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David Haase MD Reversing Dementia with Regenerative Plasma Exchange

Reversing Dementia with Therapeutic Plasma Exchange

Are you ready to take charge of your health? Schedule your free 20-minute discovery call with our New Patient Coordinator to see how you can become a patient at MaxWell Clinic and start your healing journey today.

Odds are someone you know or love has been affected by Alzheimer’s or Dementia. According to the Alzheimer’s Association, the number of Americans living with Alzheimer’s is growing — and growing fast. More than 6 million Americans of all ages have Alzheimer’s. An estimated 6.2 million Americans age 65 and older are living with Alzheimer’s dementia in 2021.

But Alzheimer’s is not just memory loss. Alzheimer’s kills. One in 3 seniors dies with Alzheimer’s or another dementia. It actually kills more than breast cancer and prostate cancer combined.

But it doesn’t have to be this way…

For the past 15 years, I have been obsessed with finding ways to make brains work better. And during the last 5 of those years, I’ve been pioneering a new approach to slow, halt and even reverse cognitive decline through Therapeutic Plasma Exchange. This innovative therapy has the potential to considerably slow down the rate of brain and body degeneration and can provide hope for those diagnosed with brain degeneration or memory loss.

Our patients have reported the following improvements after completing Regenerative Plasma Exchange:

  • Improved energy
  • Improved mood
  • Improved sleep
  • Less pain
  • Decreased fatigue
  • Improved speech capability
  • Improved brain function
  • Improved problem-solving skills

Would you like to learn more about Therapeutic Plasma Exchange?

Watch the video as we discuss:

1. What is Dementia?
2. How does it affect the brain?
3. Why do we need to reverse dementia?
4. How does Therapeutic Plasma Exchange work?
5. What are the benefits of Therapeutic Plasma Exchange?
6. How do you get started if you’re interested?

Exploring Therapeutic Plasma Exchange for Brain Health and Wellness

The human brain, a marvel of complexity and functionality, plays a pivotal role in our lives, shaping our experiences, thoughts, and behaviors. Yet, as intricate and resilient as it is, the brain is susceptible to various challenges, from cognitive decline to autoimmune diseases. In recent years, the medical field has witnessed promising developments in the form of regenerative plasma exchange, a revolutionary therapy with the potential to transform brain health and overall wellness.

Understanding Regenerative Plasma Exchange

Dr. Haase, a leading figure in this groundbreaking field, advocates for a holistic approach to brain health. In a recent presentation, Dr. Haase discussed the significance of regenerative plasma exchange (RPE) as a transformative therapy. This innovative technique involves removing a patient’s blood plasma, treating it to remove harmful substances, and then reintroducing the purified plasma back into the body. This process offers a fresh start for the body’s systems, promoting healing and rejuvenation.

A Path to Cognitive Restoration

One of the most remarkable applications of regenerative plasma exchange is in the realm of cognitive health. As Dr. Haase pointed out, early intervention is crucial. Mild cognitive impairment, a condition characterized by a decline in cognitive abilities, serves as a warning sign of potential dementia. Dr. Haase emphasized the urgency of addressing cognitive issues at their inception, as memory loss is often a late-stage manifestation of underlying problems.

While regenerative plasma exchange’s efficacy in addressing cognitive decline is an area of ongoing research, its potential lies in its ability to reduce inflammation and toxic burdens within the body. By purifying the plasma and removing harmful substances, RPE can create an environment conducive to healing. Dr. Haase stressed that this therapy isn’t a standalone solution but should be part of a comprehensive strategy that considers diet, infections, toxins, and other contributing factors.

Promising Results in Autoimmune Disorders

Autoimmune disorders present another field where regenerative plasma exchange has shown promise. These conditions arise when the immune system attacks healthy cells, leading to a range of debilitating symptoms. Dr. Haase shared success stories of patients with autoimmune disorders who experienced significant improvements after undergoing plasma exchange. By reducing the abundance of abnormal antibodies and toxins, RPE can help rebalance the immune system and alleviate symptoms.

Balancing Risk and Reward

Dr. Haase addressed concerns about the cost of regenerative plasma exchange. He acknowledged that the cost of this procedure might seem substantial, but he highlighted that the expense of a year’s worth of therapy is often lower than that of a year in a memory care center. Furthermore, he underscored the importance of considering the potential benefits in terms of improved quality of life and reduced medical expenses in the long run.

The Future of Brain Health

Regenerative plasma exchange represents a significant advancement in medical science, offering a novel approach to addressing complex brain-related issues. Dr. Haase emphasized that as science continues to evolve, it’s our moral responsibility to explore avenues that could improve the lives of individuals facing cognitive challenges and autoimmune disorders.

In closing, Dr. Haase encouraged a compassionate and proactive stance towards brain health. He advocated for an approach that values each individual’s unique journey and treats brain health as an essential aspect of overall well-being. The brain, he noted, is not just a source of intelligence and cognition; it shapes our experiences and relationships, and it deserves our utmost care and attention.


The human brain’s intricate structure and functionality make it a remarkable organ, but it’s not impervious to challenges. Regenerative plasma exchange offers a promising solution for individuals facing cognitive decline and autoimmune disorders. By removing toxins, reducing inflammation, and promoting healing, this innovative therapy opens new avenues for improving brain health and overall quality of life.

In a world where brain health is gaining more recognition, Dr. Haase’s pioneering work in regenerative plasma exchange stands as a beacon of hope. As science continues to advance, the potential to transform lives through comprehensive, holistic treatments becomes increasingly evident. By embracing innovative approaches like RPE, we take a significant step towards promoting brain health and creating a brighter future for individuals across the globe.

Why Choose MaxWell Clinic For Therapeutic Plasma Exchange?

MaxWell Clinic is the largest outpatient facility in the United States dedicated to providing Therapeutic Plasma Exchange. We also:

  • Have some of the highest levels of customization and safety protocols
  • Provide opportunities for systems medicine integration – offering comprehensive assessment and treatment to support your health

Our medical director, Dr. David Haase, is a Vanderbilt and Mayo-trained doctor and is double board-certified. In the last 20 years, Dr. Haase has taught more than 10,000 physicians his protocols that aid patients with Alzheimer’s, dementia, and other chronic illnesses. 

We’ve helped many patients in the Nashville area and beyond reach a higher quality of life. Check out a few of their testimonials here

How To Get Started with Therapeutic Plasma Exchange

Your life should be lived without the fear of losing your brain and body function. If you or your loved one has been diagnosed with a neurological or autoimmune condition, or if you’re worried about developing one of these conditions, there is hope! We believe your body is designed to heal. 

To learn more about Therapeutic Plasma Exchange, click here to schedule your free 20-minute information phone call. 

hello uh this is dr david hosse i’m here
at the mexico clinic and i am super excited to be with you tonight
thank you all for coming as i’ve said in kind of our pre-conversation before starting the webinar if you have
any questions make sure that you’re going to put them in the question and answer area and we’re going to get to as many as we
can tonight so tonight i’m gonna start up my uh start
my screen here so that i can show you some fun slides that we’ve gotten put together
and um and kind of dig into all of this information so
tonight we’re going to be talking about from neurodegeneration to neuro
regeneration and specifically about regenerative plasma exchange which we do here at the
maxwell clinic this is a super exciting talk for me to give because we’ve been working on this
for a long time and uh the results have really been encouraging um and so let’s
dig in i’m your host dr david haasey so
i want to start by saying i have a huge amount of respect for anybody who is on
this webinar mainly because of your bravery because frankly
memory loss and dementia are too incredibly difficult ideas
you know the we don’t want to talk about it and denial is one of the biggest
problems we have in dealing with this issue either the denial of a person that there is any
problem going on or the denial of a family member um and and so i just want to first of all say start out by saying
thank you for being brave and to recognize that it takes courage to address this because
it’s a really scary subject it was one that frankly i tried to avoid for a long time in medical practice
but it was inevitable that we should have to find our way because
over 6 million people in the united states right now are actually living with dementia right now
that’s a lot if we look at these graphs notice how all these lines are kind of trending down these are the
a standardized rate of disease per 100 000 females in the uk but we see one line the green line going
up what is that green line that’s to dementia and alzheimer’s disease that’s right as we are being successful
in helping people to live longer unfortunately we’re not being as successful at keeping their brains as
healthy as their bodies throughout that course of time so
when we’re thinking about a healthy brain it’s big and puffy and actually pink not gray
and um but a severe alzheimer’s disease brain is shrunken and shriveled but let’s
think about a different name here really we should be thinking about dementia dementia is literally
unbraining it is a process of neurodegeneration
so a slow progress of the loss of connections
and it is a multi-factorial process there’s not one single thing that’s causing it uh and it and we’ll have a
whole lot more to say about that later but the truth of it is it’s it’s a progressive process it starts very early
in life it’s relentless and frankly it’s terrifying because it goes under the
radar for so long before it’s known to be a problem because when does neurodegeneration
starts well it really starts in about your 20s we already start losing connections in
between neurons in our 20s and by the time alzheimer’s disease is diagnosed uh over 40 percent of these
neuron connections have actually been lost already and so what we see here
is that even over just 14 months we see a progressive decline in the
overall physical and mental functioning of individual with alzheimer’s disease
and usually you don’t see this data presented very much just how relentless this condition is because
without knowledge a solution exists you know the problem really feels like too much to bear but you’re going to see the slide later and
i’m excited to say it’s going to give you hope so
and why is there reason to hope because fundamentally what i believe is the body is designed to heal
it just is and and that aging does not equal dementia
think about it not everybody that attains age 85 or 90 has dementia you
have people that are really sharp so unless everybody that age has dementia you can’t blame it on just
age alone there’s lots of variables that exist
um and the thing i want you to remember i’m going to import and reinforce this is
that when we clean the blood the body and the brain actually work better
this is a process of called regenerative plasma exchange and i think it really brings new hope
uh to reverse the process of neurodegeneration and tissue aging and it is a multifactorial treatment in and
of itself well where’d this whole idea come from uh it came from mice actually and
something called something called heterochronic peribiosis big words
but it’s where you take an old and an old mouse and a young mouse and you actually sew them together by a little
flap of skin side by side and within a remarkable short period of time
something amazing happens and the old mouse starts to turn young it starts having better blood flow
it its smell returns its muscles rejuvenate new brain cells start to
sprout but that young mouse that was attached to the old mouse actually gets stunted
it gets its health becomes impaired because of its exposure to old and this was a revolutionary idea
and this data was replicated at stanford berkeley mit this is solid science and
so a lot of this has been saying well why is this number one and two how can
we mimic this in the clinical space so um first of all let’s think a second about
plasma or blood blood is red right we think of the red we think
of red blood cells and most of the things that we think of with regard to blood are the cells the
platelets the red blood cells the white blood cells and that’s really the solid part or the formed elements of blood but then you
also have plasma and plasma is the liquid part of blood and the major component of plasma are
proteins albumin and antibodies immunoglobulins and factors that control your clotting
system but there’s a lot more that’s in plasma uh for instance there’s hormones in
plasma there are minerals and vitamins and nutrients uh there’s
nutrients of all different types electric electrolytes peptides that regulate how
the body functions fat sugars organic acids and exosomes which are little packets of information
that tell the cells to be usually express a younger type of a cell type
but there’s also crud in the plasma right there are damaged molecules there’s broken down dna there’s
metabolic waste there’s infectious particles and toxins some of those toxins are some of the compounds that
are associated with alzheimer’s disease such as amyloid beta 42 which is bound tightly to albumin in the bloodstream
so plasma is a very complex substance and it turns out that
if um you uh so let me read this quote here from irena convoy he’s one of the primary
researchers uh primary researchers in this field she says that altogether current literature strongly suggests
that aging in general results from the abandonment of tissue
maintenance by resident stem cells which become inhibited by their aged
organismal niche and what that means is that the healing that occurs in your body happens
from stem cells that are distributed throughout all of your tissues everywhere
and and these stem cells are the ones that will will divide and create new
tissue and repair the body ongoingly but those stem cells only act
or only work as well as their surroundings are clean and indicative of youth and health
so they took stem cells and so in the top panel here you see young stem cells in a young niche or a
young environment and those do effective tissue repair and then in the blue
band we see old stem cells you know little speckles and kind of wrinkle old
those old stem cells are in an old environment and the old environment actually
causes those stem cells to behave old and not do much healing
so but if you take those old stem cells and you put them into a younger or a cleaner environment
what happens those those individual stem cells actually start to rejuvenate and act
young again so this is a really remarkable idea this is actually an environmental therapy
when we change the quality and the character of the plasma the stem cells body wide
behave differently this is really good news when we’re fighting a degenerative
disorder because we actually see multi-tissue
regeneration in these mice that are undergoing parabiosis so
these young or these old mice were helped by this clean young plasma of the
young mouse and it saw it saw that the muscles you know regenerated and they
looked younger and they recovered faster from injury the liver looked younger there’s faster
injury recover recovery and a reversal of fatty liver disease the brain there was new neurons
sprouting in the brain better memory on testing and actually smell recovering and smell is a part of
the brain kidneys i also had decreased markers of kidney aging
the immune system behaved younger b cells and t cells function improved
and in the skin bone and connective tissue it looked younger behaved younger and there was a reversal of osteoporosis
this is quite a list isn’t it it’s because it’s the body that’s doing the healing it’s the stem cells that were
already in these mice already in these mouse’s tissues that all of a sudden were in a cleaner more functional
environment and voila they started functioning better the good news about this is that if you
clean the plasma and that can mean having a healthier cleaner lifestyle to an extent
those stem cells actually function better so your stem cells act the age of their
environment so the old and sick plasma makes for old and sick acting stem cells
so cleaning the plasma removes toxic factors and induces stem cells to act younger
i think this can be understood by thinking about betty white right isn’t she a doll oh my gosh what a
powerhouse she’s 99 right now looking at her 100th birthday and how does betty white
act so young right she’s old but she acts young well she surrounds herself
with a young environment and look at the smile on her face i mean is that woman
acting old no sir but i always love it when betty white can be
the one to teach us something what a dear she is so
you know when we start to think about turning our attention from stem cells back towards dementia
dementia is a very late stage process because that’s actually a degradation of
the organ itself right the brain is not functioning on the whole and therefore it’s not functioning very well but the
brain is also made of tissues and the tissues are made of cells and the cells are made of molecules so
when we’re talking about the stem cell function we’re talking about something that’s very deep and and rooted in
so symptoms of memory loss or dementia are actually
late stage events in degeneration with parkinson’s disease the tremor that
people see those individuals may have lost up to 80 percent of the type of
of uh brain cell that helps inhibit that by the time you start getting tremors by
the time you start having memory loss there’s a substantial amount of cellular death that has already happened and so
early symptoms are really important things like subtle short-term memory changes
a difficulty finding the right words changes in mood uh apathy you know just not caring it’s
like uh i’m just done with life you know that’s not just getting old i
mean we really have to recognize the human spirit has an
incredible desire to to contribute and to be alive
no matter how old you are if your brain is healthy uh difficulty completing you know just
normal everyday tasks are another sign of early dementia a mild confusion you know losing one’s
place in a story or in a in a situation difficulty following a storyline like
you’re like oh i can’t you know they don’t really get it in the movie um a failing sense of direction you know
or not really orienting themselves as well as possible being repetitive
or being repetitive or being repetitive
sorry you have to i mean i’m not making fun of anything
here but one has to smile or cry at some situations
and uh struggling to adapt to change all of these are early signs of dementia
that do deserve getting evaluated and um and you’ll see why this becomes so
important because the consequences of dementia are so severe you know we have a loss of independence
a loss of one’s sense of self a loss of
the knowledge of contributing in the world and feeling like you matter
and to just be frank it’s a massive financial burden um no matter the path
that one takes whether just being in complete denial that there’s a problem and allowing things to progress or to be
proactive to work to recover and hold on to one’s memory
and also there’s a there’s a big burden on caregivers not to mention that death is an actual
consequence of dementia right one-third of seniors die because of alzheimer’s
disease or another dementia that’s actually more than breast cancer and prostate cancer combined
caregivers spend an average of 24 hours per week providing unpaid assistance to
a loved one this condition is um
is is taxing on the entire family system or the entire network of an individual
it can bring out beautiful relationships and all of that but it still is it’s
hard and taxing just to give you an idea just how expensive dementia is
the cost of dementia as a whole in caregiving costs and direct costs lands somewhere in between the entire medicaid
budget for the united states and all out-of-pocket expenses in the us
it i checked those numbers several times they blew my mind away when i was looking at this
uh and the average rate for memory care center uh is about five thousand dollars
per month and it can be as high as about ten thousand dollars a month which would be 120 000 a year
um so you know the the processes to prevent these conditions are not without expense
either cleaning the blood is what is possible to help this body and
brain work better and this treatment now you understand the complexity of plasma and the complexity
of stem cells you realize that we’re actually changing the environment of what a stem cell lives in in order to
change its function so so a little bit more about me you know
why why do i care what have i been involved in so you notice about the la over the last five years i’ve been really passionate after finding out
about parabiosis it’s like it’s been longer than that um i’ve been passionate about figuring
out how can we utilize this remarkable therapy of cleaning the plasma or
providing healthier plasma to an individual to cause body-wide stem cell regeneration i did a ted talk in 2018
you’re welcome to look it up it’ll give some context what we’re talking about and you’ll you’ll know what that funny
thing in my hands is if you watch the ted talk i was actually born on a farm in south
dakota i’m a farm boy i’m really focused on practical things i went to vanderbilt
for medical school i went to mayo clinic for residency and practice
i was one of the original board certified holistic doctors in the
united states i’m a certified nutritional specialist am a founding member of the institute
for functional medicine and i’m on their their faculty and i teach the certification course
um i founded the maxwell clinic in 2003 uh really
is as a laboratory to figure out what creates health because i recognize when i was at mayo
that i love diagnosing and treating disease it’s a very important part but in part that was missing for me was why
are people getting ill and what can we do to create health and that’s where all
this other learning went from i became board certified in neurofeedback being very becoming very brain-centric
i am board certified by the american board of integrative medicine and
certified by the american society for apheresis medicine and what we’re going to talk about next is apheresis
so when when i look at dementia i see a con like a human a very important
infinitely valuable person that is struggling with a brain problem that
brain problem is actually a multi-factorial problems of a whole bunch of biochemical
vascular and toxic components and this is what makes dementia so difficult it’s
not a it’s not like having strep throat and taking penicillin voila we’re done no this is a systems failure
and this is what a plasma exchange looks like
so an individual comes into our office and we put an iv in the arm and this old
blood is pulled out it goes into our apheresis device we have the
state-of-the-art device devices and then they’re it’s a centrifuge so
their plasma is separated from their cells and old plasma gets put out into bags and eventually thrown away
and then all of that person’s red cells white cells platelets are kept and and
carefully transmitted and combined with a replacement clean
plasma protein combination we also customize a tremendous number of things
to augment that therapy for that person
and so all the person’s own cells their clean albumin and plasma proteins as
well as any customized augmentations gets returned inside via another vein to
the other arm so this is a really remarkable process and
this continues on and depending upon the weight of that individual at the end we may have removed anywhere
from about two and a half ccs of [Music]
plasma or um uh to assume sorry anywhere from 2500
ccs of plasma to 4000 ccs of plasma so two and a half to four liters it’s a
very sizable this is what we call a total plasma exchange uh and
it’s a remarkable process so that person getting an opportunity to reboot their
stem cells by removing a vast number of toxic and inhibitory factors that are in
the body now this is a standard medical procedure we treat patients with severe autoimmune
disease with this plasma exchange process myasthenia gravis multiple sclerosis
neuromyelitis optica many conditions that we can treat
because that would remove the toxic antibodies that’s causing those autoimmune conditions
so this is used using a clear standardized understood science and
applying it in a different way so a very large trial was done looking at many of the processes we do
and this is called ambar trial and now do you note this graph again
that i showed earlier on and this is looking at the global
at the global function of individuals with moderate dementia and it this is a study
that was done over 14 months and what is the normal progression over 14 months which is a steady decline in overall
function which leads to you know loss of ability to communicate
loss of bowel and bladder function and finally loss of being able to move or
eat very sad in this study what they did was this plasma exchange
and they gave a full plasma exchange weekly for six weeks boom boom boom boom
and then they did a really kind of very small mini partial exchange once a month then for
14 months thereafter and and what happened well guess what
the rate of decline went down over 61 over those 14 months that means
61 less decline over 14 months this is amazing no no
no dementia intervention has ever come anywhere close to this uh including some
of the new medications that have recently been approved and you know that that that did not get
approved for many many times and then got approved but these these particular outcomes are
astounding and i think what’s also important is that this was looked at from many different
angles many different cognitive studies functional studies
behavioral studies rating scales by the caregiver to see if the caregiver thought anything was helping and all of
these had agreement not only that they didn’t looked at the fluid that came out of the spine the
spinal fluid and they saw that the toxic molecules that had been building up in
the brain those levels normalized so the amyloid beta 142 and the phosphorylated tau
by cleaning the plasma the fluid around the brain found a way
to clean and we do believe it actually cleaned the brain pretty cool
and then they also did pet scans pet fdg pet scans that measure the metabolism of
the brain and there they saw that there is less evidence for progressive neuronal
death so we have measurements of cognitive function measures of biological
normalization and measures of metabolic improvement compared to
the placebo group so this is a group of over 500 patients double blind multi-center multinational
clinical trial looking at the ability of this plasma exchange process to change the trajectory of disease in individuals
with mild to moderate alzheimer’s disease okay so always three goals when you’re
looking at neuro regeneration all right the first is to slow the process you
slow the progression of neurodegeneration that’s number one and that was shown here number two stop the
progression of neurodegeneration number three reverse the process of neurodegeneration
and it’s very important to think of it as three separate goals and um
it’s it’s uh it’s profound it’s very important that one
start early in this process because remember we said there’s progressive neuronal death so the earlier that one
starts the more neurons one has to work with and the more of those neurons are maybe
just sick rather than dead because you can’t bring the dead back to life you may heal the sick as it comes
to cells or humans but you can’t bring the dead back to life and so even with neuro regeneration and neurogenesis
there’s limited effect that that’s going to have so starting early starting as soon as possible is the most important
thing okay let’s take a look at another scale this is also looking at cognitive
function i want to make a different point here so this is comparing all patients which we
see on the far left uh to individuals uh that they they split out
all patients into moderate alzheimer’s disease and you see that curve is almost is is a steeper curve
than the than the all patient and then if we think about mild alzheimer’s disease the curve is much more gradual
so the earlier you are in the process of neurodegeneration the more subtle
and slow the findings are this lulls people i believe into complacency it’s
like well it’s not so bad i’m just getting a little older my memory is not as sharp as i was
but this is the opportune time to make a difference because look at this difference
if we look at all patients this process pretty much stopped
progression in moderate alzheimer’s disease it did the first goal it slowed progression like i said around 60
percent but in mild alzheimer’s disease a remarkable thing happened these individuals were actually had
better brain function 14 months after the beginning of this trial than when they started not only they just do not
as bad as people that got the placebo but they actually did better they ended
up better than how they started that’s remarkable so the major points
are the earlier in the memory loss process one begins the more benefit one
likely achieves and and that includes for prevention as well the earlier you start making small
changes in your lifestyle exercise eating clean decreasing inflammation controlling infections
decreasing toxins everything to make your plasma cleaner today
all of that matters so the day to start is now and so many people actually seek us out
for longevity promotion utilizing this plasma exchange even before memory loss
uh begins and you can understand why that is when you understand that we’re actually looking at multi-tissue
regeneration as the mechanism by which this process moves forward
okay let’s go on so now let’s take this same i left the arrows where they were and i
want to highlight something else that they found out about this study which i think is pretty remarkable
we’re going to take those arrows away and we’re going to put in some circles this circle
emphasizes the areas where um the first six weeks where these
individuals got weekly plasma exchanges boom boom boom boom and notice that the most improvement you
see the purple line going up the most improvement that was seen in the study was when these plasma
exchanges were being done most frequently after they shifted to less
frequent and a much smaller volume of plasma exchanges the effects tapered
uh we think we we think we can do better we’re gathering the data to help prove
this and to continue to modify and improve our techniques in this deal but
the most benefit occurred during the time of weekly plasma exchanges very important to recognize
so we believe that more frequent higher volume plasma exchanges are better than less frequent plasma exchanges
so our maxwell regenerative plasma exchange we’re the original developer developer and world leader in
regenerative plasma exchange we have the largest database of results tracking we have the highest levels of
customization and safety assurance and we have opportunities for systems medicine integration in this process
and now i think you’re understanding that why when we clean the blood the body and the brain work better
and this is why regenerative plasma exchange we believe is bringing you hope uh to reverse the process of
neurodegeneration and tissue aging so we’re not just working on the brain we are actually thinking
about the body as a whole so it’s a multi-factorial treatment that is treating multiple tissues uh in the
multiple organs so let me tell you about one of our patients that’s been going through this process this is gary
and and this is his direct quote he said i found out i had the alzheimer’s gene i actually had two genes apoe444 which
drastically increases his risk of developing alzheimer’s disease a few years ago i was frustrated that i wasn’t
performing well at work and i often flew off the handle at things that didn’t bother me before remember irritability
because i have a family history of alzheimer’s i knew these were early signs of the disease and if i didn’t do
something i would eventually pass away in the manner my mother and my brother did
i was depressed and anxious and felt like i was losing control i was concerned about my future but more
importantly about the impact i would have on my family and business it’s not just about me it’s about the
big picture of note when we did mris and volumetric analysis of his mri we saw that he had
very substantial hippocampal atrophy the hippocampus is one of the parts of the brain that shrinks the most with
alzheimer’s disease we also did quantitative eg and electrophysiologic studies supporting
his diagnosis of dementia what would his wife think his wife said she said i’m a very strong
person but i have to admit when we found out my husband had the alzheimer’s gene i felt anxiety we run a business
together and i often notice him just sitting at his desk resting his forehead in his hand saying i just can’t
think he was visibly frustrated and he also also started to grow increasingly irrated some of our staff
began having anger outbursts i felt scared for him and me and
everyone else involved we were afraid of how the disease would progress and we knew we had to do something
so um all right it gets me pretty emotional i love these guys
so this is gary this is gary’s statement three months into getting weekly uh
regenerative plasma exchanges and he said listen let’s go let’s make it happen so he said
at mexico clinic i was shown how to improve my diet and what supplements could possibly help but i also wanted to
do everything i possibly could so i started regenerative plasma exchange this combination of treatments has given
me balance again my whole persona has changed now i’m more relaxed and my mental clarity has
improved i can do things from memory that i couldn’t do before i feel 20 years
younger and i’m actually enjoying life again and to see the change in him as he
laughs now his skin looks amazing he’s lost wrinkles
uh he you know his family and friends and workers are all asking him what have you done it
looks like you’ve gotten a facelift and we’re just sitting back and smiling and
like wow that’s amazing but what his wife said really hit me she said after a series of regenerative
plasma exchange treatments my husband’s a changed person he’s calmer and doesn’t go off on tirades anymore he has more
energy and is more forgiving to all those around him his memory is as good as it has been and
possibly even better than it has been in the 12 years i have known him i feel such a relief and i’m so grateful
before i felt confused about what was wrong with him and wondered why he was like he was
now i feel relaxed and we’re looking forward to the future we feel like we’ve gotten a second chance in life
yeah this is not them but this is kind of this is how they act and this is how they look i mean i’ve just
all kinds of all kinds of wonderful energy in these people and to really to help somebody who
has really the most challenging genetic profile and already evidence of tissue
degeneration substantial and to see him coming back not just from a cognitive standpoint but really from
an emotional standpoint being able to self-regulate he recounted an amazing incident at work that
would have caused me to fly off the handle had that happened in our environment
and he instead just calmly dealt with it worked on his policy and said let’s implement this and do this instead and
he just shook his head he said i honestly can’t believe i did it i handled it that well um you know and he said it was because i
was able to think straight um so our brains really are the gateway to our quality of life
um so um with regard to our regenerative plasma exchange i just want to advocate for you
care for your brain care for your brain lovingly all right this is not a place for
judgment this is not a place for shoulds woods care for your brain lovingly it’s an
amazing gift care for it honestly wherever you are you are
um denial doesn’t help anyone denial ain’t just a river in egypt right
uh it is uh it’s actually one of our worst problems when it when it comes to
changing the trajectory of our life i want to encourage you to care for your brain courageously
be brave and if you can’t be brave yourself ask a family member or a friend or somebody to be brave with you or for
you care for your brain comprehensively remember it is the most complex
structure in the known universe and um and uh
and there’s many many different ways in which it functions and many ways in which it dysfunctions so be curious
i actually wrote a book called curiosity heals the human and in it i do talk more about our
regenerative plasma exchange but and then lastly care for your brain
now um there’s no better time to start no matter where you are um or how old
you are uh taking better care of your brain it’s one of the best things you can do to enjoy your life more to
contribute more fully and to just enjoy this wonderful opportunity we
have to be alive so i just want to say thank you very much so if you have any interest at all please
schedule a consult at uh forward slash rpe uh or there should
be a link in the chat box as well that you can click to make a calendar lee
uh appointment and uh and then we can see what we can do to um help that
process along so uh so i’m gonna stop sharing my screen right now and i’m gonna go and check on
some of these uh question and answers and let’s see what we have here okay
all right so um all right
um so dear dr ozzie how frequently do you recommend getting the regenerative
plasma exchange for wellness well again we’re we’re studying this process um we
have some amazingly proactive patients who are helping us to understand this data so for instance um
one of our patients who is a biohacker that’s somebody who is very committed to
doing everything possible to live the fullest life possible we’ve been doing
a large scale methylomic studies
that help define his biological age we’ve also been tracking his telomeres
which is something that goes down as you age and we were able to show that with just
one regenerative plasma exchange that he had a nearly five-year change in his
biologic age as measured by these um methylation changes in his genes this is
where we measure 850 000 different gene sites uh and methylation is what
actually controls uh is a gene turned on or turned off really fascinating data to
give us quantification about what is our biological age rather than just what is our chronologic age because that’s
really what matters so um i would say that um
and then we’ve been tracking that so we actually think the the sicker one is the more frequent it would be optimally to
do this probably when one’s around 50 years of age getting this done once a quarter would
be an amazing help i’m testing that out and and then individuals the more chronic
disease one has the more inflammation or the more um
especially autoimmune disease the more frequently i think this would be beneficial even up to once every month
so a question so what exactly are you using in your clean plasma so the uh so
we’re using um pharmaceutical based plasma uh or you mean albumin and it
albumin is a really remarkable substance this is obtained via the pooling of
plasma that’s done at uh of uh places like
plasma donation centers and uh they will take like nearly 9000
of these plasma donations and they put them into one big bat together they separate out the albumin which is
kind of like a sponge inside the plasma from the immunoglobulins which are the antibodies
that are present in the plasma and uh and so the antibodies go off to one
side that becomes ivig as another therapeutic and many other things are
derived out of plasma and then the albumin itself is cleaned uh it’s heated actually heated
up to almost 160 degrees and it’s left there for almost a day
which basically causes the proteins to unfold slightly any type of viruses bacteria other
things die off nothing can really survive that environment it’s washed and washed again and again
and then what you’re left with is kind of naked uh albumin so this is not just
a replacement substance but you can almost think of it like a sponge as you’re putting in this naked albumin
it’s there’s many things that stick onto albumin and get pulled out of the body
so we think this is this is one of the reasons why repetitive exchanges can be
so incredibly beneficial and then we have a lot of different
modifications according to blood testing that we do and many different things to increase
our rate of safety uh for the very small side effects that can happen with plasma
exchange but everything is focused on customization for the
individual so is it known that the nervous system
needs to be regulated before any modalities will work especially like with trauma
how will this help if the detox pathways aren’t working properly will this
reduce the effectiveness of this treatment you know i’m i’m a big fan of being
honest about trauma trauma is a big deal to that holds back people’s lives it up
regulates the immune system it causes all kinds of neurologic issues but this is a real biologic therapy
and the good news is because we are a system of systems we’re not just in we’re not just a system of emotions but
we’re a system of electricity and a system of biochemistry and a system of structure
improving this biologic system has massive ramifications especially gary
what a great story right here we weren’t treating him for treating him for any
mood problem or we weren’t treating irritability we weren’t putting him on prozac or a major tranquilizer we weren’t giving
him sleeping medications to help him sleep better those things just happened as his brain physiology started to
improve which i think is that’s really the essence of root cause medicine so
and also this plasma exchange process doesn’t depend on any detoxification pathways i mean this is the mack daddy
of all detoxification uh because we’re literally removing um the the substances from the body uh
in large mass uh those so the liver and the kidney don’t have to do that type of work
so how does this technique work on traumatic brain injury well
we don’t have any data on that but traumatic brain injury has a feed forward
inflammatory process that exists and that and
we also use quantitative eeg and neurofeedback in individuals with traumatic brain injury
so that’s kind of to help the wiring patterns become more uh cohesive once
again and um and more functional so i don’t know that we
if the if we can calm down the inflammatory state using plasma exchange then i think that could be a benefit
wouldn’t be the first thing that i would i would think of so
so how does this help the vagus nerve well you know any type of
trauma or any type of inflammation can cause the vagus nerve to
be out of balance with your fight or flight system we haven’t done any studies on the vagus
nerve but what we have done studies on what are very interesting is the effect of this therapy on the glycocalyx so the
glycocalyx is a a teflon coating that’s in the inside of
your blood inside your blood vessels we’ve been studying it here for several years and it came about with one of our
first patients that did plasma exchange he had parkinson’s disease and um and he was one of our very early
fans i’ve been taking care of him for over a decade and he knew all about what we were doing and
why we were doing it and i told him i said you know we don’t have any evidence this is going to help
parkinson’s disease except the fact that parkinson’s is like alzheimer’s disease in that it has it’s a misfolded protein
response uh and that it it is a feed forward process often has a lot to do
with uh toxicity and um and so so so you know this may slow down your progression but let’s not
have too high hopes um because you listen we always want to make sure we’re not over stating what we know about
something but his response was remarkable and this was not a guy who was
uh susceptible to a placebo response we tried a lot of things without much benefit
and he over the course of the week after we did plasma exchange he started gardening again he started playing the
piano which he hadn’t done in five years he asked his wife out on dates and he went back to the board room and took
over control of his uh company uh you know it was he said with with joy being
back in those meetings in those environments uh and and we’re
we’re just flummoxed by that but then i started thinking about is like you know he had incredibly sticky blood i mean we
had a hard time doing plasma exchange and every time we do plasma exchange his blood would get more uh would get
thinner and more function better and so we started getting looking at
viscometers and ways to quantify the stickiness of the blood and one of those
is a device we have we have one of the only like 60 to 80 clinics in the united states
that have this device called the glyco check and we can actually measure the stickiness of the blood
and sure enough his was incredibly bad with a plasma exchange it made a huge difference in his function
and we’re so just by doing plasma exchange is also one of the treatments or a apheresis is
one of the treatments for very high cholesterol so we actually
there’s a process of being able to remove cholesterol using another technique much like this so
if we can improve blood vascular health we can we can create a huge amount of
benefit to all organs that need to have oxygen delivered to them
another question so dad 73 is being set for pet scan for dementia soon
what point is too late to get him into maxwell for your help
too late is dead i’m not being silly about that but also going back to recognize that
uh the more neurons that die uh the less of
you know the harder it is to make forward movement uh the earlier that we can intervene this is going by the data
supported by ambar and also our personal our personal experiences that more frequent plasma exchanges tend to
do better for people i think that’s is that’s important
i the brain has tremendous capacity to heal but this is why i’ve emphasized in
this talk that uh the sooner that you can recognize that there is a problem
and be honest about that there’s no shame and dementia there’s no shame whatsoever
you know we are all just walking each other home in this life and um and
individuals that have dementia give the rest of us a real great opportunity to be kind uh and to be of service uh in in
them so it’s really um it’s really a profound profound situation
so uh okay have you had success using a plasma exchange and autoimmune patients oh yeah very much so like sometimes in
the chair uh improvements uh how long would it take to see improvements in autoimmunity since autoimmune disease
autoimmune disease is chronic is it safe to assume that plasma exchange needs to be a lifelong and frequent treatment okay great great point
think of in autoimmune disease you have an abundance of abnormal antibodies that
are present in the body and they’re causing some kind of injury or damage
and um you know i grew up in south dakota so um the people in tennessee don’t get this
analogy as well but hopefully all will um you think of a snowstorm right so you
got a big old midwestern snowstorm that snow is coming down blocks the driveway
out and and you get out the snowblower and snowblowers are amazing things man they
have saved many backs and plasma exchange is kind of like blowing out the driveway
so you can get things moving again and get the world functioning again
but if it’s still snowing you have to just keep coming back and blowing out the driveway and blowing out the
driveway and blowing out the driveway now we don’t know how to stop snowing but we should be really and diligent
about finding ways to calm down the autoimmune process
and that’s what you know slowing the snowfall is really about we have two physician patients that have
sought us out because really the center in the united states to do this and they both come from
several states away one of them we’ve completely reversed
his scleroderma you know so an orthopedic surgeon with incredible ulcers on all of his fingers needing to
leave surgery because he wasn’t able to continue that process uh and he has had a dramatic healing his
skin on the tips of his fingers are now normal and his pulmonary function has improved
his exercise capacity has improved but we we went after that not just with
plasma exchange but also with changing his diet seeking out infections that may
be revving up the immune system making sure his nourishment was optimized
looking for other toxins that could cause a feed-forward mechanism so plasma exchange is a great tool
but i always think so always make sure what is the least expensive least toxic
most beneficial long-term therapies that need to be done i don’t think there’s any replacement
for plasma exchange especially when we’re thinking about dementia and certainly in very severe autoimmune disease but
we we always want to make sure we’re setting every patient up for the greatest possibility for success
possible um and then the other physician that’s what mentioned you know he had been blown off
by his doctors repeatedly because he had a you know a degenerative peripheral
nerve problem and uh we did some advanced testing we uh we often utilize
mayo clinics neuro neuroautoimmune department
and we have other several of the labs that measure some less common
auto antibodies we were able to identify a putative target enough that he was really wanting
to move forward plasma exchange and see what a different went different made it and within four
treatments really the first treatment he was astounded by the fourth treatment he was able to take off his leg braces and
walk in his own living room for the first time in years you know about six treatments in he was
able to do a little dance and the muscle mass that has increased in his lower extremities is remarkable his pain has
gone down tremendously it’s really profound so um as we’ve watched plasma exchange
progress and we’ve watched its power across many different disease types we recognize that it is the body’s
capacity to heal what we’re doing is unloading the body of some type of a toxic burden
so that it has the ability to move forward and we also have several other research programs going looking at
adding in various things that can really augment the healing process
because this is this is an amazing it’s such a privilege to get to lead this new
field of medicine we’re really the first in the united states to be doing this in in a
systematic way uh and uh to follow the data that’s already out there you know i
i think it’s it’s really a matter of morality to move forward if we know that
this has a high degree of likelihood of success and a manageable amount of risk
we need to do what we can where we are to move this science and practice forward so
question will this help a person with mild cognitive impairment well again we’re learning more but what is mild
cognitive impairment so you’re saying a person who had normal cognition now has
less than normal cognition number one that’s a five alarm fire right that that
is a balls to the walls look at everything up down sideways forward and
around the corner figure out what the heck is happening and and address everything
as as aggressively as possible i don’t early memory loss is a late stage event
all right that’s not a popular thing to say but it’s a biologically accurate thing to say and and so
um and then yeah i would be thinking of plasma exchange if that were me or that was my loved one um but more important
is to say you know why is it happening you know there are many reversible and
contributory causes to an early dementing process
and and i think that we want to have a really aggressive
movement forward on this so um several uh questions about cost um
you know the the cost of these procedures you know like a year’s worth of therapy would be less than what it
would be to be in a memory care center for the year um and but a lot of that is
very determined upon what is the frequency that’s recommended for an individual um and you know what under
the other underlying causes need to be taken
and um okay great and then um [Music]
you know i i’m going to close up and being told by my time keeper here we’re going to keep this at an hour
but i want to share that you know our brains are the most
important organ that we carry uh and our brains really determine
our quality of life and that doesn’t mean just for dementia and means for every aspect of our being our brains
determine whether or not we can follow through on behaviors that are going to be important to help our health long
term right our brains give us our experience of life our brains filter our information you know
there’s many people who have watched this video or have dropped off already and go like oh i don’t want to hear that
and are going to find some kind of a story to tell themselves about what this what this talk was really about you know
we’re trying to protect ourselves from pain we’re trying to protect ourselves from harm all the time uh and so we tell
ourselves stories and we create ideas in our mind i think it’s just so important to have
grace for each other each one of us have this miracle of a mind we have this amazing thing we call
the brain that we get the privilege to use for a time and um
i just want to make sure that everybody is giving themselves as as much grace as possible uh give those loved ones that
are being challenged with memory grace you know if they’re fearful just love on them right i mean it’s not a
this is not a matter of right and wrong you know it’s a matter of of love and care and um and we have we we want to
care for people uh no matter if we can help them or not so i want to really
come back again i’m going to put that last screen up here on the uh i’ll put
that last screen up here again so if you um can find the
uh i want to make sure you find the uh let’s
tell you what every once in a while there are too many buttons that exist here right so hit share screen again
hit that little thing wow am i proud of myself now and
um so remember care for your brain care for lovingly honestly courageously comprehensively
and do it now no matter what that means for you welcome to schedule consult to talk
about regenerative plasma exchange go to forward slash rpe
or click the link in the chat box i think has been placed there
thank you all for your time um i want to encourage you the brain
heals uh we are designed to heal have hope
be kind to each other and um until next time i look forward to being with you my name is dr david haasey at maxwell
clinic bye

This blog provides general information and discussions about health and related subjects. The information and other content provided in this blog, website or in any linked materials are not intended and should not be considered, or used as a substitute for, medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. This blog does not constitute the practice of any medical, nursing or other professional health care advice, diagnosis or treatment. We cannot diagnose conditions, provide second opinions or make specific treatment recommendations through this blog or website.

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Dr. David Haase

Dr. Haase is the Founder and CEO of MaxWell Clinic- a Collaborative-Care, Functional Medicine Clinic. He is committed to finding and addressing the underlying causes of illness in his patients.