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Supercharge Your Brain: Improve your Memory with the Latest Breakthroughs at MaxWell Clinic with David Haase, MD and Mark Lickey, MD

Supercharge Your Brain: Improve your Memory with the Latest Breakthroughs at MaxWell Clinic

Are you ready to take charge of your health and potentially improve your memory? Schedule your free 20-minute discovery call with our New Patient Coordinator to see how you can become a patient at MaxWell Clinic and start your healing journey today.

Watch the video and learn more about the revolutionary therapies we use at MaxWell Clinic to improve memory and brain health:

  • Discover what happens to your brain as you age and how you can reverse this process
  • Find out more about “Better Soup, Spark, and Stem Cells” and exactly how they work
  • Learn what steps you can take to safeguard the health of your brain both now and in the future
It’s never too early (or too late) to take charge of your brain’s health!

The Central Role of the Brain in Health: Exploring New Solutions

Understanding the critical connection between brain health and overall well-being is essential for optimizing our health and improving memory. In this article, we will delve into a fascinating discussion between Dr. David Haase and Dr. Mark Lickey, shedding light on the significance of the brain in maintaining good health. By exploring innovative approaches such as neurofeedback, stem cell therapy, and therapeutic plasma exchange, we will uncover new solutions to brain-related issues. Let’s embark on a journey to discover the central role of the brain in our overall health.

The Brain: Beyond Neurodegeneration

While neurodegeneration and dementia are commonly associated with brain problems, it is vital to recognize that the brain’s impact extends far beyond these conditions. Dr. Haase emphasizes that our brain is intricately connected to the rest of our body, influencing various aspects of our health, including mood, sleep patterns, and cognitive function. By acknowledging the central role of the brain, we can adopt a comprehensive approach to address brain-related concerns and improve memory over time.

Unraveling Brain Inefficiency

The brain’s remarkable inefficiency is a captivating aspect that requires our attention. Despite consuming a significant amount of energy (approximately 23% of the calories we intake), the brain’s efficiency can directly affect our overall energy levels and hunger signals. Dr. Haase highlights the relationship between brain inefficiency and weight-related challenges, emphasizing the importance of optimizing brain function for improved overall well-being.

Unlocking Brain Potential with Neurofeedback

Neurofeedback emerges as a powerful tool for optimizing brain function and efficiency. Dr. Lickey introduces neurofeedback as a brain retraining technique where positive feedback reinforces correct brain patterns, while negative feedback discourages inefficient patterns. This process enables the brain to develop more efficient neural pathways and enhance cognitive performance. By transforming inefficient trails into interstates, individuals can experience notable improvements in memory and brain function.

The Role of Stem Cells and Therapeutic Plasma Exchange

Stem cell therapy and therapeutic plasma exchange present groundbreaking opportunities for reversing cognitive decline, particularly in conditions like Alzheimer’s disease. Dr. Haase highlights the significant findings of the ambar study, revealing a remarkable 60% decrease in the rate of progression for Alzheimer’s patients over 14 months through plasma exchange. Stem cells play a vital role in rejuvenating aging cells, promoting tissue repair, and offering a holistic approach to brain health.

Expanding Treatment Options for Brain Injuries

Brain injuries, whether caused by trauma or stroke, require specialized treatment approaches. Dr. Lickey emphasizes the importance of comprehensive therapies such as neurofeedback, stem cell therapy, and hyperbaric oxygen therapy. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy provides oxygen-rich environments to support brain healing, particularly for individuals with traumatic brain injuries. These integrated treatment modalities offer hope for recovery and improvement even beyond the initial recovery period.

Addressing Inflammation and Gluten’s Impact on Brain Health

Inflammation is a significant contributor to overall health, including brain function. Dr. Lickey highlights the pro-inflammatory nature of gluten and its potential negative effects on the brain. Moreover, the use of glyphosate in non-organic wheat production raises concerns about its impact on brain health. Minimizing inflammation through dietary choices and opting for organic alternatives can help improve memory and overall brain function.

Conclusion: Improve Memory with Functional Medicine

Understanding the central role of the brain in maintaining good health is crucial for optimal well-being. By embracing a brain-centric approach and exploring innovative treatments like neurofeedback, stem cell therapy, and therapeutic plasma exchange, individuals can unlock new solutions for brain-related challenges. Remember to stay curious about emerging research and never give up on the potential for healing and improved quality of life. Prioritizing brain health is the first step toward improving memory and more fulfilling journey of life.

Why Choose MaxWell Clinic For Therapeutic Plasma Exchange?

MaxWell Clinic is the largest outpatient facility in the United States dedicated to providing Therapeutic Plasma Exchange. We also:

  • Have some of the highest levels of customization and safety protocols
  • Provide opportunities for systems medicine integration – offering comprehensive assessment and treatment to support your health

Our medical director, Dr. David Haase, is a Vanderbilt and Mayo-trained doctor and is double board-certified. In the last 20 years, Dr. Haase has taught more than 10,000 physicians his protocols that aid patients with Alzheimer’s, dementia, and other chronic illnesses. 

We’ve helped many patients in the Nashville area and beyond reach a higher quality of life. Check out a few of their testimonials here

How To Get Started with Therapeutic Plasma Exchange

Your life should be lived without the fear of losing your brain and body function. If you or your loved one has been diagnosed with a neurological or autoimmune condition, or if you’re worried about developing one of these conditions, there is hope! We believe your body is designed to heal. 

To learn more about Therapeutic Plasma Exchange, click here to schedule your free 20-minute information phone call. 

well hello everybody uh Dr David Haase here hello
Dr Mark lickey uh and we’re here today to have a talk about brain and health
and some things you haven’t been thinking of possibly so good to see you yeah and good to be with you good to be
with you it’s really always great to be with somebody who’s more handsome than I am in one of these in one of these
because that’s my candy to really bring oh thank you yeah
happy to be the eye candy that’s something I haven’t been called
before I don’t think you know I’m there for you all right thanks appreciate it we you know one of the things what I
love about Maxwell is that we have a lot of fun you know we just honestly have a lot of fun I don’t know maybe you do I
don’t ever have any fun here that’s your problem so we we have a lot of good times in the
break room and a lot of good chat back and forth we do yeah we do and and we get some things done around here too and
we do yeah yeah and so the um I think you know what that that is that being the change you
want to see in the world right we really want to see people be healthy and be alive and enjoy their life
um and we’re glad we get to get to do this kind of work together so
um topic we want to talk about today is how Central the brain is to all of health and and really give you some
ideas about you know how could you look at your own health maybe in a different way and find
some new solutions to problems that are really um Central to what’s going on
um you know because the question is you know what are brain problems and um one of the ideas that Maxwell has
really always been about is that uh the brain is Central to all of health and so
um you know people go like well wait a second isn’t the brain just a problem with neurodegeneration and dementia
which we have a lot of work going on we have a new trial starting up with yeah with uh using a Precision systems
medicine approach to treat dementia that’s very exciting but we treat lots of patients in the bed anyway so people
think about dementia and things like that as a brain problem and to think of maybe depression and anxiety as brain
problems but um there may be some other things that you may not think of as brain problems
yeah um I mean we we see all sorts of things that uh that play into this and all
sorts of things that we don’t necessarily think of as brain problems because our brain’s so connected to the
rest of our body whether it’s our gut or whatever it’s it’s uh
it’s more of a systemic issue so that even even the problem with
somebody not going to bed on time it can be a brain problem yeah because they
don’t necessarily get sleepy in the way that they need to get sleepy and then they don’t go to bed so therefore their
lifestyle starts this feed forward Cascade problem forward their brain
doesn’t clean up like it needs to during deep sleep and and now they really get
into a vicious cycle where the sleep is a problem and it’s hurting the brain but the brain is has its challenges so you
can’t get into sleep and so where do you start
well I always start with the basic lifestyle stuff I mean things like sleep
um keep the brain healthy but also we got to keep the brain active and part of
keeping the brain active is keeping the body active um there was a study quite a while ago
it looked at women I don’t know why they only looked at women in this study but women who did walking regularly and
women who did not walk regularly and the women who walked regularly had a much lower incidence of a dementia
walking that’s so high tech yeah high-tech stuff high-tech and so unavailable so difficult to find the
walk somehow I managed to get outside today and walk even though that was so difficult
that is something that is isn’t that fascinating that brain problems are often treated with body interventions
and body problems are often treated with brain interventions because I think when
your obesity somebody you know is having challenging challenges with regard to their
um making good choices in their life um it’s been amazing to me how often
that’s actually an underlying anxiety disorder that’s kind of being covered up
um a depressive problem because there’s just no joy Devi in Life or an
attentional disorder because it’s hard to con keep a mind on the plan that you
were going to engage it’s it can be a stress issue because you know that’s
you know you just get overwhelmed and you want to have some kind of a break in your life but if your brain isn’t very
healthy you’re going to experience stress more um and I think this this comes down to this really interesting idea that your
brain um is its own problem right you can only
see the Solutions in front of you that your brain is going to let you see and I
always thought think of this that um you know each of us are kind of trapped inside
our own brain we are I mean we we only have we well I
guess we can put it this way we don’t know what we don’t know and you know until we have some
additional information on things that we haven’t ever heard before we can’t do anything about it yeah
yeah we don’t know we don’t know and we can’t and and how do we learn what we don’t know well that’s a complicated
question okay well I mean sometimes we’re Limited in what
we can know we’re Limited in what we can learn because our brain is stuck
and there are things that we can do to get our brains unstuck
so that’s some of the things that we can that we do here um you know things like neurofeedback
and plasma exchange can help our brain get unstuck ketamine um so there’s there’s options of things
that that can get our brain working better I like how you call it stuck right because stuckness is
something I think everybody can can we can all identify with at some point in our life we’ve been stuck about
something yeah and and when your brain is stuck um it can be from a lot of different
causes right I I have my systems neurology type s’s that I love to talk
about because the problem is that the the brain is uh the you can whatever you know you
actually think about the brain in through the perspectives of what you know so if you happen to be somebody who
loves psychology then you’re going to be really interested in the story right what what’s all the the background uh
the meaning and meaning behind life if uh if you have no if you’re really into
spirituality then everything may be around you know the thoughts of your
your spiritual path if you’re um you really love genetics then everything’s going to be about genetics
if everything’s about lifestyle then all the solutions will be about lifestyle if you’re really into family
systems then you’re going to think about how sociologists would look at things and and look at those complex problems
and there’s three three that we really focus that we have a lot of impact on here is that when you’re stuck you know
be that a neurodegenerative process or a mood disorder or even things like ADHD
or sleep stress all those things we come out from the standpoint of soup spark
and stem cells and um the soup I was uh
it’s kind of a funny thing to think about soup is like you take that brain and cut it open and see what oozes out
right you know that’s all not literally well no not Larry not yeah not yet
hard to put that egg back together it would be it would be well what are
some of the things that would ooze out what would be the soup of the brain that we investigate yeah so you know
neurotransmitters and uh hormones and uh different proteins that our our brain
has things that are good and sometimes things that are not so good toxins you know things like lead Mercury
mold toxicity yeah wow yeah wow the amount of people who are walking around
brain fog and and really cognitive decline because of
water damaged buildings or mold in their environment you know we just make buildings way too tight nowadays yeah
you know they don’t breathe like they used to yeah I saw a patient today and a
patient who’s struggling with neurocognitive issues and their house got uh in the middle of all the water
damage in Katrina oh so um probably contributed to so some of
the neurocognitive decline but there’s some genetic issues there too so it’s complicated it’s not just one thing
yeah and and things like what are the good things you need to bring in in your suit you know things like omega-3 fatty
acids you know fish oils are one of these uh components that are just incredibly important when it comes to uh
the function of every single facet of brain function so if you can look at
depression uh you know having the higher the amount of omega-3 fatty acids you
have in your red blood cells the less depression one has the less ADHD one has
the less dementia one has and actually you know a decrease all cause mortality
so that’s one of the the soup pieces that are really important to dig into no
matter what is actually going on um other soup things
um I’m always interested in like the immune system right the immune system is
bathing the brain um you know so many people have food
sensitivities you know that you eat if you eat this you eat super clean wow my brain is clear uh and if you eat
see that a lot you see people getting off gluten and all of a sudden they’re like wow I can think better yeah I mean
they feel better overall but a lot of times it’s affecting their brain and the in gluten I mean that’s
something so simple that you can do if you haven’t run that experiment in your own life I mean I was very funny you
know I was I’ve been running those experiments with people in in healthcare for about 25 years now and I remember
even up to 10 years ago when I was talk to people about changing their diet to
change their the way they function the way they feel how incredulous that would be uh there was a there’s a book that
came out um uh it starts with food by Dallas Hartwig he’s a physical therapist a
friend of mine in functional medicine and everything kind of changed after that it was New York Times bestseller a
whole bunch of people said well maybe my diet does make a difference and people are definitely seeing that more and more
that’s a that’s a great book to pick up and it’s a good kind of a do-it-yourself Elimination Diet to trial and
um so that’s that’s another soup hormones you brought up
um hormones are really powerful um and it’s always amazes me you know
horrible what what is a what is a normal hormone level well normal or optimal
right right uh yeah I mean normal varies
yeah so and how do you even determine what is normal I don’t know I think you’re going to
tell me no no no it’s so many questions I’ve never really found a good animation I wanted to find it I don’t know if I’ve
got the answer for that no I think that I think hormones are a kind of a philosophical problem
you know because it really depends about what you believe about health as far as what you what you’re going to assign as
being normal right so there’s people who believe that wow I want to be as healthy
you know as healthy as I can possibly be into my 70s and 80s and 90s right so
let’s optimize my hormone levels like it would be a 30 year old and that’s a I
think there’s a lot of credit to that idea that’s a tremendous amount of credit and then there’s some people who especially like with women’s hormones
think about well is menopause something that should be and you know it should we
you should we not mess with hormones and add hormones in and you know so there’s
some very strong philosophical beliefs that go on with the soup I’m always
amazed by that and then I think one of the challenges is that the data is
pretty clear estrogen is really good for your brain yes yeah definitely I mean I’ve I’ve noticed
I mean this is before I ever was in the world of functional medicine that women who were on estrogen replacement therapy
their brains just work better I mean it’s just across the board it was something that I noticed before I ever
really knew about all of this stuff my mom’s on hormone replacement and her
brain still works pretty well of course she’s also a Jeopardy fan
she’s been watching Jeopardy for the last 45 years that’s amazing thank you Alex yes
that’s great I think that there are so many interesting you know things about how do we support the brain and
um other things of soup even have to go with fats like fats are really important because the fat is she around our nerves
yeah it’s like I don’t remember what the percent weight of fat the brain is it’s
pretty high it’s really high yeah it’s a big ball of fact well and you know that
if we look back in especially like the 80s and even the 90s it’s like oh we need to be on a really low-fat diet
and that was probably not very good for our brains in the 2000s as well yeah that’s very but now we know more about
fats and it’s like we need the healthy fats so where do we get those from I mean
besides a pill you know avocados nuts and seeds fatty fish uh olive oil I mean
those are kind of I always run those off with my patients because those are kind of like your your four main sources of
good fats so we gotta we gotta keep the brain working and so we’ve got to have good
fats for it too be making those that part of our brain yeah I think a third
of the dry weight of the brain is DHA so you know it’s it’s omega-3 fatty
acids a very long long chain and it’s a it’s a profound amount which is very
interesting it’s a it’s a hard fat to get dietarily yeah and and so
um when you’re inflamed you actually use that same fat to make anti-inflammatory hormones
so inflamed brains start to have a decrease in the amount of this very
important fat uh and you know so that actually that’s where inflammation starts to cause atrophy or really you
know the the the shrinking of the brain itself so inflammation goes into that so
is that soup you know kind of think about that spark is another thing spark
is your electrical activity your brain is an electrical organ when we put the
EEG cap on people we measure the brain waves that are wait wait tell them what an EEG cap is what it’s doing
thank you it’s basically a 19 lead cap it’s like a shower cap that we put on
patients and it measures the electrical activity of the different parts of your brain the lead yeah sorry what are
leaves it’s the little Reese The receptors that the right word I don’t know you tell me
you gotta explain this better for people I know right it’s good for us to keep checking each other it looks like a
shower cap and these are little electrodes that just sense electricity is coming off sensor sensor a sensor
would be a better word yes 19 sensors and you know that when we put that through our database that actually
localizes to 16 000 separate locations in the brain so we can measure
a vast amount of electrical information and make a map up of the brain and those
electrical brain Maps when we compare them against FDA registered databases of
average normal brains it’s amazing you can see the brain’s function and you can
see where the brain is correct is inefficient and I think
inefficiency of the brain is just amazing you know our um
our brains consume so much energy in a day right I mean they they consume like
23 percent of all the calories we eat in a day and and it’s also one of the
reasons when your brain isn’t working well that you have hunger I mean if
you’re if you’re low on energy literally biologic energy that’s going to raise
your hunger signals and and so a brain that is has poor efficiency isn’t going
to get as much work done for the same amount of biologic energy and I think
that it’s very interesting to me how people can start to improve their weight and shape once their brain is healthier
and that so the body kind of follows the brain in that domain
so um so I’m going to tell a little bit about neurofeedback from your
perspective yeah I mean I I was not familiar with neurofeedback uh until I came here to
Maxwell clinic and it I guess the way I look at it is just it’s brain retraining
um you know if we have a brain that’s being inefficient then we can train the
brain through through neurofeedback so it you’re getting basically positive
feedback for things that your brain is doing correct and negative not shocks or
anything like that but negative feedback for things your brain is that is doing that’s that’s inefficient and so your
brain finds a way around that around the inefficiencies and I guess the way I
look at it is is like you’ve got roads that have turned into interstates that
should be trails and you’ve got trails that should be interstates and so the neurofeedback just kind of
gets things going in the right direction so that you’re making bigger Pathways in the more efficient ways that your brain
should work and and smaller Pathways of those less efficient ways I don’t know
is that a good one I think it’s awesome yeah because neurons that fire together wire together and we we just know that
whatever we practice we get better at and um it’s pretty remarkable to see people
the changes that happen in people’s lives when their brain becomes more efficient it’s one of those really odd
things that neurofeedback can help so many different things you know if if your problem is a wiring problem or a
spark problem the neurofeedback can be really really useful and
um you know I actually just saw a patient today and I was blown away by this on
this quantitative EEG uh the brainwave map there’s actually structures to help
give us a probability idea of did this individual suffer from a head injury and
and it’s very interesting and Incredibly powerful and you know intelligent and
capable human that was just struggling from some some challenges of mood and
you know and being feeling overwhelmed and such like that and and it was made
good sense because the brain was not as efficient as it needed to be and here
this head injury index was just incredibly High one of the higher ones I’ve seen in quite some time and it made
perfect sense with regard to her symptoms because you know she had a you know incredible
cognitive abilities and her Psychology was really healthy her spirituality was
really healthy you know her biology was amazing her lab tests look amazing and
you’re going like wow if all of those things are good kind of like Sherlock Holmes right if if you ruled out
everything else then what’s left must be the answer you know and uh I think
that’s true except most places most of the time we don’t look at in as many corners for what the causes are yeah
yeah we like to go down the rabbit holes well you know if you’re looking for
rabbits that’s where you have to go I mean I mean I mean it makes me angry
that if your people aren’t well don’t give up and just don’t give up I mean
the body is designed to heal and we we do this because we want to see
people thrive right it it it’s just it’s just so sad to me how many grandkids
don’t have like the full capabilities of their grandparents or how many you know
how many you know uh uh spouses aren’t fully available there for their loved
ones and you know that brain problems are they’re not just the problem of the
person they’re the problem of the entire community and and I think I think I spent a lot of time thinking about you
know individuals that have been incarcerated and you know how many brain problems are going on there only an
awful lot a lot a lot and and could we have a much better world if we started
to be curious about some of that and say but man I we this amazing
the case of an individual who is Young and was uh had an incredible amount of
oh opposition to her parents let’s just say that amazing levels and and attention
problems and with neurofeedback you know her mom said she’s quote a different person you know the family is in
completely different now that this individual used to suck all the oxygen out of the room is is now thriving and
she’s happier too that’s but yeah just through changing changing those
inefficient parts of the brain that can change yeah not only things within the
in within the individual but then it changes the relationships which is a
great thing because relationships are huge we need relationships and if we’ve got things that are in the way of us
having healthy relationships that that’s not good for anyone no no
and it’s it’s again it’s that negative feed forward cycle if you have a bad if you have a challenged brain your
relationships are challenged you have challenged relationships we know that
you know you’re not going to have you’re going to have more problems with your brain you know you’ll have more more
challenges of moving forward so you know the other thing is stem cells you know
soup Spark and then stem cells and this is one I’m really excited about and Dr Lakey does a
lot of work here as well and stem cells are really what we get to affect when
we’re using therapeutic plasma exchange to help reverse cognitive decline
and um and it’s really a very interesting to um to try to think about
how you know there’s dementia is a terrible terrible challenge yeah it is I
I’ve seen the results of that I’ve done a lot of work with geriatrics I’ve done a lot of work in assisted living
facilities and it is devastating and it changes the person and who they are
and that’s so devastating for both them and the family members and all the people around them it’s it’s so sad to
see people lose themselves and um you know there’s been I think now
it’s over 400 drugs have been trialled and have failed yeah there’s been really
just don’t have anything that’s had much effect I mean I’ve I spent 20 years in traditional medicine and you know use
those medications and and it just we didn’t really get anywhere with them it
was sad and um we have there’s a new one that’s been that’s come out uh and but that has
a you know it has about a everybody’s excited has about a 30 decrease in the
rate of progression with this particular new medication and uh but there’s a lot
of there’s a lot of risk that you’ll have what leukoencephalopathy right is
that essentially incredible amounts of inflammation in the brain that which is not what we want yeah you know which is
you know can cause acute acute severe um problems leading to death and so
everybody was so excited about 30 change but the ambar study the ambar study
looked at plasma exchange and its effect on on dementia had a over 60 percent
decrease in the rate of progression in Alzheimer’s disease over 14 months 60
percent and yeah that’s that’s huge and and when
I I was not aware of this working in traditional medicine and actually seeing something that makes
that much difference and then actually seen it in action here uh has been
amazing uh it’s it’s really revolutionized the way I look at to
mention it’s like we can do something and the earlier we can get to it the better and that was what the ambar trial
showed too that uh a lot of times with with patients with mild dementia
actually got a little bit better not with everybody but you know there there was a certain
patient population that did get better and the reason I said put this on the
category of stem cells is because what we know about plasma exchange we’ve also been involved with a very large research
program uh discovering the underlying causes of longevity and how plasma
exchange affects that it turns out plasma exchange is incredibly useful at
helping older stem cells in the body to behave younger
and if you can turn on body-wide stem cell activity you’re going to get more tissue repair overall
and and and then because we think of dementia dementia is really clearly an
age-associated condition so if we can start having more repair than degeneration wow that’s exactly
what we need to do to reverse it yeah yeah and then and then we start adding in you have to always add in the chat
the opportunities is that individual is having cognitive decline do they need plasma exchange do they need soup
interventions do they need biological interventions lifestyle interventions neurofeedback you know trained you know
we do uh transcranial photobiomodulation you know putting energy into the brain
there’s so much there’s so many potential beneficial things and so
people should never give up hope never give a hope you know and I think
that’s that’s where so many people are is that they have given up hope about this because they don’t know what the
options are yeah and I think in traditional medicine there’s really not a whole lot of options like you take
this medication or not this medication may help maybe a little bit
and then it’s like well it didn’t work so I guess there’s nothing else to do but that’s and that’s true and then that
makes a good that’s oh yeah that’s my denial is such a big thing with memory
loss if you know of anybody who is suffering from memory loss they usually keep it a really deep dark secret right
I mean a lot of times they’re family members and they’re family members because you know it the belief that we
can’t do anything about it then it’s actually rational to deny that it’s a problem right yeah you know let’s keep
whistling past the graveyard and you know like oh there’s really not
an issue here but but once you know that wow there is the potential to make a
difference and you recognize that the quality of your life isn’t just you don’t just live your life
you know you live the lives of of all those people you’re connected to you know another wonderful person in my life
is this 90 year old gentleman and he’s uh in a nursing home but he is the light
of his great grandson’s eyes and the perspective that his great-grandson is
getting about the value of hard work and the you know this man pulling him up
from his bootstraps and and and just the kindness and incredible love of Elders I
mean we have to preserve those things they’re worth preserving and therefore it’s worth being brave
and and getting over your denial that that there’s a problem present
yeah and also as as the disease of cognitive
decline Progressive progresses though then you don’t even know you have a problem so then it becomes
all the people around you and uh yeah if if we can just say you
know what this is a problem let’s see what we can do about it and give people hope yeah and and at one of our patients
said it so well he said man I’d rather invest in keeping my memory than waste
my money in a Memory Care Facility oh yes well I spent plenty of time in
memory care units not as a patient but um it’s a very sad place it is a very
sad place um I mean not not only sadness there’s you know always joy
that that comes through every once in a while but it’s it’s sad to see a lot of a lot of people in there who have lost
so much of themselves
oh um so you know I think kind of tie this up
but it was funny we’ve talked about all these different diseases you know we
talk about these different solutions these multiple causes and I think it’s
really you know some people go like well wait a second what do you do there at Maxwell clinic and and we really are
trying to engage individual humans and and be as be as respectful as
possible with what are the multiple causes that could be coming together for
their their single system their single symptoms
because it is much more complex than is traditionally thought you know coming
out of traditional medicine it was kind of like one thing leads to one thing and it’s that’s not the way it
is our bodies are way too complex how we relate to the world uh how our world
relates to us it’s it’s pretty complex and so you got to dig deeper
a little deeper so so the the in essence you know that a you know because of
individuality you know the the very same symptom in different people
can come from different causes you bet and the very same you know cause in
different people obtains different symptoms can cause different symptoms very true and you know there’s so many
things that play into it it’s you know genetics or environment or toxins or
you know relationships or there’s so many things and we know also a lot more about what stressed us the body and
there’s so many things that stressed Us in the body um and so it’s just a you know looking at
the the downstream effect of different things and and coming up with a plan that makes sense I’ve always tried to
practice medicine that makes sense it’s a little easier to do it now more experience and I have more tools I you
know I get to play in the sandbox a lot more here yeah you know I think that’s what’s it’s
also important for people wherever you are if you’re listening to this to start Where You Are start where you are you
know I think one of the Beautiful Things is that things that are wholesome because we already talked about because we’re individual you know everything can
be very complex but also because everything’s connected because everything is connected the same
solution can be beneficial for many different problems it’s like what you mentioned was was stress you know take
take some time take your socks take your socks and shoes off and go walk in the green grass now it takes the night’s
deep breaths um you know um do those things you love
um because the bottom line is you are potent your body is created to heal that
that’s that’s that’s a fundamental premise upon everything we do here that’s our just our job is to help you
identify those things that are going to help your body heal the best that it possibly can
so yeah so well um anything any final words
I think we’ve covered it I think we don’t got good Good Foundations here so for all of you out there
um I always said it looks like we have some some question and answers here um the uh just want to make sure uh that
we’re um oh yeah so therapies for people with
brain injuries that that would be um neurofeedback it is profound but also
hyperbaric oxygen therapy um hyperbaric oxygen is very helpful in
individuals with TBI um and and then also we we refer out for
specialized therapy for many people so we have ex excellent uh therapists in
other domains we have an individual who had a stroke many you know several years
ago and had just plateaued and and now has the opportunity it’s actually
getting better as a result of engaging neurofeedback neurostimulation hyperbaric oxygen therapy and doing a
tune-up of his biology so I mean that’s we should never give up
don’t give up uh the body is can do incredible healing
yeah um I yeah I always thought that it’s like once about six months had gone by
after a stroke what she had was what you’re going to live with the rest of your life and that’s not true
um so you know a question um the uh what does gluten do to the
brain um you know take that one no I mean gluten is pro-inflammatory uh and so
inflammation is bad for the brain uh and then you’ve got the additional issue of
all of our wheat with getting sprayed with glyphosate that’s not good for the brain
either unless it’s organic but uh yeah you just
you got to stay away from from inflammation because inflammation is bad for all parts of the body especially the
brain yeah well set all right well it was uh great being with you all
um this uh this um we’re trying to give a good overview of the why behind uh
what we do and the various treatments that we offer and um and it’s great to be with you and I
hope be well and uh stay curious

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Dr. David Haase

Dr. Haase is the Founder and CEO of MaxWell Clinic- a Collaborative-Care, Functional Medicine Clinic. He is committed to finding and addressing the underlying causes of illness in his patients.