, Impacts, & Treatment Options

As we all know, the world has been through a tough battle against the COVID-19 pandemic. Though the war has calmed, the aftermath remains, and one of the persistent challenges we face is the issue of Long COVID. It’s our mission to bring hope and support to those who have been affected, which is why we’re inviting you to watch our webinar: “The war has calmed, but the fallout remains: The Dilemma of Long COVID.”
Hormones & Heart Rate Variability: Keep The Heart Growing Fonder with Luann Lavin & David Ferriss

Hormones & Heart Rate Variability

You’re probably aware of how your hormones can impact your health and how good — or bad — you feel. But did you know that stress plays a major role in this intricate hormonal balance?
Paced Breathing: Creating Balance With Your Breath

Paced Breathing: Creating Balance With Your Breath

Your stomach is in knots. Your palms are sweaty. Your heart starts racing. If you have anxiety, you know these symptoms all too well. You may think that your anxiety is just about a mental mindset – that if you just managed stress better – it would go away.