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COVID 19 Strategies to Optimize Resiliency with Lindsay Jost, APRN, FNP-C

COVID-19 Strategies to Optimize Resiliency

Are you ready to take charge of your health? Schedule your free 20-minute discovery call with our New Patient Coordinator to see how you can become a patient at MaxWell Clinic and start your healing journey today.

COVID-19 came into our world like a freight train. It has disrupted our routines and our sense of safety and security. But you don’t have to live in fear.

Your body is remarkably resilient and it wants to be healthy.

We have learned so much about COVID-19 in the past few years. There are many things you can do now to set yourself up for a smooth recovery should you contract COVID-19.

Watch the video on COVID-19 strategies:

  • Learn practical tools to navigate your world safely.
  • Discover lifestyle tips and supplements to bolster your resilience to COVID-19.
  • And find out what you can do now to optimize your resiliency should you contract COVID-19.

Are you ready to take charge of your health? Schedule your free 20-minute discovery call with our New Patient Coordinator to see how you can become a patient at MaxWell Clinic and start your healing journey today.

my name is lindsay jost for those who
have not attended one of my webinars in the past or who i have not had the pleasure of meeting around the clinic i
am a nurse practitioner and i work here with dr david hassey and the deep dive
patient program that we offer as well as help oversee our regenerative plasma exchange program
and wear a lot of different hats as well so you probably see me in a lot of various roles over the years
today we’re going to talk about covid19 and specifically strategies to optimize
my slide clicking it’s not it’s taking it’s sleeping
there we go okay so a couple notes about a couple welcome notes so i have you all on mute
but if you have a question you can type your question the q a box in the event the internet goes down we will switch to
a hot spot so stay on for about five to ten minutes and then we’ll get started again for those who attended many webinars
you’re familiar with this process by now all right let’s start with an
introduction so what we’re going to talk about first is what we will cover and what we won’t cover because covid19 is a
very large topic and it can be approached from a lot of different angles
so what we will cover today is a general knowledge regarding the known effects of covid19 we’re going to define resilience
as it relates to covid19 and then we’re going to talk about strategies that you can do to proactively optimize your
resiliency once we understand how resiliency can be applied in this particular setting
what we are not going to cover today is the covid19 vaccine and details about
whether you should or shouldn’t do it pros cons and things of that nature supportive treatment options for those
who have tested positive for covid19 and then prophylactic and preventative medication regimens that are currently
in the mainstream as potential options each of those topics are equally important and um involve a large larger
conversation time section than we have today so what we really want to focus on is the things that you can do to really
feel empowered about how you approach your resiliency moving forward as we
navigate this brand new world so we have to first start by talking
about a little bit of an fda disclaimer when it comes to supplementation so we are going to be talking about
supplements in this webinar supplements by definition are not intended to treat
cure or prevent any disease the fda defines a drug as
intended for the use in the diagnosis cure mitigation treatment or prevention of disease so this gets to be a little
confusing but we have to be really clear and specific when we’re discussing supplements especially in light of a
pandemic age known viral infection
so for example so that you can kind of quantify how this relates and prac and practically speaking
in this webinar i won’t say vitamin d helps prevent covid19 as that would that
would by fda definition make it a drug even though we can show data that high
levels of vitamin d are associated with an improved immune response we are not stating that vitamin d can cure treat or
prevent a covariant infection so if you’re saying to yourself well wait a minute we’re
showing data that it helps the immune response and doesn’t that help you know maybe prevent covid19 or at
least the effects of it it gets really murky and confusing and which is why the supplement industry and
the fda have a really complicated relationship so
the long and short and i think the easiest way to understand this is that at the present time there isn’t a direct
corollary between if i take vitamin d i’m eradicating this virus from my system but what we want to do is we want
to provide a general education on some of the things you can take supplementally to boost your body’s
immune function to create a resilient atmosphere for coven 19 or any viral bacterial
infection that you may come across we’re entering into cold and flu season
they do still exist and so it is important to bolster your body and
create a soil and foundation that can be as resilient as possible
so covid19 a general overview of impact let’s let’s talk about the meta
perspective for just a couple minutes so what we know
we know that covid19 has changed our world and i want i know that every day there
is more loss and stories of loss that are affecting maybe some of you
personally directly or people that you’ve heard or known of that you’ve loved
it is safe to say that covid19 has affected each one of us profoundly in a variety of ways so i
first want to just honor and respect and take a moment to
really from a heartfelt perspective cherish the lives that were lost
in this viral pandemic and then also recognize that there is a lot of things
that are shifting both culturally and within our society that is make taking steps forward that is a
different world and paradigm than we have all navigated together before so we know covid19 has changed our world
we also know that it’s not going anywhere anytime soon as we’ve seen with the delta variant and potentially the
existence of other variances we learn more we know that
and from our own knowledge of prior viruses and how they behave that covid19 as a as a viral entity
isn’t going to be eradicated from our world anytime soon so it’s important for us to start to integrate strategies for
how to all collectively move forward so this information can lead to
overwhelm powerlessness hopelessness fear isolation doom and gloom but what i
really want you guys to know is that hope is not lost and that there are a lot of ways that we can come together
continue to learn be open move forward take all the knowledge we have so far continue to obtain new information and
integrate into our lives in a way to set us up for the best success possible should we
encounter or contract covenanting ourselves
so let’s talk about viruses just in general and how they behave because i think having this understanding is really important as we go into the
strategies that can optimize your resilience because understanding how viruses work first is going to be a
really good foundation for us to have that conversation so viruses are tiny entities
with a protein coat and they have a core of either rna or dna material
the largest virus is smaller than even the smallest bacteria so these are really really really really tiny things
unlike bacteria viruses cannot survive without a host viruses reproduce themselves by
attaching themselves to cells within the body and can often reprogram the cells to make new replications of itself
excuse me
something tickling my fear the body’s immune response to these replicating viruses is often what causes
the symptoms experienced so understanding that the viruses attach themselves to receptors on cells within
the body and then can reprogram the cells to make replications of itself
and the immune response to replicating viruses is what causes the symptoms is
just an important understanding with how this whole thing works
excuse me again different viruses target different cell
locations within the body therefore can affect different organs and body systems some viruses like the one that cause
chickenpox can lie dormant in the body for years and later spark another infection or even a different condition
so varicella zoster the virus that causes chickenpox for example can hibernate for years
be completely inactive and re-emerge and cause what we know as shingles the herpes simplex simplex viruses work
in a similar way so either herpes simplex 1 which is known for cold sores on the mouth or herpes simplex 2 which is known for
genital herpes so they can lie dormant so the actual viral material with protein coats in the
dna can be dormant within the body unattached to active receptor cells
and then when the immune system is down such as in times of stress this can cause the trigger of an outbreak so
that’s why you will see that sometimes whenever there’s stressful situations be it emote psychosocial emotional stress
or even physical stress um increased exposure to heat cold sun
can produce cold sores because the body was stressed the immune system went down a little it was an
opportunistic uh moment for the viruses that are laying dormant to kind of activate and attach themselves and then
create the cascade of symptoms that they typically do
so antiviral medications work by blocking receptors on these healthy
cells so that viruses can’t bind and therefore replicate so this lowers the
total active viral load in the body which aids in the immune system’s response but antiviral medications do not
eradicate the body of the virus there is no known way to eradicate a virus from
existence once it’s out there so this is really important to understand
but what about polio so this is a great example because to put this into practical terms because
people use the polio example a lot so the polio virus still exists it is still
in existence within our known quantifiable universe however
the most commonly administered poliovirus vaccine works to decrease its
prevalence by exposing the body to an inactivated form of the virus causing
the body to produce its own antibodies against the virus therefore when it comes in contact with the polio virus
the effects are not as severe as the body has already established antibodies within its own immune system
to mitigate the effects and decrease viral replication so if we have decreased viral replication and we have
a bunch of you know people unresponsive or their antibodies are sufficiently taking care of the virus that they’re
exposed to then we have if we have less replication we have less shedding which means we have less spreading
so that is why the pole there are still copies it is still in existence within our natural
world but it’s not a current health crisis or concern because of the
way that particular vaccine was able to be administered
within the community so that is not a that is not a support or plug or saying
anything about the copic 19 vaccine this is just a general understanding of the fact that
viruses as entities um we don’t have a way to completely eradicate them more support for finding
ways to optimize your resiliency and furthermore supporting the point earlier point that the covid19 virus isn’t going
to be going anywhere anytime soon and we’re going to need to find ways to continue to
move forward all together so okay i get that but does the
coronavirus behave this way well because everything i’ve told you is just what we currently know about previous
spiral um pathogens sort of traditional arcs of
activity we are still researching we are observing science in real time this is a
very unique situation there are a lot of times where science will occur behind
closed doors and research labs and we learn things you know over time and then scientific data gets released and into
the public and then it becomes general knowledge well they’re still
very actively looking at documenting how the coronavirus behaves as a virus
itself so it’s really unsure we can kind of assert that it will take some
the traditional you know viral lifespan paths but we’re not sure and
there’s a lot of research still being done so we can’t say with certainty that everything i just explained is going to
be exactly how the coronavers will behave what we do know is that the coronavirus
has some pretty profound vascular effects and those who contract the coronavirus can have vascular
inflammation we know that some people can be more prone to blood clots we know that the
capillary function can be affected lower respiratory tract inflammation has been
observed which is why a lot of times in more serious cases it
can progress to a secondary pneumonia and can cause shortness of breath and trouble with
breathing so the coving viral protein so the the kovid’s version of the protein coat gets
into cells through the ace2 receptors your lower airways and your lungs have
more ac2 receptors than the rest of your respiratory tract which is why covid19 is more likely to go deeper into the
respiratory tract than most than viruses like the common cold so they’ve been able to observe that so far which brings
a little bit of understanding as to why there has there is so substantial
respiratory effects for people who have really acute presentations of kobit 19.
there are others as i’m sure you all are aware who can contract the virus and not
have as significant of an impact i think there’s still a lot of research being done to figure out why that’s the case
why does it affect some people differently more profoundly than others and things of that nature we have a lot
to learn so let’s define resilience and why it’s so important now that we kind of have a
general understanding of of viruses how they work why they linger
a little bit more about covid19 and what we know so far and how that particular virus impacts the body
so coping 19 is an opportunity so just like i said now that we know how viral pathogens in copin 19 works a
little bit more we can focus on how to best prepare and all that we can do
in the moment so the word resilience means by definition the capacity to
recover quickly from difficulties or to have toughness and it also means the ability of a
substance or object to spring back into shape to have elasticity and that’s what we want to go for we want to do
everything we can to give you strategies to increase your bounce back think about
your tigger from winnie the pooh you know should you contract copid19
or any other serious serious viral illness how do we best support your body’s
ability to spring back into shape to fully recover
so our goals for today are to really decrease fear so that once and to increase hope i would hope that you all
get to leave with a sense of feeling empowered and supported knowing that you don’t not have options that there are
ways you can do everything you can to feel good about supporting your body as we embark into the next season of
life um in the covid19 era that you will not be as fearful of what may occur
should you come into contact with or have exposure to the coronavirus
so let’s talk about the inflammation bucket because that’s really important so managing your inflammation bucket is
one of the most important keys for resilience so optimizing your resiliency first starts with understanding what
does that even mean well the inflammation bucket is an amazing framework for understanding that
it’s not just one thing that contributes to your body’s response to any particular trigger we like to talk
talk about it as a bucket so you have a lot of different aspects and influences that go into your total bucket load that
may include a high level of stress it may include a predisposition to some
sort of genetic challenge it may include a lifestyle that isn’t very healthy and
supportive it may include allergies and things that um your body is consistently
reacting to that you may not even know it may include long-term inflammation because of the reaction to some of those
things so as i’ve listed here a few things that contribute to inflammation as we discussed malnutrition inactivity
exercise is one of the best things to decrease oxidative stress and boost positive endorphins so as i’m
talking about all these things imagine a really big bucket so let’s say that you’re living life and
your bucket is kind of half full so there’s some space in your bucket where if you let’s say you get exposed to
another infection or another toxin well you haven’t overflowed yet from from your total load
and so you’re able to fight that off or your body your immune system is activated you might feel a
little crummy and then you kind of bounce back and you know you’re able to sort of withstand it’s kind of like a
way it’s like okay we go up we go down but i’m you know functional and and kind of in that space
if however your inflammation bucket is already brimming full then any sort of insult or
injury or additional thing that comes in that’s going to create a cascada reaction
we are overflowing and that’s whenever we really shift into more degeneration
than regeneration and it’s really hard for the body to keep up and for the immune system to
adequately handle the overflow it’s like you know just the
it’s the lucille ball the chocolates in the chocolate factory all of a sudden there’s too many and she can’t put enough in her mouth that’s what happens
whenever your bucket gets too full so what we want to do is we want to find ways to manage your inflammation bucket
so that you view your life and the things that may contribute to inflammation as a bucket and know that
you may not be walking around with it totally full you may have some space in there where if you have um exposure to
an infection you’re able to recover better so everything so everything that’s within your understanding and
control aside from doing really specialized testing we can make some general foundational recommendations to try to
make sure there’s space in your bucket so let’s dive in and talk about
strategies to optimize your resiliency and to make sure we’ve got some space in that inflammation bucket of yours
so number one thing is lifestyle and by that i am not talking about anything
specific but i’m talking about your general style of life
the body is designed to heal it’s one of the principal beliefs and core components of our culture here at
maxwell clinic is to believe that the body is designed to heal is that something that you fully believe
are you sending messages and are you engaging in life in a way that has
that is in full support of your body’s optimal functioning is your style of life supporting
regeneration or degeneration are you adding in additional toxins are you
giving yourself negative messages are you taking the world’s pressures on are you in a toxic environment either in
within your own mind within your close family interpersonal relationships maybe
it’s work maybe it’s something to do with your children there’s a whole lot of different avenues and aspects in the
playground of life that could be contributing to a more degenerative state
so it’s important to ask yourself what messages and signals is your body and immune system receiving on a daily basis
are you in constant fear i really like using the tailbone analogy and for those
who have never heard of this let me just take a couple minutes to explain because it’s an amazing way to say am i stressed
so we are just like let’s just use a dog for example when a dog is scared his
tailbone is tucked so we all have a tailbone and you can sit in a chair and you can do this when you’re driving even
and you can actually feel if you pay attention to it whether your tailbone is curled in and crunched or in a relaxed
and open state all you have to do is really focus on it for a couple minutes and then you’ll be
able to start to track with yourself throughout the day it’s a really fun checkpoint and a way to try to test and
get into your own body of what is the state of my tailbone it seems simple but the effects are
profound because it is a way for you to increase your awareness on how stressed and in fear you’re currently living
and then you get to be curious and ask yourself questions about that and start to shift maybe the way in the style in which
you’re living huge huge impacts on your immune system and the signals of inflammation
what you focus on grows and where you place your attention is where you place your energy and you are really powerful
and so that is the main message this seems simple but it is really profound
next another strategy let’s talk about sleep so sleep is incredibly
anti-inflammatory it decreases oxidative stress and enables the immune system to function at its best so things you can
do to try to optimize your sleep turn off screens at least an hour before bedtime
blue light blocking glasses are an amazing tool to put on i mean they look real cool too but you can just get them
on amazon they’re really cheap they have you know orange and amber and different tones but you can put them on
at night if you are going to watch the little tv after the sun goes down we’re getting into the daylight savings where
the evenings are going to be darker and it just doesn’t have all that blue light signaling to your eyes to wake up it
allows your brain to calm down a little and it’ll help you wind down before bed so next a wind down wind down time
nightly routine meditative and reflective time before bed with gratitude what’s one thing you can be
thankful for that you experience that day that way your brain and the constant go go go going that we
are all in in this in our modern age can just you know have a minute to take a break
epsom salt baths are great if for sleep making sure your the room that you’re sleeping in is cool
enough there’s this fun little device called a chili pad that i know some patients have had a lot of use with it’s
actually a pad that keeps your body temperature at a a lower rate and it can induce a more
restful sleep consider adding additional magnesium to support sleep we have a product called memor mag taking one to two scoops so
that at night is helpful uh magnesium 3na crosses the blood barrier and is a
amazing tool to support neuronal function in general
melatonin three milligrams sublingual nightly so you may have heard melatonin in the covered world melatonin is a
great natural anti-inflammatory taking it regularly is safe there’s an age-old debate on if i take that that i
won’t be making my own um they have debunked that to my knowledge and
using melatonin regularly is completely safe and really supportive you can have a little bit of a melatonin hangover the
next day so if that’s the case you know careful of your dosing but restorative sleep is really important
exercise is one of the best things you can do for sleep really getting those muscles moving
every day and then decreasing caffeine and alcohol intake both caffeine and alcohol tremendously impact sleep
stress stress has a huge impact on your immune system
and your body’s resiliency and ability to be resilient so reduce it whenever
possible daily meditation meditative or reflective time even just five minutes
paste breathing are you paying attention to how you are breathing a couple apps that we’ve recommended before the waking
up app with sam harris for those of you who are novice meditators it’s a great intro
um to try to learning how to do that because it’s kind of hard if you don’t really know what you’re doing the chopra
app um the muses headband is a great neurofeedback tool that you can purchase
on your own use at home and it kind of brings meditation and neurofeedback together
and it kind of trains your brain and it’s it’s makes it fun practicing gratitude mindfulness where’s
your whimsy are you being playful throughout the day play more over analyze less practice boundary setting
and enoughness know that what you’re doing in that moment is all that is currently in existence and
trying to stay out of the depressive past or the anxious future know that life is both the max and the
well that it’s all about going and it’s all about resting and resetting and that it’s going to be a constant dance just
give yourself some grace and then ask for help and seek support especially with any traumas emdr is great
right now there’s a lot of stress around covid19 in general there’s isolation
reach out to have community wherever you can movement
ensure daily physical activity walking high-intensity interval training and the microvascular system so quick bursts it
doesn’t take much 20 to 30 seconds of a sprint high intensity interval training and then poo rest
has been shown to increase small capillary function and covid19
dramatically affects the microvascular system so from a resiliency standpoint
if you are already training your body and integrating high-intensity interval training now you are in a much better
space when it comes to recovery and resilience from covet 19.
movement includes emotion so emotion is just energy in motion so as things
bubble up in your day-to-day life when appropriate processing that
feeling it sharing it with the people that you trust and love being vulnerable that
movement is also included in the things that are going to set up your soil to be as resilient as possible during this
time also bowel movements so movements include bowel movements so if you are
not having a bowel movement every day uh talk to your maxwell care clinician about that there are a lot of strategies
that we can help to get their motion in the ocean so to speak but
our bowels is one of our best ways to decrease and release toxins and so if
we’re holding that in our body and our immune system is not um functioning as optimally as it could so
get that going too and then tracking of movement so sleep and heart rate variability heart rate
variability has a lot to do with your recovery index and the ability to withstand stressors the aura ring is
awesome if you guys don’t already use it and you’re looking to start doing some biometric tracking i highly recommend it
because of the recovery index aspect and the heart rate variability apple watch is also great for um general bio
biomarker tracking beware of data-driven stress so i have to put this to claim disclaimer for some people getting more
data on how your body is functioning is a stress reliever and it’s exciting and engaging for others to see that number
every day it might to say oh i didn’t sleep well might then dictate how you experience the rest of your day if you
are somebody who is highly influenced by personal data tracking it may be something to consider that that might
cause you additional stress and might not actually be helpful for you at this time what works for one doesn’t
necessarily work for us i just want to make sure we have that disclaimer out there too purpose meaning relationship and
community these are all really important aspects to resiliency as well so purpose what do you feel that you are
purposeful in your day-to-day life what meaning are you contributing to the world these are bigger questions but if
you’re feeling isolated and you’re feeling the weight and stressors of life i think this is one of the gifts of this
covid19 era is to start really assessing what is truly important to you
and also to how you’re contributing into this world and being of service and what brings you light in life
relationship not only to others but how your relationship with life itself the
any time there’s deep resistance our bodies feel that are sympathetic nervous system fires off and a whole
cascade of hormones release to cause inflammation and then if covid19 comes
in into an already inflamed state the symptoms are going from what we’ve seen are going to be more significant and
it’s going to be a little bit harder to recover community is really important so you guys have probably heard about the blue
zones and longevity it’s a there’s been tons of articles about it lately but what i find to be really interesting is
that one of the most common denominators and things linking the blue zones is a sense of community and a connected sense
of community so a higher quality of connection and community directly correlates to a reported
higher quality of life and increased longevity so keep that in mind you may dismiss those things especially in the
world where we’re looking for the supplement or the diet or the thing to kind of fix it these parts and aspects are just as
imperative and really really really important to think about so let’s talk about nourishment
so being adequately hydrated is really important to bolster resiliency
the general rule of thumb is half of your body weight in ounces of high quality filtered water per day
so if anything over that if you’re working out a lot great but just as if you want to
have a general biomarker you take your weight in pounds divide that by half and that’s the amount of ounces a day that’d be a goal amount of water to have
and then consuming a diet that is low inflammatory foods or an anti-inflammatory style diet
so what does that mean exactly so eating to support low levels of inflammation gluten and dairy-free diet so it is
hard to argue the inflammatory effects that both gluten and dairy have
regardless as to whether you have a specific sensitivity to them or not
eliminating added sugars sugar is a huge inflammatory
substance within the body so added sugars any white sugar any extra maple syrup they can kind of sneak
in there on you honey is sugar just being kind of sugar aware
so using carbohydrates meaning your grains you know your extra beans and things
like that and meat as more of a condiment than a main portion of what
you’re eating will help with inflammation so keeping a plant-heavy mediterranean-style diet
with high-quality olive oils and healthy fats good leafy greens your kales your chards your spinaches your mixed
lettuces your of the world um you can do a lot of sauteing and fresh salads
high consumption of color rich vegetables lots of garlic onions rosemary curries berries green tea olive
oil avocado olive nuts olives and nuts that will
really help decrease your total inflammation if those are the main stays within your diet
reduce exposure to any known sensitivities just histamine or specific foods tested through your clinician so
some of you may already know that you have a histamine sensitivity or you know
when i eat almonds i have x reaction well that’s just adding to your bucket and that can cause you to overflow it
and we want to try to avoid that if possible so especially during this time i would just try to
reduce exposure to that as much as possible reduce alcohol intake alcohol is a known
toxin within the body and it definitely contributes to the inflammatory cascade decreasing inflammation as a general
rule of thumb uh decreasing inflammation can also be supported by the use of our medical food
inflammacool at two scoops a day flammacool has tons of stuff in it and it’s a great way to get in a lot of
anti-inflammatory additional properties and help support the body
so you also want to increase your intake of phytonutrients such as sulforaphane egcg curcumin quercetin or resveratrol
these compounds have many separate actions for decreasing oxidation and oxidative stress and inflammation such
as increasing the production of glutathione in your cells and activating nrf2 pathways so how you can get these
compounds because you’re like really like i don’t have a label that says resveratrol on it from you know if i’m
at a grocery store so the things that contain these amazing phytonutrients are cruciferous vegetables that would be
your brussels sprouts and broccoli and cauliflowers of the world your some tumeric green tea grapes blueberries
blackberries those are really great examples of phytonutrient heavy foods
let’s talk about supplements so aside from all the things we mentioned
you know sleep stress movement purpose meaning relationship community uh different nourishment options from a
dietary perspective let’s talk about the supplements you can add in so i’ve broken these down into three tiers tier
one if you do nothing else if you have to pick the most essential two
supplements to take from a covid19 effect and optimizing resiliency perspective it would be high
quality fish oil specifically our omega clean mono max formula because it is three times more absorbable than your
run-of-the-mill fish oil one capsule twice a day but really two capsules twice a day are great you want
to consume approximately three grams daily fish oil and inflammation are like
water and fire fish oil has a huge effect on body-wide
inflammation and decreasing it as a total load and then vitamin k2
plus d3 5000 one capsule i use one capsule a day vitamin d3 has been shown
to absorb a little bit better when it’s combined with vitamin k2 and the effects that vitamin d has on our immune system
is incredibly supportive now if you already have high levels of vitamin d and you have any autoimmune processes
it’s something you’re going to want to talk to your clinician about because they may make tailored recommendations for you otherwise but as a general rule
of thumb and especially with all of us now living most of our lives indoors and no longer you know working the farm
outdoors taking a daily vitamin d and going into winter is really essential so
if you do nothing else these two supplements are gonna set you up for success from a resiliency standpoint
tier two optional additional foundation products endocalyx two capsules twice a
day this is a remarkable product that is specifically focused on your
microvascular system it has glucosamine and chondroitin in it and um it has had
profound profound data and effects at bumping up the microvascular system in function uh patients of ours who have
had covid19 and then do a really fun test called the glycocheck and we will
often put them on this as part of their recovery if you do this preventatively you’re already setting yourself up self
up for success additionally we have a broad-based multivitamin called daily nrg there’s a
with iron formulation and without iron formulation you can ask your maxwell clinician which one they’d recommend for
you two capsules twice a day um is really great and covers
the full gamut if you’re tooing inflamma cool and flammable has a lot of these multi minerals in it already so you may
not need this additional daily energy support but um if you’re just wanting to take something supplementally this is
great so let’s talk about zinc for a second so there is zinc contained within the daily energy product
unless you are acutely ill and for only a short period of time would you take zinc you want to be really careful about
taking extra zinc daily because too much zinc throws off your zinc to copper ratio
and can actually be harmful for you so getting zinc that is essentially within
this multi-mineral formula should be sufficient for the day-to-day again if you become acutely ill with covet-18
your clinician may recommend a short burst of increased zinc but that wouldn’t be something you want to do or
sustain thirdly a high quality probiotic your immune system so much of its function is
from your gut so many things come back to the gut if you haven’t watched mary’s gut webinar from last week i suggest
that everybody does so the two kind of foundation products that i’d recommend would be our flora
foundation sb product this has saccharomycene blardy in it as well so it really helps with
decreasing the risk of any yeast overgrowth and it’s a great broad spectrum probiotics so floor foundation sb one
capsule a day or fluoro foundation 31 capsule a day uh there has been a lot of questions in
the past about do i need to switch up my probiotics i’ve been on the same one for a long time if it is a high quality high
diverse probiotic you really don’t um it should continue to work for you and be sufficient over time
so lastly tier three optional further supportive products so iges ige has quercetin in it um one
capsule twice a day is amazing for anybody who has seasonal allergies and for those of us who live in nashville
and that is a continual problem for many so um it just helps with the bucket you
know if you already have some some seasonal allergies or or allergens that you’re reacting to
iges is a great at kind of that mast cell stabilization process and decreasing the histamine response so uh
doing that on the front end and having an additional question in your system is nothing but supportive phytonutrient wise as well
vitamin c vitamin c is a wonderful friend uh it is water soluble which
means that it flushes out of your system really quickly um so taking it through a little bit throughout the day is
actually more effective your body can only absorb so much at one time than taking a huge massive dose at once
so 500 to 1000 milligrams throughout the day for a total of three grams daily is just a great
additional um add-in sort of immune and antioxidant uh
support we have a product called inuflex 36 it has a beta glucan in it one capsulate in
an empty stomach is targeted for helping the immune system function at its best
great preventative great to take during the winter and just something else that you can do from a setting yourself up
standpoint and lastly we have the whole phytonutrient conversation with the cruciferous
vegetables etc so we have two supplements that you can actually take to really bolster that those
phytonutrient effects nrf2 catalyst at one capsule a day or onco detox es at
one capsule twice a day both of them will activate the pathways to support more glutathione being made naturally in
your body and glutathione is best made homegrown so oncodetox es is really more
it’s a it’s a little stronger than the nrf2 catalyst so for those who have pre-existing oxidative stress or dealing
with chronic conditions i would go down that pathway for phytonutrient support the oncodetox es versus those of us who
just want kind of that foundational nutrient support the nrf2 catalyst is a great product
so what if i get covid19 what about me specifically maybe a question that
you’re asking yourself so your maxwell care clinician can help guide you as well as make tailored recommendations for you and your maxwell
care clinician is really your partner for personalized care both proactively to help bolster your resilience as well
as acutely should you have any questions along the way i highly encourage you to lean in on that relationship
and with your advocates to get any questions that you have about your case specifically answered as they come up in
real time that’s what we’re here for we’re here to walk this journey and path with you okay so i see one q a pop up here um
what is the general difference between flora foundation sb and flora foundation 30. so flora foundation sb has the
saccharomycin boulardii in it flora foundation 30 does not
so if you were to take flora foundation 30 with our product called sea defense then
you would have that that combination the flora foundation sb just has that extra component in it already so it
really depends on how concerned are we with yeast because saccharomyceia is a specific strain that helps decrease
yeast yeast overgrowth any concerns when it comes to the yeast family it does that naturally and really
really well so both are a great foundational broad spectrum one just the sb just has a little bit of
targeted effects when it comes to the east camp
any other questions that i can answer
i know we ran a little bit long there was a lot of information so thank you guys for hanging with me since i don’t
see any other questions coming in i know not everybody types really fast so i’m trying to talk slow and give the option
um for more questions to come in but i will go ahead and wrap this up
if there um nothing else
no nobody else has any other questions okay
thank you guys so much for your time for listening i hope to have provided some hope and um some empowerment as you
embark on the next few months okay everybody have a great night and we will
catch you on our next webinar thank you

This blog provides general information and discussions about health and related subjects. The information and other content provided in this blog, website or in any linked materials are not intended and should not be considered, or used as a substitute for, medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. This blog does not constitute the practice of any medical, nursing or other professional health care advice, diagnosis or treatment. We cannot diagnose conditions, provide second opinions or make specific treatment recommendations through this blog or website.

If you or any other person has a medical concern, you should consult with your health care provider or seek other professional medical treatment immediately. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something that you have read on this blog, website or in any linked materials. If you are experiencing a medical emergency, please call 911 or call for emergency medical help on the nearest telephone immediately.

Lindsay Jost, APRN, FNP-C

Lindsay Jost, APRN, FNP-C is a board certified Family Nurse Practitioner whose enthusiasm for comprehensive care, unique intuitive insights and clinical experience creates an instant feeling of connection.