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Be heard.
Get better.
Enjoy life.

We’re committed to finding and addressing the root causes
of your illness so you can achieve MAXimum WELLness.

compassionate care

Root cause

Leading-edge science
and strategies

Is MaxWell Clinic right for you?

Are you ready for answers that address the root causes of your problems, not just another pill that suppresses the symptoms?

Do you want a healthcare experience designed to treat you as a whole person–body, mind, and spirit?

Are you looking for a clinician who actually takes the time to listen, learn, and get to know you as a person?

Do you want healthcare that incorporates the best from the fields of Holistic Medicine, Functional Medicine, Conventional Medicine, Integrative Medicine, and more?

Are you ready to take responsibility for your health and wellness journey?

Are you feeling frustrated, discouraged, or hopeless because you haven’t found solutions for your health problems?

“You made an extra effort to get to the root cause of my problem. It’s the best experience I’ve ever had with any care provider.”

Steve, patient of MaxWell Clinic

“They actually wanted to help find the problem & take care of it instead of brushing me off or throwing pills at me.”

Sherry, patient of MaxWell Clinic

“I am able to get out of bed every day. I am feeling better than I have in a long time. My energy level is coming back. I have a positive outlook on life again.”

Kim, patient of MaxWell Clinic

We believe you’re more than your diagnosis.

At MaxWell Clinic we have pioneered a revolutionary approach to healthcare, which we call person-centered medicine. Rather than simply suppressing your symptoms, we seek to understand why those symptoms are there. Our unique model of care combines proven functional medicine with aspects of both conventional care and cutting edge research.

Here’s how we do it:


We listen.

Your story is critically important to us – not only because we want to get to know you personally, but because it may hold clues to your health struggles or disease risks. We spend significant time in meaningful communication with our patients, asking questions, and deeply listening.


We test.

Individualized, diagnostic testing can help us identify the root cause of your health problems. We partner with over 30 leading labs from around the world. We use extensive in-office diagnostic testing to evaluate the many potential underlying causes of disease.


We treat.

We do “what is wise and works,” employing the safest tools available to fully harness your body’s innate healing capacity. Your course of treatment may include prescriptions for diet, lifestyle, supplements, medications, IV therapies or procedures such as Neurofeedback and Regenerative Plasma Exchange.


We support.

You’re not alone on this journey because we aren’t an ordinary clinic. At MaxWell Clinic, your personalized wellness plan, specific to your challenges and goals, will be designed by an entire team of caring professionals. Your MaxWell Advocate, Nutritionist, and Clinician will work closely with you to fine-tune your care and move you closer to your goal of maximum wellness.

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Dr Mark Lickey MaxWell Clinic

Clinicians who listen and care about your health as much as you do.

MaxWell Clinic is a center for excellence in Personalized Systems Medicine and provides services and capabilities not available under one roof anywhere else in the world. But what really sets our clinic apart is our team of dedicated clinicians and staff. Highly trained in Functional Medicine and grounded in personalized, compassionate care, they are eager to help you identify the root causes of your illness and improve every aspect of your health.

Click here to learn more about our clinicians.


David Haase, MD

Founder & Medical Director, MaxWell Clinic

Dr. David Haase is a VERY CURIOUS physician. He received his medical degree from Vanderbilt University School of Medicine and went on to residency and practice at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota. He is double board-certified in Family Medicine and Integrative Holistic Medicine, is Lead Faculty for and Certified by the Institute for Functional Medicine, and is an experienced Apheresis Center Director.

In 2003 Dr. Haase founded the MaxWell Clinic as a living laboratory to explore the question “What Creates Health?” and it has grown into a 12,000 sq ft facility in Brentwood, TN, with many clinicians working together using a full spectrum of investigations and interventions. He and his remarkable team are dedicated to innovation in the fields of longevity, nutrition, genomics, systems biology, apheresis, and brain optimization so that each patient can lead healthier and happier lives. 

We’re committed to getting to the root causes of your health problems and supporting you every step of the way.

Step one

Join MaxWell Care

MaxWell Care is a 3 or 12-month comprehensive care program that surrounds you with a full team of compassionate healthcare professionals.

Step two

Get real answers

Your team of clinicians will stop at nothing to uncover the root causes of your symptoms. Together, you’ll plot a course to better health and help you reach your goals.

Step three

Live the life you desire

Our patients routinely report they experience more energy, better mood, less pain, less anxiety and a higher quality of life as a result of finding and addressing the underlying causes of their problem.

Are you ready to take charge of your health?

Stop your suffering and do something that will make a difference.