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Fasting: How Consuming Less Can Add More To Your Health Cliff Syner, PA-C

Fasting: How Consuming Less Can Add More To Your Health

Are you interested in fasting but aren’t sure where to start? Fasting can help reduce inflammation levels in your body and lower blood sugar and cholesterol levels. In fact, fasting is an excellent option for helping you reach a new level of health. The problem is there is a lot of misinformation out there, and approaching fasting without a clinician guiding you along the way can be dangerous.
The Brain, the Thyroid, and Fire Alarms: Understanding and Optimizing Metabolism

The Brain, the Thyroid, and Fire Alarms: Understanding and Optimizing Metabolism

With hypothyroidism, you often have to deal with the fatigue that doesn't seem to go away after a good night's sleep. You may also experience hair thinning, daily headaches, or sugar cravings. These are all symptoms of an underactive thyroid, and they can make your life miserable. But did you know you can improve these issues by optimizing your metabolism?
Histamine 101: The Basics of Histamine Intolerance with Lindsay Jost, APRN, FNC-P

Histamine 101: The Basics of Histamine Intolerance

Histamine intolerance is a real thing, but it’s often not well understood. The truth is that histamine intolerance affects so many people and can actually be a significant contributor to common symptoms such as food sensitivities, fatigue, headaches/migraines, joint pain, nasal congestion or sinus issues, leaky gut, digestive issues, and hormone imbalances.
6 Amazing Health Benefits of Drinking Water with Mary Scalf, PA-C

6 Amazing Health Benefits of Drinking Water

You've probably heard that drinking water is good for your health. But what does it really do, and how can you make sure to drink enough every day? We know how hard it can be to get your daily dose of H2O. So, join me and learn the importance of hydration and some easy ways to increase your water intake!
The war has calmed, but the fallout remains: The Dilemma of Long COVID

Understanding the Dilemma of Long COVID: Symptoms, Impacts, & Treatment Options

As we all know, the world has been through a tough battle against the COVID-19 pandemic. Though the war has calmed, the aftermath remains, and one of the persistent challenges we face is the issue of Long COVID. It’s our mission to bring hope and support to those who have been affected, which is why we’re inviting you to watch our webinar: “The war has calmed, but the fallout remains: The Dilemma of Long COVID.”
Prebiotics, Probiotics, and Your Gut Health with Alisson Molinares, RD

Prebiotics, Probiotics, and your Gut Health

The gut microbiota is a complex ecosystem of bacteria that live in your digestive tract. It's essential for your digestion, immune function, and even your mental health. But what if it's out of balance? What can you do about it?
Leaky Gut: What Is It and Why Does It Matter? with Mary Scalf, PA-C

Leaky Gut: What is it and why does it matter?

You may have heard of leaky gut before, but what is it and why does it matter? It sounds scary, but the truth is that you probably already have a leaky gut. We all have some degree of leaky gut, as this barrier is not completely impenetrable (and isn’t supposed to be!).
Hormones & Heart Rate Variability: Keep The Heart Growing Fonder with Luann Lavin & David Ferriss

Hormones & Heart Rate Variability

You’re probably aware of how your hormones can impact your health and how good — or bad — you feel. But did you know that stress plays a major role in this intricate hormonal balance?
Autoimmune Disease: Why Your Conventional Medicine Approach is Not Helping You with Mary Scalf, PA-C

Autoimmune Disease: Why Your Conventional Medicine Approach is Not Helping You

If you suffer from an autoimmune disease, have the limitations of conventional medicine become frustrating for you? With a background in Rheumatology, I’ve seen firsthand that conventional medicine often prescribed powerful immune-suppressing medication to autoimmune patients rather than searching for the root causes.