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The Evanthea Dementia Reversal Trial

Memory loss and Early Dementia

More than 6 million Americans are impacted by Alzheimer’s, the most common disease with dementia as the primary symptom, and about one-third of people with MCI due to Alzheimer’s disease develop dementia within 5 years of diagnosis. 

Recruiting Participants for Precision Medicine Approach for Early Dementia & Mild Cognitive Impairment

We’re excited to announce that MaxWell Clinic is one of 6 in the country selected for the Evanthea Dementia Reversal Trial! This is a pragmatic, randomized, multicenter, controlled trial using precision medicine that’s a novel, functional, lifestyle intervention for the treatment of mild cognitive impairment or early-stage dementia. The protocol’s approach, utilizing lifestyle medicine and clinical nutrition strategies, will be personalized for each participant based on more than 150 data points.

A potential candidate may have any of the below early dementia and mild cognitive impairment symptoms:

● Recently more forgetful 

● Difficulty finding words 

● Needs a list for everything 

● Lost while walking or driving

● Difficulty with arithmetic 

● Familiar tasks are difficult 

Dementia Reversal Trial in Nashville, TN

Applications for this trial are now open!

You can apply by going to the official website to fill out the prescreening survey. After you fill out the survey your responses will be assessed by one of their team members, over the next 3-4 weeks, who will evaluate if you’re a possible candidate and contact you accordingly.

This is a revolutionary trial we believe has the potential to positively impact the future of medicine. This could change how early dementia and mild cognitive impairment are treated by looking at it from a precision medicine perspective and using lifestyle intervention.

Please visit for more information or for questions pertaining to this particular trial.

Have a question about this Clinical Trial?

Please call our Clinical Research Coordinator at 615-370-0091, ext 1172, or schedule a call below.